Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Bernard

    Duel  Don't Go Far

    Bernard’s saber cut through mountain rock, leaving a molten trail where it passed through. He shifted toward the left, half of his foot sticking out over the narrow ledge. “Almost!” He yelled. He twirled his blade to threaten any incoming attack as he stepped back to win some distance again...
  2. C

    Duel  NJO 101: Intercultural Relations

    C O R U S C A N T NEW JEDI TEMPLE [ Calix's Theme ] The Thyrsian had reserved one of the upper rooms. The circular space had a high, vaulted ceiling and sweeping windows that offered a spectacular view of the Senate District of the surrounding Galactic City. Being round, the floor was already...
  3. C

    Duel  Anzat vs. Thyrsian, Episode I: Enter the Snot-Vampire

    CHURCH OF THE FORCE YUMFLA, SUSEVFI | OUTER RIM TERRITORIES [ post theme ] It was too peaceful. Much like the Great Jedi Temple of Coruscant. A lot of meditation. Reflection. Introspection. Lectures on philosophy -- or philanthropy -- each tolling for the betterment of the galaxy through the...
  4. A

    Private  A duel of worlds

    Darth Phoenix (Cameron Tyris) Dennnon mostly empty canntina. Amalia sat there in traditional jedi robes for now she hated the feel of them they felt unnatural and hard to move in for the master. But all her other clothes where dirty right now and in the wash. She had Just gotten done with A...
  5. A

    Duel  Dynamic Entry (Arette vs Silas Westgard)

    Location: Troposphere of Neshtab. Rapidly approaching Surface of Neshtab. Relevant Parties: Arette Silas Westgard In the normally peaceful skies of Neshtab, above a normally peaceful little fuel-stop of a village, a dinky little freighter hissed in the air, spewing a trail of, admittedly...
  6. D

    Private  The Duel [Closed]

    Planet: Keelia Outer Rim Territories Jax Thio The Sith Infiltrator flew over the ruins of an ancient Temple high in grey rock mountains. Lord Saavage had come to collect the holocron inside, his ship surveyed a long wood bridge between peaks, and trails forged by Monks who tried to remain...
  7. Cassus Akovin

    Private  Lucky Stars

    After Radio Star mission... It used to be that Cassus never even thought about Cartri. Their paths rarely crossed, and when they did, it was social but brief. He was vaguely aware he belonged in the large net of relationships that Daiya cast, given her social butterfly nature, except that...
  8. Sars Sarad

    Another Day, another Duel

    Just looking for another dueling thread for Sarad. In a nutshell he doesn't care if someone is a Jedi or a Sith nor is he altogether concerned about the wars being waged across the galaxy. He travels from world to world looking for opponents to duel whether that leads him to a battlefield, a...
  9. Paareth

    Private  Very Angry

    Teth Rthori, a remote Ithorian farming settlement Valery Noble Quiet day, Ithorians going about their business, keeping out of everyone's way. Purple sky of teth over rolling hills and Prairie land with many fields surrounding it, crops that were handpicked to keep a careful balance of soil...
  10. Paareth

    1 vs 1 Duel

    Another Monster. Who wants the abomination?
  11. Kylraya

    Private  Here be Monsters

    Planet: Ithor Mother Jungle Midnight In a remote deep jungle area known as Narithia with sparse village communities, people have been disappearing. Those sent out to investigate have also disappeared. People are frightened and they have asked for assistance. Hunt Feed Grow Swarm Hunt Feed...
  12. Kylraya

    1 on 1 Fight

    Any light sider or neutral down for facing a monster? NPCs might be background flavor but otherwise just a straight duel with a nightmare.
  13. Kai Bamarri

    Duel  The Universe Is A Pretty Gnarly Place, Bro

    Kai had come to Chaldea not knowing what he wanted. He'd not been to his homeworld since it joined the Alliance, and that had been a brief trip, strictly on business. Before that, he had returned to Bamarre, the land of his birth, in order to be reunited with Gerda before she died - and tried to...
  14. Ran Serys

    LFG  Life in Ruins - Dark Jedi/Sith Wanted

    Hi everyone! Me & Cale Gunderson need a villain or villains (max of 2) for our thread, Life in Ruins. If you'd like to be that villain, here is some info on the thread. So it is set on the planet Mirial at the ruined Force Temple of Ular Unill. The Mirialans know Ular Unill as a Jedi Hero, but...
  15. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Approved Tech  X-29T Duel Turbolaser ion Turret

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom made Starship turret Image Source: X Permissions: X Primary Source: X-15A Duel Heavy Rifle PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc Affiliation: Celty Ree Market Status: Closed-Market Model: X-15T...
  16. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Approved Tech  X-15A Duel Heavy Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a gun that shoots ion and particle beam energy that is useful against shielded targets Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Moonveil Communications & Holdings, Inc Affiliation...
  17. Khamesi Aivar

    LFG  Chainbreaker (And other Pirate-y stuff)

    Alright so I have a planned route for my current character, and with it I have three threads I want to do with her to begin with, and need some partners willing to run NPCs and/or PCs for her to face as part of it. First on the docket is a pirate raid on slaver transports. The idea here is...
  18. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Alchemy Lab

    This planet was once a verdant, beautiful world, untouched by any company or faction seeking resources or land. But there were other threats to nature beyond the fires of industry, perils more subtle in their methods. The moment Ishani set forth on its soil, Ishani felt it. Something—or more...
  19. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

    Duel  A City's Fear

    L I G H T- H A N -C I T Y W I N DTHEME The streets of Light Han City were a desolate place after midnight. All inhabitants of the poor district knew what came out at night, and only a brave few dared to venture far from the safety of their homes. Such as the two figures who's hurried...
  20. Sars Sarad

    LFG  Duel?

    Duel anyone? Insofar as story is concerned Sars was recently on Lao-Mon when the Silver Jedi Concord invaded and battled the Brotherhood of the Maw. He crossed sabers with the Grand Padawan there. Seeing as how he fought in favor of the Maw during Lao-Mon it's possible anyone opposing them...
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