Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kinsey Starchaser

    Adventure Time

    I'd like Kinsey to meet more people since she's such a wanderlust girl. Can be friends or foes. Thinking it could be on one of her exploration missions, so anywhere works. Her haunts are usually alliance space or near the outer rim but this is flexible. If you're interested with interacting...
  2. Slamdingo

    Friends, Enemies, Lovers oh my!

    [hr] Hello, all you wonderful people! I'm Dead Saint: a new member on the board who just submitted my first character. And with this character being so new and fresh in the world, I was looking to get her involved with other people. To give her scope, depth, personal relations, and all sorts...
  3. SiRiDio

    Sith knight looking for a brother

    Looking for anyone who is also sith that would like to join me in some adventures to learn more in the ways of the dark side.
  4. Selena Drayven

    Need some more Jedi RP friends

    Like the topic says I'm needing some new Jedi RP friends. Possibly make a rival or two and find some peeps to go on missions/adventures with. I'm a bit limited in terms of peeps to RP with at the moment and gear wise there's not really much to speak of. But if you fine Chaos peeps don't mind a...
  5. Voices of The Deep

    Song For That Special Someone (IC)

    We all have RPed enough here for our characters to develop meaningful relationships with other characters. So this thread is just for them. For the lovers and the haters. The ones your character loves to hate and hates to love. For the feuding siblings or broken families, for the rivals. For...
  6. The Talatheen Amalgam

    Looking for (Dedicated) Sith Master & Allies!

    Well, howdy, folks! This here is a new character, the Talatheen Amalgam (AKA: Daska & Hu Talatheen); a pair of conjoined twin brothers who operate as a single, deadly entity. Naturally, this being a more dark-aligned character, I feel the urge to make him a Sith - since I have yet to create...
  7. Ryan

    Bunch of A'holes! (GA Open)

    Sullust, Keff Base Officer Mess 1945hrs, 22nd of 9th Month The Corellian Amaran sat at the bar still in his flight suit with the Tiburon insigna on the shoulder. There was yellow pipping running down the left pant leg the signified his gallantry by the Corellians when he served in CorSec. The...
  8. Zinai

    New to this roleplay.

    I recently joined this community. To be exact, a few seconds ago. I am pretty excited about this community, and wonder what sort of plots and relationships I could spark! I have experience roleplaying from various other sites including Hammel Institute, Roleplay Gateway, etc. I am always on...
  9. Vora Kaar

    Drexel & Axel

    Name: Drexel Amalon Loyalties: Maxis Role: A ghost that follows Maxis. He can provide tactical advantages due to his knowledge of battle on the field. He is also Maxis' old boss/Friend Development Threads: Age: Forty-three Galactic...
  10. renegade solstice

    The path to power isn't for the pure of heart.. (PT 1 of many)

    Location: Smugglers Moon Objective: To party harty, and get smashed. XD Ivy, the blond haired vixen of a jedi, the very essense of darkside corruption, and the only rogue within the SJO to have a bloodlust as much as she does, and a young rebel. Yea that says alot about the girl that will be...
  11. Ardeo Sophos

    Battle of "Friends"

    My jedi class ship touched down with a final jolt. I opened the cock pit, slipping out of my brown jedi robe, and stepping out onto Bimmisaari's jungle soil. I surveyed the area around me. Nothing huge, just some local Fauna. A dark feeling flashed across my mind, and I tried to hone in on it...
  12. Galaar Tal'Verda

    I Return! (Though not on this character)

    Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Well! Hello there Chaos! Its good to see you again, I the great Kest, have decided to make my return upon this site and while I shall not be playing Galaar much or at all since he's dead I figured this was the best account to post on! Its good to see old friends...
  13. Odxon Raziel

    Creating Connections

    Greetings fellow wonderful writers, and thanks for taking a look at this dapper little thing. I've been thinking lately, and an issue has come up regarding Odxon's storyline. The lass is over 700 years old, yet she doesn't seem to know a single person on the board IC, besides for the few people...
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