Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jacob crawford

  1. Jacob Crawford

    Wandering Minds

    Maena The Asylum The furthest reaches of the Wastelands had always been a odd place to find a sense of solace and serenity, amongst the swirling darkness that inhabited the planet. It was located miles away from the New City and the Slums; from the Unit and the Tower. It was quiet, with only...
  2. Jacob Crawford

    A Diamond in the Rough

    Jacob hadn't paused in his plans, ever since the Asylum had finished construciton he had been ever moving with the next move. Even amongst the stuff he was doing with the Sith Empire, he made time to return to Maena and continue with his experiments. He had procured his Chief Scientist...
  3. Jacob Crawford

    Approved Location  The Asylum

    The Silent Lighthouse, watching over the Dead Sea. Ri Winasi Roksota, titji driyi ri Tsûduma Kita OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create both a residence and a base of operations for Jacob Crawford. ​Image Credit: Overlord Wiki - Dark Tower Concept Artwork Canon: N/A Links: N/A...
  4. Jacob Crawford

    Piece of a Puzzle

    Maena The Tower Deep within the towering skyscaper, there was carnage. Tucked away amongst the ongoing experients was a small area set aside for training. Jacob stood within a reasonably sized room, dressed in simple clothes; torso bare to the coldness of the room with only a pair of trousers...
  5. Jacob Crawford

    Arming Up

    It had only just been a day since the events in Coruscant's Undercity had wrapped up. After ensuring her cybernetics were functioning once more, and that she was in general all right, he had parted ways with [member="Irajah Ven"]. But the revelations from that time was still on Jacob's mind, as...
  6. Jacob Crawford

    The Final Chain

    Maena The Unit In the wake of finally finishing his ‘rebirth’, Jacob had remained on Maena for a time. Matsu had given him a tour of sorts, showing him various notable vistas. The Wastelands, The New City, The Slums, but most importantly The Unit and The Tower. It all culminated in Jacob...
  7. Jacob Crawford

    Caught in the Middle

    Coruscant - Undercity When Jacob had first set foot into Coruscant's lower levels, he was honestly awestruck with how vast it was in comparison to say Nar Shaddaa's. Hell it completely eclipsed it, just on the number of levels the Undercity consisted of. On the Smuggler's Moon you could at...
  8. Jacob Crawford

    A Step into the Underground

    Location: Outer Rim - Tatooine Mos Espa I hate sand. That was the first and most prominent thought that had pervaded Jacob's mind since he had arrived on Tatooine. He was fairly certain he had visited the planet in the past, somewhere in the midst of his lost memories. But if there was one...
  9. Jacob Crawford

    Close, but no Cigar

    Location: Outer Rim - Nal Hutta City of Bilbousa Jacob was sat in silence in the cantina, reclused to a corner booth just watching everyone else minding their own business. Drinking, chatting, flirting, gambling. Anything and everything was happening before him, and the only thing Jacob felt...
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