Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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interest check

  1. Tella Voland

    LFG  [Interest Check] The Imperial Conference at Tion [Imperials and others welcome!]

    Purpose HI everyone, I'm just doing a bit of an interest check for an upcoming dominion we are doing to include more people and allow more Imperial factions to take a bit of a spotlight by sending their representatives to it. You'll be able to interact with all the high-ranking EOTL officials...
  2. Darth Nwul

    LFG  The Cleansing of Thule [Sith Order v Jedi Order]

    Resurgence! The Dark Side spreads it's shadow across the galaxy once more. Deep in the outer rim, outside of Sith Holy Space, a world decimated by eons of battle between the forces of light and dark has once more become the stage for newfound conflict. A shadowy presence reaches out across the...
  3. Amelia von Sorenn

    LFG  Taris Trading Company | Interest Check

    Taris Trading Company The Taris Trading Company was established during the closing years of the Great Hyperspace Wars that had recently ravaged the Galaxy. A merchantile organization, it focused on the accumulation of wealth and the transport of trade goods to and from Taris via the...
  4. Tragic Writer

    LFG  Interest Check "The Fall of two"

    I have been waiting for something like this. I have always wanted to write about how Dorian would achieve the power to rule over Draconia "LEGALLY" I have wanted to write something with heavy action and roleplay and I think it is close to time. Here are the basics Takes place on Draconia...
  5. K

    LFG  Galactic Crime Syndicate - Interest Check!

    Driven by the hype for the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws, I'm doing an interest check on the idea of a classic Star Wars crime group/syndicate. Activities, on top of my head, can consists of managing drugs production and illegal mines, maintaining illegal trade routes, bribery, high-level...
  6. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Galactic Department of Justice - Interest Check

    In this thread I started asking if there were any cops around to tell cop stories. As it turns out there were more than I knew and several people said it might be easier to get a group together than to try to fit all the characters into one thread. So I am giving it a shot. What is the...
  7. Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

    LFG  [Interest Check] hangout for GADF members on Coruscant maybe?

    Everyone from GADF is welcome, be it Army, Navy, or SIA!
  8. Jonyna Si

    LFG  NJO Plotline interest check | Fighting the Ice Queen

    So, one of the backstory bits I've wanted to follow up on with Jonyna is the reason she got Captain America'd in the first place was that she had stolen a kyber crystal from a temple she thought was a jedi temple, turned out, nope, it was an ancient sith temple that used that crystal to keep an...
  9. M

    LFG  Interest Check - Starfighter Squadron

    Calling all pilots! This is mostly aimed at those GA-aligned or GA Military pilots. So I've recently returned from hiatus and I'm craving a little bit of starfighter action. I was wondering if anyone would consider joining a starfighter unit in the vein of Revenant Squadron. I'm thinking it to...
  10. Amani Serys

    LFG  Interest Check: Open Hand / Anti-FU Faction

    Hey y’all! I’ve liked this concept for a while but never quite known how to work with it until now. Ideally, this hypothetical faction could evolve into something bigger, but ofc the only way for that to happen is for people to be involved. So, this is my interest check for just that: An...
  11. Corazona von Ascania

    LFG  [Interest Check] Ukatis Harvest Festival [Public]

    THREAD UP Do you like festivals? Harvests? How about public social threads? If you said yes to any of the above, then boy do I have a thread for you. This is an interest check for a public thread set to take place on the planet of Ukatis for their annual Harvest Festival. Think vaguely...
  12. Ticca

    General Call

    Heyo everyone. Glad to be here again. And I have once again recovered (hopefully this one will stick, and I'll stick around too.) Either way, I'm putting my characters out there for any potential thread seekers. Peruse through them and let me know who you'd like to meet. My list of characters...
  13. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Legion of the Crimson Star - Faction Interest Check

    The Brotherhood of the Maw has fallen and what many presume to be peace has fallen over the galaxy. Years have passed since Exegol have been destroyed and what many see as the dark side defeated others await when the darkness gathers strength. The Knights of Ren scattered since the death of...
  14. Raona Cadera

    LFG  Manda'yaim Freedom Corps - Minor Faction Interest Check

    Ivirk Tavlar aided us in our time of need, releasing us from the shackles of the Sith. Our world was scarred and broken, our people scattered to the wind like the seeds of the Ironweed. But the Empire's Iron Will shared amongst our people helped us persevere. Times would change. Or so we...
  15. K

    LFG  Interest Check - The Pentastar Alignment

    Greetings! I have recently been floating this idea around in my head for a while. The creation of a New Imperial Faction called the Pentastar Alignment of Powers modeled after the original Pentastar Alignment underneath Grand Moff Ardus Kaine. While we certainly have a strong Imperial...
  16. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Interest Check - Academy Faction?

    I've pitched this idea few times but there is never a ton of interest. I figured I would try again and see if times have changed. If not that's cool. My idea a Jedi Academy style faction where students come to live and attend classes and trials. I'm toying with the idea of offering both...
  17. Amani Serys

    LFG  Social Thread Interest Check - Herdship Festival Over Coruscant

    Hey all! This was a concept and a pet project of sorts I've played around with for a bit, and some of my fellow writers convinced me to finally give it a shot. I made a pair of codex subs based around an Ithorian Herdship that I wanted to turn into a source for new RP opportunities. There's the...
  18. Ducha Relina Zhan

    LFG  Hapes Consortium still lives! (interest check!)

    Hello, Chaos! It's been a while. I don't even remember why I left before, but I have a long history of roleplaying as a Hapan tied to the Hapes Consortium as a military officer. I have returned and have been working to rebuild the naval arsenal and now I am checking for interest in filling the...
  19. T

    LFG  Interest Check - The Boys style team

    I've been really roleplaying a lot with my new character Tiric and I've had an idea. I just wanna put up this interest check to see how many people, or if any people might be interested. I've been recently watching The Boys TV show and I've been thinking about having my character lead a team...
  20. Samuel Exel

    LFG  Pair of Bartenders/Workers, For Hire, For Threads!

    Hello there! A while ago, a friend and I made a pair of characters that we wanted to bring to the forum a while ago, but got cold feet. After pushing ourselves off a cliff into the forum, we are gauging interest for, and maybe looking to get this pair hired and into maybe a couple of threads for...
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