Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Speaker of the Assembly

    Work In Progress  Pantora History (Chaos Lore + Update)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a single place where the Chaos events of Pantora can be documented. Image Credit: SWTOR Trailer Canon: N/a Permissions: N/a Links: Pantora Opening Pantora's Box Closing Pantora's Box Supreme Chairman Charl Masin GENERAL INFORMATION Event Name...
  2. Jax Thio

    Work In Progress  Very Fast, Very Dangerous: A Complete History of Podracing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Jax's love for Podracing and also add some Podracing lore to this site Image Credit: Created by me at Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Podracing, Ratts Tyrell Foundation GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Very Fast, Very Dangerous: A...
  3. Kadan Scipora

    LFG  History class for nerds

    Hey all, I was going to be posting a Mandalorian Wars history lesson thread this week and wanted to guage interest. Before I go through with it. As before, Kadan will be leading a class and give time to answer and discuss any topics attendees wish to throw his way. If you're interested, let me know!
  4. Kitter Bitters

    A Night At The Museum: Coruscants Natural History Museum Charity Event

    Location: The Museum of Natural History - Coruscant Tags: Caltin Vanagor Kat Decoria Ishani Sibwarra Sergeant Omen Onrai Sikkol Cull Tovald Kahmen’’a Vyse de Valorous Keziah Azadi Eric Vales Cass Gemini Invitations for the night had been sent to several of the galaxies most wealthy...
  5. K

    Pirate History

    This is where the history of the Coalition will go!
  6. D

    Private  At The Feet of History

    Darth Vindictus stood before the massive statue of Darth Vitiate, arms folded behind his back, and his helmet covered eyes gazing upwards. Dromund Kaas had many sights worth seeing, each one steeped in history thousands of years in the making. Every inch of the world was dominated by the...
  7. Ty Sibo

    Private  Expanded history of a broken man

    Figured id do this long history of Ty its about 7 years irl of me rping him in various fictional works but redone so sit back grab a drink and enjoy the history of Ty Sibo Every story has a beginning and Ty Sibos is no different as it's a long story of how a broken man became a hero and his...
  8. Cedric Grayson

    Approved Lore  A Brief History of Ession and its People

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To catalog the history of the planet/people I've been developing for a few years now Image Credit: Me Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: A Brief History of Ession And Its People Format: Holo-Book Distribution: Common Length: Long...
  9. Jake Fuga

    What 20 year old Characters have Lived Through?

    -- While looking into the history of the site before I joined in 2015 I found this little relic of the past. Created by [member="Jorus Merrill"] from a compilation of this sites history map by our glorious leader Tefka, Pre-Neatherworld Incident. While looking at it all, I realized that this...
  10. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Lore  Formation and Early Conquests: A Comprehensive History of the Sith Empire - Volume I

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the Sith Empire's early conquests and expansions Image Credit: ​Click - Click - Click - Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Formation and Early Conquests: A Comprehensive History of...
  11. EllieEx

    Codex Denied  Clan Naudir

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the history of clan naudir and the government of krieg Image Credit: Me : D Canon: N\A Links: Clan naudir page: ME clan almanac | Krieg | Theme | GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Clan...
  12. Tathra Khaeus

    Approved Lore  Bryn'adûl | Draelvasier Artefact

    ​Bryn'adûl | Draelvasier Artefact ​"History through literature." ~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: ​To add to the Draelvasier Lore. Image Credit: X Canon: ​N/A Links: ​ ​- The Draelvasier ​- The Bryn'adûl GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: | ​Historic Literature...
  13. Tathra Khaeus

    Approved Lore  The Bryn'adûl | Endless Ravage

    The Bryn'adûl | Endless Ravage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To serve as a place to record the achievements and history of the Bryn'adûl as the unrelenting force they have become. Image Credit: [ Link to where you found the images, or to the original artist if possible...
  14. Darth Carnifex

    The War Between Light And Dark - The Eighth Sith War

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a piece of propagandized history to teach to Imperial citizens Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia Links: The Empire's Crusade The Alderaan Offensive The Kuat Offensive The Balmorra Offensive Endgame Sack of Coruscant Assault on Fondor Battle of...
  15. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Lore  Tal'Nappa: Blood Riders

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give one anonymous Mandalrian's view on the antiquated, yet culturally significant role that bes'uliik riders held in various Mandalorian circles Image Credit: "Machine Hunters" by sandara, edited by me Links: ​Bes'uliik Mk. II Mk. III Tbarsr-Class...
  16. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Lore  Iron Heart

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a text on an outsider's view of Mandalore Image Credit: "Boba Fett", by AldoK Links: ​Mandalorian Resource Wars The Seven Day War Vode An GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Iron Heart: Examining the Life, History, and Culture of Mandalore Format...
  17. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Lore  Battle of Little Ironweed

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a short addition to the Mandalorian Resource Wars ​Image Credit: Images from Dark Horse's and Marvel's Jango Fett: Open Seasons Comic Series ​Links: Mandalorian Resource Wars Vong Wastes GENERAL INFORMATION Event Name: Battle of Little Ironweed...
  18. Dainivhir Valeport

    The History of the Triumvirate

  19. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Lore  The Seven Day War

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give a full, unbiased report of the events often simply referred to as the Mandalorian Civil War and the rise of the Mandalorian Empire and to bring to light one of the most heartbreaking duels in recent memory ​Image Credit: "Republic Commando as Edo...
  20. Jantar Keltainen

    Approved Tech  The personal journal of Freedon Nadd

    "Surrender to the dark side or you will die." - Freedon Nadd OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To introduce the journal that documents the history and teachings of Freedon Nadd to Star Wars Chaos Image Source: Sith spell book (Wookieepedia) Canon Link: None Restricted Missions...
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