Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. C

    The Crown Prime Casino & Resort

    I gotsta get paid... (Please Indicate your location in the Casino! TY!) As daylight passed into night, Coruscant flared gloriously. Like a great diamond against black velvet, the City Planet rose to brilliance...
  2. C

    Approved NPC  Angelo Montagna

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Pit Boss NPC for The Crown Prime Casino to act as the legitimate face of the business ​Image Credit: https://www.thefashi...oot-haute-time/ Role: Pit Boss/Head of Operations Links: The Crown Prime Casino PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 30...
  3. Prazutis

    Approved Location  The Americus

    • Intent: Another casino for Carson City, Kyrayc • Image Credit: Bison Steve Hotel • Canon: N/A • Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION • Structure Name: The Americus • Classification: Casino & Hotel • Location: Kyrayc • Affiliation: The Americus is owned by the Mandalorian Clan Americus...
  4. C

    A Game of Chance

    A Casino on Coruscant Location: The Casino Bar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The newly opened Casino was Alive - buzzing with activity and the shuffle of countless feet from every corner of the Galaxy. It had been only a short time since it had opened its doors to the people of...
  5. C

    Codex Denied  The Crown Prime Casino

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a High-End Luxury Casino & Hotel to act as The Family’s base of operations on Coruscant ​Image Credit: Canon: no Links: SETTING...
  6. Prazutis

    Approved Location  Kyr'am Casino and Hotel

    • Intent: Add one of many casinos and hotels to Carson City, Kyrayc, as well flesh out the Kyr'am Casino and Hotel • Image Credit: Kyr'am Casino and Hotel • Canon: N/A • Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION • Structure Name: Kyr'am Casino and Hotel • Classification: Casino, Hotel, Bar...
  7. Griet van Vliet

    Approved Location  Metrobig Grand Casinoscam

    Image Debit: The Metrobig Grand Casinoscam OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Skor with a casino ​Image Credit: Shanghai Pudong Airport by ADPI Canon: N/A Links: The Blitz | First Order invasion of Galactic Alliance-held Planet of Skor II (first bombing) [Endgame] Divided We Fall -...
  8. R

    Night Activities (Open to all)

    Location: Nar Shaddaa - Corellian Sector Entering the building from outside the dark night was upon us but this was when the casino thrived walking down the stairs he entered a large open room with quartz chandeliers and one bigger chandelier made out a gold-colored glass taking a left his...
  9. Djonas Vile

    Codex Denied  Bittie Land

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place Djonas can spend most of his time at when he's home. ​Image Credit: Below Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Bittie Land Classification: Nightclub & Casino Location: Naboo Affiliation: Djonas Vile Accessibility: In...
  10. Maris Fero

    Life on the other side.

    The Shrike’s eyelids fluttered apart as she drifted back to wakefulness. Though she still remained swathed in the comfortable embrace of the darkness, a light from outside could be seen about the edges of the door indicating that day had probably come once more. The lithe ganger stirred...
  11. Maris Fero

    The Mighty MezNez

    The gloom of night had just fallen over Efavan. Starlight was outshone by a billion points of vulgar light blinking from a hundred hotels and casinos, each stretching high in the Vorzyd skyline like dazzling lures eager to snare their share of the visiting masses. To many in the region, the...
  12. Zark San Tekka

    Approved Location  Crown Court

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a canon location on Point Nadir that also serves as a base of operations for the Exchange in the region. ​Image Credit: Neos City by Jordan Grimmer Canon: Canon Article Links: The Prince's Court (development thread) SETTING INFORMATION...
  13. Arekk

    Approved Location  The Hawk's Den

    NAR SHADDAA The Hawk's Den, The Promenade OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Ar'ekk Daesharacor a steady influx of credits ​Image Credit: X Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Hawk's Den Classification: A Casino Location: The Promenade, Nar Shadaaa...
  14. Aver Brand

    Approved Location  The Red Tower

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Fancy location for events and general RP on Nadir. ​Image Credit: X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X Canon: / Links: CRC | CFFC | Nadir | Point Nadir | Cream and the Crop Casino SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Red Tower Classification...
  15. Orion Darkstar

    The Artist Behind the Craft

    Source. Planet: Nar Shaddaa Location: Promenade Place: The Black Adder Time: 12:22:15 The Smugglers' Moon; it was a dark and infested place. No matter where you walked or stood, inner workings of the city stirred in the darkest of shadows, with the darkest of hearts. A true haven for...
  16. Arumi Zy

    Im bored

    Bored, yep extremely bored and looking to get into something not so boredomsome ( Trade marked word of ZyTech, anyone who uses it owes me a quarter). I dont know what seems like the sith are on their last legs, the goody two shoes are waxing and the jive turkies be jiving. So who wants to do...
  17. C

    Gomorrah Casino - The Heart Of The Party

    Information and Description of The Casino Location: Cloud City Price to get in: 2,000 Credits. All weapons will be confiscated on entry and will be given back when you leave. Background tracks: Welcome to Gomorrah Casino! Here you will find a part dedicated to the ladies, a part dedicated to...
  18. Seir'ari

    The Entertainment Hub

    Be it casinos, cantinas, or intergalactic coliseums, independent organizations meant for the people are meant to share the wealth and customers! I propose that an Entertainment District can exist, free-floating and flitting from planet to planet depending on the event, that is composed entirely...
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