Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kyra Perl

    First Reply  What the feth happened here?

    Incoming SOS from an unsecured network... Hi. You ...probably don't know me. I'm trying to bounce this as close to the core as I can get. Dad... you there?" She laughed nervously, then grew somber on a dime. "Something's happened in the Artivis Sector. If you're getting this you probably...
  2. Tefka

    Annihilation  Exegol - Register Your Faction/Group/Storyline Here

    Within the next two days I’m aiming to experiment with a new limited technical ability for handling notifications in large threads, to hopefully help alleviate stress of keeping up with when you owe posts. Please post the name of your faction, the storyline, or the miscellaneous group you wish...
  3. Kyndulla

    new here!

  4. Teddy

    Question  Stupid question here

    Am I the only one here that remembers a time where the Ewoks had more here, including a whole faction?
  5. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  There's a Pun Here Somewhere

    Butterflies threatened to burst right through her abdominal wall and carry her into the stratosphere. A first had happened to her; Cora had been summoned by none other than Valery Noble, the Sword of the Jedi for a mission. It almosed seemed like fate--Master Noble, working with a Padawn of...
  6. Jax Thio

    Private  Down Here, Salt is a way of Life.

    Location: Crait Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber Tag: Aveline Cuiléin <Welcome to the middle of nowhere! Can we go now?> Normally Jax would've chastised BB-12 but he had to admit the Droid was right. Crait was one of the many backwater planets that was located in the further reaches of...
  7. Jem Fossk

    Private  Funny Seeing You Here

    Courscant Jedi Temple Kai Bamarri The last time Jem had been here the place had been under attack. It had been her home. Her friends had been alive. Dagon had been an enigma, and her father... well. As far as Jem had been concerned, her father didn't exist. Jem had known nothing about...
  8. Koga

    Private  Here I go again on my own!

    The harsh sun beat down on the Tantooine soil. In the distance, Jawas and slave traders made their way between units in the market square. Darth Talon stood above the city, watching the passing R2’s and CP’s. Her yellow eyes burning intensely as she heard one of the Jawas arguing over credits to...
  9. Tefka

    Question  Where does Chaos go from here?

    Here at Chaos, we’ve amassed numerous features for roleplayers and lore builders to enjoy. We’re sitting on nearly a decade of tending this garden - it can be a bit daunting to look at it all and think, what’s next? What new feature, what quality of life do we want? To be blunt, the only thing...
  10. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Neither Here Nor There

    There was something liberating about accepting herself as a Sith again. No more hiding, no more fear over who she was and who she could be. She was, finally, free. Grant it walking around as an obvious Sith brought it's own problems. Problems she'd forgotten actually existed. Far from the...
  11. Iris Arani

    Private  New Here?

    Between school and her lessons as a Jedi Iris had been busy. Very busy. Which, unfortunately, meant she didn't have a lot of time to just unwind. Paint. She missed it, painting. So the first chance she got she was back at it. The still being rebuilt temple on Coruscant was the perfect place in...
  12. Aspect of Defiance

    Faction  Here There Be Monsters || The Ascendancy

    REGNUM Much had changed. It was the only constant anyone knew, the fact that change was inevitable. For the Confederacy it had been a fact they had fought long to ignore until faced with the grim reality that there were stronger forces in the universe that were at play. They had been broken...
  13. Vrahni Suncatcher

    Private  Why Are We Here

    Location: Tython How long had she been out here? The afternoon sun had begun its descent, indicating it had been quite some time. Moreover, Vrahni questioned why she was even here. Not on Tython, because she already had an answer to that. This spot specifically had drawn her out and beckoned...
  14. Cale Gunderson

    Public  Why No Officer, We Aren’t Supposed To Be Here (Ilum)

    Why was it always so damned cold? He knew the answer, that Illum had always been cold, and that at his age he was simply feeling its sting more sharply than he used to, but it didn’t stop him from complaining. He was in his fifties now, chronologically, late thirties physically thanks to an...
  15. Ishani Dinn

    LFG  Here We Go Again

    Ishani here has screwed up her life yet again. Or has life screwed her up again? Idk, you decide. Basically, I'm looking to RP her with no direction, wandering aimlessly around the galaxy and getting into trouble/random scenarios. This can involve literally anyone, doing anything, including...
  16. Coren Starchaser

    Private  All you need is here

    Between Kattada and the Dawn Treader the Starchaser seat of power was constantly changing. Coren would always claim they were from Corellia, and that was true, to a degree. But what the Jedi Master knew nowadays was it was wherever the family congregated. Maybe that was what it was all about...
  17. Aayla Shan

      I caved in, so here it is

    I was going to wait the full year before asking, but I'm curious. how everyone takes to my writing my characters. If I've impacted any of your threads, or you've noticed any of my writing. I'd like your honest opinion. I write, and or have written all of these characters. Acolyte Rax...
  18. Darth Marras

    LFG  New here, looking to RP again

    Hi there, pretty much what the title says. I'm looking for maybe an open RP thread or something where a criminal sort of character would appear in. My character wouldn't be caught in a public place where a lot of people would be, like a bar or night club. He'd be better suited for a more...
  19. Sasha Kryze

    Private  New here, but not to this (Enclave Mandalorians Welcome)

    Sasha had long since been healed up from her most recent Hutt delivered ass-whipping on Kaddek, but now had a much lighter impact mission. It was simply to return the recovered Beskar to their own coffers, where it belonged. She was kneeling on the ground, carefully slotting the ingots into...
  20. Eulogy Jones

    Hello All, Man Out Of Time here

    Looking to have Eulogy RP with some of you fine folk here, force sensitive, open to either light or dark storylines with the character :D First RP will be him being woken up from cryo sleep by someone on Tatooine, anyone interested?
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