Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zac Grayson

    Dev Thread has disappeared

    I tried to find Dev Thread on the prefix. It seems to have disappeared.
  2. Moth

    Edit button won't show up.

    Sorry to be a bother, but my edit button doesn't seem to work. As in it's not there, even if I just posted.
  3. Ethan Matumaini

    My mentions aren't working

    When I get mentioned in something on all of my characters, I don't get notifications for it and I don't reply to people for days because I don't realise they've mentioned me. (oops)
  4. Lugus Porkins

    Posting bug (all of the buttons and such are gone)

    Short Description: Problem with the post box where I type post. Browser: IE 11 Severity: effects all of my characters, not sure about anyone else. Description: All of the buttons above are not showing up and there is a scroll bar on the side of the box. It's more annoying than anything since I...
  5. GhostOfProtocol

    Mention Bug

    Short Description: Mention Bug. Browser: Google Chrome, Version, not sure. Severity: Seems to affect all of my characters, not sure about anyone else. Description: Okay so, I was mentioning a few guys in an RP. Most noticeable being [member="Maya Whitelight] and the Heavenshields. However, I...
  6. Coryth Elaris

    Reputation Not Visible

    Short Description: Reputation not visible Browser:Chrome Severity: All my profiles Description: After posting just a couple minutes ago, the reputation box disappeared after the page refreshed. The space for reputation is there but it's not showing the little green box or anything within it...
  7. Cira

    White screen while on main page

    Short Description: I get a white screen on the main home page only when I am on the Danger Arceneau account. All other accounts are fine and all other forums are okay. Browser: Chrome and Firefox and on my mobile as well. Severity: Only on Danger Arceneau Account. Description: ​When I go to...
  8. Ayden Cater

    Weirdness with quoting

    I've been seeing this happen a lot in this thread, specifically whenever I'd go to quote a message with an image in it. Having an image in the quote may or may not be part or all of the problem.
  9. Zak Dymo

    Unable to retrieve signature image dimensions

    So I had this problem with this account before, but it seems like it's only this account and not any other. I'm trying to add a new signature (link) but when I do, I get the following error: This image is on the same file server, the same file format, the same image size, and even the same...
  10. Fatty

    Notification Failures

    Not sure when it began but within the last hour or so I've noticed that on threads I've followed replies are made but I do not receive notification. I have noticed this on this account and on [member="Triam Akovin"]'s account, [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]'s account may have also been affected...
  11. Vina Zomo

    Moving Forums Within the Faction

    While trying to edit the navigation element of the Healer's Guild (i.e. move a couple of forums I had created over to the active part and vice versa), I have discovered that I am no longer able to do anything with it. I can't even create a new navigational element. The little 4-pointed cross...
  12. Sanya Val Lerium

    about me (profile bug)

    for some reason my entire about me section has wiped. I have not deleted it and I've also pressed back to an earlier load where is should have been there but it isn't. edit: it's also not the first time it's happen.
  13. Boethiah

  14. Seraphina Shel'tah

    Republic Forum Issues

    Is it possible to have a member of the admin team take a look at the Galactic Republic forum please? There's something seemingly very wrong with our settings. Here are all the issues I've found thus far: When I create a new forum, and select the ability for all members of rank "Member" through...
  15. Boethiah

    Map links broken.

    On two rule pages ( 1 | 2 ) the links to the galaxy map don't work. They lead to /pages/maps rather than /page/articles.html/_/map/ Not that it's a major concern, but I thought I'd at least make it noticed :)
  16. Strider Garon

    BBcodes for background

    So after a very long time i decided i want to spruce up Strider's bio. I wanted the background all black but for some reason me and the BBCodes to make it happen are not getting along with each other. Now I am guessing and probably going to put credits on this that I am the one that is broken...
  17. Name Haver

    Posts and likes vanished?

    Hey staff, Just a real quick error report. I noticed that the total posts and reputation for my writer account here have somehow reset themselves. I think I had something like 130 posts and my reputation was at around 30. Any solution for this?
  18. renegade solstice

    The most unusual error

    I labeled this a bug since idk what it could be labeled as... I keep getting some weirdo SQL error ever so often, is anyone else experiencing this or is it indeed my interwebz provider? I apologize for this, just wanted to know if this is ongoing for others or if it is indeed just me. if...
  19. Magoo

    Mention Isn't Working for me

    like 90% of the time. Maybe because my name is 4 words. fix this pls
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