Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Mongrel

    Major Faction Embrace The Inevitable

    Special thanks to Dagon Kaze for creating this awesome video ad! JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD FULFILL YOUR DESTINY
  2. Samantha "Sam" Kamura

    Public  Like mynocks to a salvage ship (BOTM)

    Location: Jakku Krayt's Head salvaging outpost, a rusted diamond in the middle of the desert. A gathering of vendor stalls covered in colorful awnings, makeshift buildings pieced together from scrap and the remains of an Imperial star destroyer that gave the outpost its name. Not the most...
  3. Sssar Taszzn

    Campaign  GA - BOTM Campaign | Predatory Shadows [Phase 1]

    Location: Committee Chambers, Coruscant, Galactic Alliance Tags: Dalton Crowder Shoma Ike Vreemde Morteisen Nimdok Dracken Pryce Within the small, neat, committee chamber the artificial lights lining the edges of the room shown with a soft white light. None but Sssar currently sat, coiled...
  4. Valiens Nantaris

    Annihilation  Head of the Snake | BotM Annhilation of Csilla | Results

    As the Admin presiding over the first Annihilation on this site it was a daunting challenge for myself and my judges, and we thank you for your patience. The result was close, but in the end we are happy with what has happened. Story: Both sides put up a fantastic fight. The attackers and...
  5. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Bogaranth Cavalry

    Bogaranth Cavalry OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To draw on the Brotherhood of the Maw's Nihil roots and create a thematic ground unit. Image Credit: Top Image: Concept Art from the High Republic Concept Art Gallery Description Images: High Republic Adventures Issue 3...
  6. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Shi'ido Fleshtakers

    The Fleshtakers OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To incorporate lore from BotM territory, and to give the Brotherhood thematic ground forces. Image Credit: Hessyst, by Ryan Alexander Lee on Deviantart Role: Infiltrators, Saboteurs, and Assassins Permissions: N/A Links: Shi'ido, Lao-mon...
  7. The Mongrel

    Major Faction O'reen Overthrown

    A big thank you to our O'reen / Reecee Junction partners: Aaran Tafo | Teica Giraan | Constantine Oliva | Dagon Kaze | Asmundr Varobalder | Viers Connory Maijan Paisea | "Whisper" | Viribus | Xashe Tistya | Ripley Kühn | Rhis Fisto Suri Vullen | Aerarii Tithe | IVI | Morteg | Bernard of Arca...
  8. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Kagan-Jin Rough Riders

    Kagan-Jin Rough Riders OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To incorporate lore from a prior dominion, and to give the Brotherhood thematic ground forces. Image Credit: Two images, combined in GIMP by The Mongrel Orbak Marauder promotional picture from Star Wars: Commander website (Orbak...
  9. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Legion of the Leech

    Legion of the Leech OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To incorporate lore from a prior dominion, and to give the Brotherhood thematic ground forces. Image Credit: Edited image from The Unknown Regions Saga Edition RPG sourcebook Role: Heavy Support Permissions: N/A Links: Lugubraa, Explume...
  10. Darth Solipsis

    Invasion  Beasts of Babylon: BotM Invasion of SE held Felucia

    BEASTS OF BABYLON FELUCIA '65 The Great Journey | BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW WILL INVADE SITH ETERNAL HELD FELUCIA: 05/18 - 06/01 Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris BotM Staff SE Staff Darth Solipsis The Mongrel Kyrel Ren Maestus Aspect of Passion Darth...
  11. Kyrel Ren

    Invasion  Kingdom Come: BOTM Invasion of TSE Held Thule

    Kingdom Come Kingdom Come Site Staff: Valiens Nantaris The Sith Empire Staff: Arctus Silmar Valen Arenais Cara Dorniarn Alisteri Haxim Pom Stych Tivé Telis Taharin-Zambrano Brotherhood of the Maw Staff: Darth Solipsis The Mongrel...
  12. The Mongrel

    Major Faction Tiantang Torched

    Note: this dominion was started, and chronologically takes place, before the battle at Csilla. Conquest of Tiantang Conflict Maw Brotherhood Crisis Date 864 ABY Place Tiantang, Planetwide Outcome Brotherhood Victory Tiantang conquered Fangshi Order destroyed Tianese Imperial Line...
  13. Spirit of Faith

    Junction  ILUMinate the Void | Junction of Ilum [GA], Pashvi [NIO], and Empty hex Northeast of Rhand [BOTM]

    I L U M Galactic Alliance | New Imperial Order | Brotherhood of the Maw Ilum- A place of wonder, sanctity, and self-discovery. Since the rebirth of the New Jedi Order, the planet has long been sought after. More than just a conduit, the holy land offered roots to the blossoming organization. It...
  14. The Mongrel

    Major Faction Csilla's Fate Draws Near...

    When the rumors spread, the galaxy gathered. The defense of Csilla against the ravenous Brotherhood of the Maw and their planet-killing superweapon drew in representatives from nearly every major faction in known space. On the ground, hundreds of thousands bled and died in a matter of hours...
  15. Halketh


    A B Y S S H A L K E T H // 0231 HOURS LOCAL TIME // CARLAC A ragged, choked gasp clawed its way from his throat in the dark, ushering in a staggered strain of breath, the likes of which moved too quickly for him to give chase. Sweat-damp hair clung to his glistening brow as he shot...
  16. Rebirth

    Annihilation  Head of the Snake | BotM Annihilation of Csilla - OOC Thread

    In the northern Unknown Regions, the savage Brotherhood of the Maw has seen conquest after conquest. The Croke, the Lugubraa, the Shi'ido, the Gundanbard, the Jin, even the mighty Sorcerers of Rhand, all have either bowed before them or been swept aside by a tide of blood and fire. To the west...
  17. Rebirth

    Dominion  Doom of a Dynasty - BotM Dominion of Tiantang

    Years ago, the isolated world of Tiantang had been poised to become a regional power. Armed with a strong cultural identity and a popular will to forge their planet a place in the galaxy, its people joined together in the first Jin Empire and reached out to the stars. But the Jin were soon...
  18. The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw is an active, nomadic confederation of scavenging marauders, wasteland warlords, and overzealous cultists. Based in the Unknown Regions on the edges of known space, the Brotherhood wreak havoc in a crusade across the stars. An absolutely fanatic group, dedicated to the...
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