Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi temple

  1. Zan Krytle

    A Moment In Time {Set in Jedi Temple}

    He sighed through thin green lips as they parted and his hairless brows furrowed. It was in a presently empty room which he sat, a young bidepdal sentient cross-legged with his hands joined together within his lap, as he tried to forget that he was in that very room. He tried to break away from...
  2. Mya Windu

    Public  [Coruscant: Jedi Temple - Training of the Body and Mind]

    The sun shone through into a gigantic room, a training facility within the Jedi Temple. Sitting surrounded by more than a dozen training droids; which floated whimsically around a lone figure. A female, quite beautiful almost serene in her tranquility and calmness. This was Mya Windu, descended...
  3. Resh

    Faction  Blue Screen of Death [Jedi Padawans]

    Dojo, Jedi Temple, Coruscant Open to Jedi Padawans At first, Resh assumed the heightened intensity of his training droid partner was simply another test from his master, Maeve Linahan . She had put him through the wringer during their first training sessions (if you could call it that, given...
  4. Kalon Sal

    First Reply  Old Feelings in a New World

    Character: Kalon Sal The library had been a place rarely visited by Kalon as a child, too quiet, with too many rules, and Master Nu had always scolded him about disturbing the other patrons with his outside voice. But after 900 years on ice, he'd become a sponge for information, trying to...
  5. Cailen Corso

    Private  Ancient Memories

    Obroa-skai Jedi Academy Ruins Cailen’s hands idly rubbed the chill from his arms, but his gaze was locked in space. He sat at one of the ancient stone tables, staring while his mind reflected on what he’d seen. All those years ago, the Jedi lived and trained here. They collected vast amounts...
  6. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  What Is Honor?

    Coruscant, Jedi Temple Tag: Valery Noble Minerva Fhirdiad, fully clad in her armor, marched upon the wide path leading to the temple's entrance yards away. Each stride she made felt heavy yet Minerva pressed on. As a structure it was impressive she admitted, wondering how many times it had...
  7. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Ghost of Pages Past

    Loomi had been coming to Kass for lessons for quite some time without incident, until one day the Padawan arrived to find the library in shambles. Books had been knocked off the shelves and were left strewn about the floor. The pages were mostly intact, but in some cases every page had been...
  8. Ceth Lintom

    Private  One does not simply ROCK into the Jedi Temple

    Ceth climbed up the stairs to the Jedi Temple jamming his head bobbing back and forth jamming to the music blaring in his ear pods. He always imagined himself going in front of a crowd of tens of millions of people to rock out. However, Ceth did not want to be a rockstar nah a rockstar is cool...
  9. Loomi

    First Reply  Can I Keep Them? | Coruscant, Jedi Temple

    Can I Keep Them? Coruscant, Jedi Temple Tags: First Reply (DM for later entry) It was later into the evening, and Loomi was making her way back up the steps of the temple. She had been exploring the nearby Tangle to find possible prosthetic replacements, but all the robot parts she found were...
  10. Elias Edo

    Private  In Times Like These

    The harmonious chirp of cicadas drifted through the afternoon breeze as the sun prepared to rest over Dagobah's marshlands. Elias breathed in the earthy air, watching the sunlight shimmer on the placid waters below. Tash's Rest was his favorite part of the temple. It offered one an unmatched...
  11. Cul-utaan Novan

    Private  travels of the force

    Cul-utaan Novan searches the galaxy for lost knowledge on the force. His searching has led him to the Vaynai Temple of planet Vaynai where a rumoured temple stands. Culs interceptor comes out of hyperspace in the planet's orbit. The ship is worn from countless excursions across the galaxy. It's...
  12. Starlin Rand

    Private  In My Dreams, I Always Do It Right

    Starlin was worried about Ceri. This was nothing new. He might seem insanely mellow and laid-back most of the time, but he was always concerned about his apprentices. He couldn’t help it. After all, he still remembered what it was like to be them, and his padawan years hadn’t exactly been...
  13. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  Training Wheels

    Kass was making her way down the aisles of the Temple archives, gently pushing the books forward with her pseudopods until they all lined up perfectly along the edge of the shelf. It was shortly before closing time, and the only other people in the library were a handful of students sitting at...
  14. C

    Private  You've got a friend in me [Valery Noble]

    CAEDYN ARENAIS Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gardens. Tagging: Valery Noble. The cool night air was refreshing, and the open garden brought an appreciation for the outdoors and natural splendours of life that Caedyn Arenais had always greatly admired. His Homeworld, Commenor, had been a...
  15. Caden Evesa

    Private  Night in The Jedi Temple

    Location: Courscant - Jedi Temple With: Briana Sal-Soren Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber Caden hadn't intended to still be on Courscant. It had been a busy few weeks. First the incident on Mortis had occured, where he'd ended up fighting with Darth Centax. Then he'd been asked to go to...
  16. Ayumi Pallopides

    Approved Location  Upcity Temple

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand lore on Denon Image Credit: Chi City Palace Temple Entrance Canon: N/A Permissions: My subs Links: Denon Academy for Jedi - Original Faction now gone Peacock Nightlight Kingdom of Dreams City of Dreams Exotic Matter Programmable Matter Denon...
  17. Mairéad Solus

    First Reply  First steps into the Jedi Temple

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Approach the Temple Tags: Looking for NJO members to encounter Mairéad and provide her first experience of the temple. More than 1 is fine How many times had Mairéad been driven past this building on coruscant, and yet, like most coruscant residents, she had...
  18. Starlin Rand

    Private  Sing For Me

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Walking like a man on a mission, Starlin yanked open the door to one of the Temple training rooms. "Amani? Are you in here? I want to talk to you about—gah!" Amani Serys
  19. Cale Gunderson

    Private  The Ghost of a Home

    This had been his favorite place in the temple once, a little alcove on the upper floors that had likely been built as some sort of meditation chamber but that he'd repurposed as his own little space. Through the years he'd often thought about it, of how the light of the Coruscant sunset would...
  20. V

    Faction  A Spark of Hope | RJC Debut [RTL/RJC]

    A SPARK OF HOPE "Never give up hope, no matter how dark things may seem." - Ahsoka Tano A SPARK OF HOPE is ignited in the Outer Rim. On the remote world of Dagobah, a league of Lightsiders have put aside their differences to create a new Order: the RIMWARD JEDI COALITION. Favoring the...
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