Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Underworld of the Lost

    LFG  Fresh blood in the Imperial Underworld

    After being ousted from the Imperial Moff council, quite violently, Domina Agmena Rend is looking to add to the ranks of the Krykna. As the Empire has expanded new bosses and foot soldiers are needed. As an opportunity to get involved in the group there is a mission to take over a Pyke...
  2. Ijaat Mereel

    Private  A Fresh Start

    Ijaat stood in a conference room as a secretary type exited. He had managed to bribe, bargain, and in some cases intimidate his way past the various barriers between himself and a one Danger Arceneau . Normally he wouldn't be caught dead in such a place, far too stuffy and airy for his taste...
  3. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  A Fresh Start

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber | Location: Jakku | Tag: Bastila Sal-Soren, Romi Jade A cloud of dust whirled around Briana as her feet struck the hard, dry ground, emerging from the Veré in a sweep of light and airy robes that allowed her skin to stay cool in the...
  4. Mysa Snowstrider

    Private  Fresh Beginnings

    Mysa Snowstrider had not been on Coruscant in a very, very long time. Though it was the heart of the Galactic Alliance, and thus a central hub of Jedi activity, she had until recently belonged to the Silver Jedi. The dismantling of the Sanctum had left the Silvers in a strange state of limbo...
  5. Octang

    Fresh off the helipad

    Hey there and greetings! New here to the site after looking back and forth at it for some time and decided to try things out here on the site. Slowly getting the curve of things, especially with the forum format compared to my experience not only on discord, but spending a majority of my Star...
  6. CragyZ

    LFG  Starting Fresh

    So I was playing some total war three kingdoms, you know, as crazy people do and had a thought. Making my return to chaos, wanted to try something new. So, anyone wanna make imperial China in space? More ideas to follow when I actually wake up and if someone responds.
  7. Velran Kilran

    Private  The Admiral's New Groove

    Location: On the bridge of The Eggman "Sir!" Ensign Lewis jogged towards Velran who was dancing on the bridge. Two ear pods were inserted deep in the Admiral's ear, Velran was in his groove again an urge to listen to music and dance like crazy. It usually stems from euphoric feelings like...
  8. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  A Fresh Start

    fa-play fa-pause Wearing: XoXo Equipment: Concealed lightsaber Location: Kici's Cafe, Coruscant Tag: Aiden Rennek Briana shoved her hands deep into the pockets of her overcoat to warm them against the crisp autumn air that whipped loose strands of chestnut hair across her face, quietly...
  9. D

    Faction  Fresh Sands, New Homes [HS]

    The Crimson Path held itself in high orbit over the world of Malagarr. It was one of several ships, most being bulk freighters dwarfed in size by the Sith Praxeum Ship. Transport shuttles traveled to and from the freighters in a near constant stream, so much so that the Crimson Path had to...
  10. Svana Neoma

    Faction  With Fresh Eyes | Kingdom of Naboo

    Queen Liviana TAG: Talak Jenste | Tyran Numeck | Teyla Sal-Soren | Alora Ee'everwest | Khan Thaldir | Others I'm Missing Returning to Theed had been the most difficult thing Svana had ever done in her life. More difficult than walking out to face the crowd for the first time. More difficult...
  11. Sara Braven

    LFG  Imperial Knight Fresh From The Academy

    Sara's story starts off with her just leaving the academy to start serving the Empire and fighting against Sith and other such enemies. Full on shiny style, she doesn't realize just how hard war is on a person and seeks only glory and serving her people. So gotta bring reality to her. Looking to...
  12. Kyric

    LFG  I'm Trying to Start Fresh. Send Help.

    I'm pretty sure the title alone explains it all. Sometime in the next few months (hopefully) I'll have the chance to kill off Ryv ( Corin Grayson ), the character I've been writing for a while now. It's been a fun time, but he needs to go. In turn, I wanna write his kid and start to develop...
  13. Aurelian Sigismund


    Auxillary OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the...
  14. kilik

    new here

    hello i'm new here any events you think i MIght be intrested in?
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