Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Drane T'keen

    Private  We Fight, Yes?

    The blade is weightless, they say, but for Drane there was always a weight to a lightsaber’s blade. Definitely weight to its hilt, not heavy, as it filled his grip. Four fingers and a thumb curled around it as he stood beneath the sky of some world in a galaxy far, far away. Though, this planet...
  2. Dax Harrac

    First Reply  Fight Night

    BEATDOWN CORUSCANT LEVEL 942 ALLIANCE MEMORIAL EVENT CENTER His corner was empty. He was alone. Dax turned his head towards the crowd, thousands. A lot. A whole lot. They were deep in the stands, drunk from the first two fights. He was fighting in the middleweights now- heavier and bulkier...
  3. Astri Elyse

    Private  Fight! Fight!

    Tag: Aris Noble Well, it had taken three days and several missteps, but Astri had finally found the training rooms. She tiptoed her way in, hoping to avoid disturbing anyone. She wasn't really here to train, not yet... but her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Most people she knew back...
  4. Revna

    Looking For A Padawan To Fight For Experience And (Maybe) A Saber

    So per the next campaign that Darth Strosius is holding, my character Revna (who is his apprentice) is looking for 1 (maybe 2 but that might be biting off more than I can chew atm!) Padawan level Jedi that she can fight against so she can earn some more combat experience, but also perhaps give...
  5. Amani Serys

    First Reply  Play Nice

    Level 1997 Coruscant At first there was silence. Then murmurs, pulsing thumps, that grew into a dull, hazy din. And after what seemed like forever, feeling began to return to mind and body alike, and the dull din rose faster and louder until it crescendoed into a complete sensory overload of...
  6. Z

    Private  Everyone Knows How to Fight

    TRAINING ROOM - NEW JEDI ORDER TEMPLE - CORUSCANT Braze | @CLOSED Pop! Snap! With the satisfying sound of success, the potato chip bag popped open between his fingers before turning his attention to snapping open a soft drink. Stuffing his face with the snack while downing the fruit-flavored...
  7. Mairéad Solus

    Private  The first rule of fight club

    Location: Castella Matrisca gym Objective: Fight Tags: Ragos Terrek Mairéad had been staying at the Castella for a few nights now and was getting settled in to a routine already here, and her first task of the day was to work out, weights, cardio and today boxing. She was a mandalorian, so...
  8. Zengel Felgreen

    LFG  Looking To Assassinate Criminals

    Zengel Felgreen is a vigilante who specializes in assassinating criminals. He has a rather questionable system of morals, but he is not opposed to teaming up with law enforcement. If anyone is interested in teaming up, or being hunted down, let me know. * Important note: Zengel Felgreen is NOT...
  9. Holly Starstorm

    Private  Showin' How Funky and Strong is Your Fight

    Location: Coruscant - HNN Headquarters Holly couldn't believe her eyes. On the viewing screen was a clear video of herself, dressed in a duster and stealing from a Hutt owned bank in the banking district. There was a clear image of her face, and worse the news organizations were already...
  10. Eddie

    Request  LF A Fight

    I'm back as Eddie and looking for a fight to get my oil going
  11. Darth Anarchis

    LFG  Anyone wanna fight 1v1?

    I'm looking to at least get some ideas of Darth Anarchis flowing from my mind to my fingers right now... Anyone wanna fight a really old Sith Lord?
  12. Malka Kaivalya

    LFG  Anyone up for a Fight?

    Are any jedi up for a duel of sorts? Just got back onto the character and thought she might need more battles under her belt. Any planet is ok with me :D
  13. Khamesi Aivar

    LFG  Looking for a good fight.

    Khamesi has had run ins with soldiers, other Sith, and private security, but has yet to get into a brawl of any nature with force users of any stripe outside of the Sith Order itself. I'd like her to have some experience with such under her belt, both for character reasons and just so she has a...
  14. B

    Public  Vigilantes, Come Out To Play

    DENON "N-no, please," The Zabrak held up a hand in defense, on the ground against a wall. "You win, you won't see me agai--" * Crunch! * The sentient's face was punched with a metallic glove, ending the Zabrak's words - and life - as the attacker pulled back the bloody fist and stood up...
  15. Jared Starchaser

    LFG  Treasure Hunt or a Fight?

    Hey All, Looking for a bit of a thread, one or the other, or both. Typical dungeon crawl, a long forgotten Force tradition... Fallanassi, Jal Shey, etc (This would be with Kaia Starchaser or Dani Stellaris) Looking for maybe 3-4 for that thread. A rumor of a treasure, and a Force wayfinder on a...
  16. Kai Bamarri

    Duel  Padawan Fight Club

    Thesh-Mart Roof, The Works, Coruscant When Kai had challenged Silas to a duel, he had expected it to be a quiet affair. But once Corin Trenor got involved, offering to be the referee, it seemed like suddenly everyone else wanted a piece of the action. By the time he arrived at the appointed...
  17. Saff

    LFG  Looking for an adventure, or a fight, both if we're lucky

    Wanting to hop right back into the action, got a brand new lady who dislikes every force user that isn't her for a very good reason Perhaps a good old bounty hunt, a mixup on a planet, or any bounty hunters or people seeking hunters who might want work or have work. If all else fails, a good...
  18. U

    First Reply  Keldooine Fight-Night

    Keldooine, the Drunken Nerf Cantina There was nothing like Open Cage Night at the Drunken Nerf, most places needed signups and sponsorships and other complicated, useless, contract-y stuff before you got to hit someone for money. But the Nerf let anyone who was willing step into the cantina's...
  19. Kylraya

    1 on 1 Fight

    Any light sider or neutral down for facing a monster? NPCs might be background flavor but otherwise just a straight duel with a nightmare.
  20. A

    Public  In A Bar, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Cold. Cold and rainy. That's all these days were now. It didn't matter how hard he hoped the day would be sunny, it was always rainy. That was Corellia for you. If you hoped it was rainy it would be sunny and if you hoped it was sunny, it would be rainy. That's all you could do, hope. Avery...
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