Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tanith Alde

    Visions of the Future

    The Nalfein of Drowan was caught. She was caught in a vision. She saw her beloeved world aflame, as metal and fire rained from the sky, carried by great titanic birds of metal, trailing flames behind them. Sweat beaded on the drowai's brow as she tried to focus in on the vision, to gleam any...
  2. Zenva Vrotoa

    Muted Cries

    Hunter's Quarry : Outer edge of the Hal Hutta system Station time : 0813 Six days had passed since the auction and acquisition of the slave known as [member="Cronus Uturn"]. For six days the silent slave had been shown her basic responsibilities not by her new owner but by an elite soldier who...
  3. Gilamar Skirata

    The Wolf and the Ghouls

    Two Tu5k-Class corvette dropped out of Hyperspace above Aeten II. Devestated by decades of mining and farming since the galactic restoration project. It was a sad gray ball now, the remnants of its past life forming an even drearier halo around the world. It was there that companies found their...
  4. Kiskla Grayson-Matteo

    Heart of Fire

    Kiffex Sprawled on her side, gently plucking thick, long blonde strands up and down from what wasn't in his loose tie-- Kiskla's frame paralleled that of her chosen. She was forcing him to spew stories again in the gaps of her presence. What he did before discovering The Force was one of her...
  5. Gilamar Skirata

    A Strill in the Nest

    Manda'yaim MandalMotors Orbital Shipyard The view of Mandalore from this office was grand. You could see it in all of its glory, its scars and its treasures. It was truly a physical symbol of the Mandalorian people, a fighter until the very end. Even the industry that orbited the planet was a...
  6. Elaine Thul

    House Thul rebuilds (ask)

    [member="James Justice"] [member="Matreya"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Dresden Verbrennung"] Elaine was busy ordering people about today, this time with a bit more conviction. She was planning on having house removed brick by brick, scaffolding was going up, her priceless artifacts where...
  7. Elaine Thul

    Yavin IV (open to mandalorians other wise please ask)

    [member="Ember Rekali"] Elain had come here with permission of the leader of clan Rekali, a man called Ember. Dispensation was granted for the help she gave to [member="Ginnie Ordo"], in giving her the information to attack a prison ship. She had given them the location ship, and everything she...
  8. Iziz

    1000 ways how not to make a light-bulb

    "What's the Effect at the end of Underestimation?" Iziz had been tossing and turning over the chance for this experiment, With his ship docked with the Wingtip, he and his newly appointed ally had moved to attempt the fusion of Ysalamiri which would be grafted to the material they were...
  9. Elaine Thul

    House Thul Rises (ask)

    Elaine Thul know the head house thul, had decide to make sure her lands could be fortified and protected form any further incursions by her enemies. She decide she was going to do many things, one was actually train her men. To rebuild her homestead, and build manufacturing planets so she could...
  10. Jericho

    Asha Seren's Last Mission: Thedus Lorr

    A breeze from the jungle, the smell of hot rain brushing on the earth. The sounds of crying calls of animals and the moving leaves filled the air around him. It was early morning and it was time for him to get up, preparing for yet another journey. He looked at the stone ground for a moment...
  11. Kamon Vondiranach

    The Shroud of Raste

    Ten Years Ago Location: Kamino Weather: Thunderstorms A line of water sprayed behind the fighter as it blasted across the vast ocean. Sprays of water landed on the cockpit as the fighter zipped between two large waves, her pilot completely focused on staying as low as possible. The fighter was...
  12. D

    Zabraks On Iridonia

    Home. That's what Iridonia was to Krest. The place he was raised for his brutal childhood. Where he was beaten and broken time and time again to become nothing more than a lifeless shell meant to kill everything he was told to do. But he had beaten this fate, became something else, something...
  13. L

    Make the Maker

    Concordia Clan Fortress The hall of the mountain king was gloomy, the lava that flowed from the mouths of the fortress, to either side of the great gates as slow moving and thin today, the fires of the mountain let die low and the hammering on anvils unheard in the darkness of the fortress...
  14. Iziz

    Engineering 101

    Pondering and looking over the spartan blades he often used for combat, one thing resounded within the mind of the Jawa... It was time for an upgrade. Though his weapons had proved themselves time and time again against opponents in both the one Sith and against the galaxy as a whole, he felt...
  15. Relina Zhan

    I will find my Angel Location: Transitory Mists, Approaching Roqoo Depot Time: 1300 hours It was just a routine patrol. Relina had done this once before with minimal action out there among the vibrant colours of the Transitory Mists, which were visible from all planets...
  16. Relina Zhan

    Got a development RP in the works and need players (details within)

    I have a few different things that need a dev thread and I see this as an opportunity to generate some RP. A list of what needs to be done: Passive stealth for the revised TM808 Terminus Starfighter
  17. L

    Stolen not Earned

    The trip to Taris had gone well, extremely well. With the help of numerous Sith Lords assisting in securing the ancient fallen Keldabe-class Battleship, the members of Clan Vereen had been successful in locating, securing, and recovering the lost relic of ancient times. Mandal Hypernautics had...
  18. Marcus Itera

    You Can Blane It All On Me

    You Can Blane It All On Me [member="Blane Nightfall"] Holdan's Forge, Concordia It had been far too long since Marcus had laid eyes upon the visage of good ol' Holdan. He was one of the first Mandalorians he'd met, back when the Dreadguard was still in service to the Galactic Republic...
  19. Shaddi

    Conversing with a Legend.

    Location: Personal Quarters of Darth Erebos aboard the starship, The Doppelgangers Lament. Galactic Location: Unknown, deep space. Pacing back and forth around a pedestal in the middle of his training room, on top of the pedestal rested a holocron. Raising his hand up and letting loose a...
  20. L

    First and Last to Laugh

    Bothawui was a veritable fortress world. On the Edges of Techno Union Space it protected the northern border and was a classic shipyard. Numerous companies owned shipyards in the system, even ArmaTech had few orbital shipyards that sat in system. A few dozen defense stations and a sizeable...
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