Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Rann Thress

    LFG  Trying to get back into it.

    Hey everyone! It's been a year, a whooole year since I posted my last post to my own solo thread. I uh, I miss interaction. I'm really wanting to do some writing with some people again. Anyone wanna do some writin'?
  2. Aliris Tremiru

    LFG  Jaunt Into The Abyss

    I've got like, two story beats I wanna get Aliris into at some point or another. The first is getting her hands on someone's lightsaber then bleeding it after tricking them into thinking she wasn't an enemy or such. Fun stuff. The second? The Koboh Abyss. Spooky place, incredibly dangerous, full...
  3. Adilynne Frose

    Private  Delete

  4. Wonderland

    LFG  Lets steal a ship and get into some trouble?

    I'd love for my character Des Hailstar and her sister Alys to get into some sticky situation stealing a ship. Perhaps other people are trynna steal it too? Others are guarding it? Anything! Let's have a good ol fashion Grand Theft Ship!
  5. A

    Private  Into The Unknown

    She could hear the hammering of hooves on sandstone behind her as her unsteady feet sank into sandy dunes with each hasty step she took. A horn sounded back in the City, countless bells ringing out to wake any and all it housed, they sounded as frantic as she felt. It was dark out, pitch black...
  6. A

    Private  Into the fire

    EMBER SOMEWHERE | CORUSCANT TAG: Kayl Krayt REINCARNATION "Send my love to Vahl." Ada withdrew her dagger from between the politician's shoulderblades and watched as the large Twi'lek dropped sickingly to the floor where his lifeblood drained onto the pristine carpet. Vahl would be pleased...
  7. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Into the Shadows

    Greetings! Having the itch for some stories in the wider galaxy and wondering what folks are up to these days. Anyways I’ll begin. Jin Kyrel son of Kyrel Ren and a Nightsister Jin is the last of Ren’s bloodline. Once a former Imperial Knight of the Empire his mind was shattered during the...
  8. Jt1989

    LFG  Trying to get back into this!!!

    Just looking to find some people to start back up with m, seeing as it’s been like 7 years since the last time I was active here. But I’d love to get back in it and run my new character Nola and possibly¿ find a new crew she can storm the galaxy with?
  9. Jim Pehico

    LFG  Looking to get back into things

    Hi Everyone, It's been a while COVID was Happening, I was doing a bunch of summer classes and I had lost the ability to be able to get on frequently enough to make it worth while to thread. I'm hoping to stay steady here on out as I now have plenty of Free time. I'm looking to become Active in...
  10. Mairéad Solus

    First Reply  First steps into the Jedi Temple

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Approach the Temple Tags: Looking for NJO members to encounter Mairéad and provide her first experience of the temple. More than 1 is fine How many times had Mairéad been driven past this building on coruscant, and yet, like most coruscant residents, she had...
  11. C

    Private  Wounds Into Wisdom [Thurion Heavenshield]

    CAEDYN ARENAIS Location: Midvinter. Tagging: Thurion Heavenshield. The Repertoire glided down through the clouds of Midvinter for the second time in weeks, the Jedi Knight at the helm of the corvette having recently visited Boo Heavenshield before now returning to meet with the boy's...
  12. Belsebeth Deyo

    LFG  Tricking Y'all into Helping

    Well its about time I get this character off the ground. -- Not really into picking sides just yet, Bel doesn't really have a stellar opinion of any side at the moment. But I still need some help with tasks around the galaxy so lets see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into. Light...
  13. T

    Private  Stare Into the Sun: The Path Back

    LOCATION: Jedi Temple, Coruscant WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman TAGS: Aleena Aryss The Talisman around his neck seemed to grow heavier by the day. His presence on Coruscant a near constant to assuage some worries about his allegiances. But without correcting the deeper issue, his visits to...
  14. L

    Private  Moth Into Flame

    Black. As far as the eye could see. There inside the great metal beast, there was little for her senses to pick up on. It was cold, colder than the coldest day District Thirty Two had ever known, colder than the coldest night, even! The only sound was the distant rumble of the generator...
  15. Hilal Vizsla

    Private  Two Girls Walk into a Fancy Restaurant

    Current Outfit The Momo Grill, only the rich and fancy enter Hilal was neither rich nor she can hardly call herself fancy, but she had the connections thanks to her time as a Bounty Hunter. The young woman stepped out of the speeder dressed in an immaculate white dress. Though one can assume...
  16. Dani Stellaris

    Private  Into the Ice Belt

    Maybe getting her off world for a spell would help. Dani knew that the stars always helped clear her mind. But maybe that was just part of who she was, being from the companion galaxy and having taken to flight better than her brother, or really, anyone in her family. Didn't matter. What she was...
  17. Raphael Gallustrade

    Private  Into the Deep

    How often had Raphael travelled into the Outer Rim or even the Unknown Regions, just trying to find answers of some kind. he had several answers. Khusrasol was singing through the vast emptiness of space as they went, and no one reached seemed to hear them. It was an odd experience...
  18. Cailen Corso

    Private  Into the Forest

    INTO THE FOREST A Star Wars Story Location: Jedi Temple, Ossus Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Objective: Meet a new friend Soundtrack: Through the Trees The day had finally arrived. Soon, Cailen would be meeting the third of Master Noble's Padawans. He'd trained alongside Iris, and had become...
  19. Valery Noble

    LFG  Back into the war stories

    After a long series of threads that focused a lot more on social things following the death of her husband, I want to get Valery back into her role as the Sword and do some stuff related to the war and leadership for her. From small skirmishes to special operations or battlefield shenanigans...
  20. Aiden Porte

    Private  Into the wild

    Coruscant Jedi Temple Meeting Room/War Room There was a drastic situation going down in the underbelly of Coruscant. When word came the gathering was led by a Jedi Knight leading the discussion and explaining what was going on in the lower levels of Coruscant. "As of earlier this month there...
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