Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Khamesi Aivar

    Private  Blood and Shadows

    Jutrand was far from Khamesi's favorite place in the galaxy. A city planet, filled with billions and billions of people, the stink of factories and civilization clung to everything. She preferred her ship, at least there she knew every angle someone could come from. Next to that, she preferred...
  2. Darth Empyrean

    Junction  Blood and Religion │ SO/HSC Junction of Besberra/Saqqar

    Besberra Megaplex 876 ABY The crowds cheered with a righteous fury - blood spilled for their entertainment spurring the crowds into a frenzy of beer spilling, throat tearing, wild chants and screams. Lifting his hand high in the air as blood dripped from his wrist was Vorto Kan - a Gamorrean...
  3. Bhaji Scorffa

    Private  Through Blood, Salt, and Tears

    Crait. One of many worlds that has played a significant role in Galactic history. In the old days of the Rebellion against Darth Sidious' Empire, it served as the location for a rebel base. It is said that same base served as stalwart fortress against a rather aggressive Imperial remnant calling...
  4. Zoyût

    LFG  Cult of Flesh & Blood

    If you are into body horror and the cosmic rammifications of tampering with greater powers than most mortal minds can comprehend then do I have such sights to show you.
  5. Yeshua

    Private  Lord of Blood

    SHIRAYA EXPANSE Aboard the Jericho It had been nearly seventy-two hours. Whenever possible, the Vampyre did his absolute best not to go on mission when his Signifer was absent. For one, keeping the Jericho afloat was an infinitely more difficult task without her expertise. For another, Yeshua...
  6. Darth Empyrean

    Private  An Empire of Blood

    A corpse. His body had been cut down, his mortality put under the bootheel of a jedi trying to interrupt the inheritance owed to him for a thousand generations. Cracking like stone, he flexed his gray fingers - watching the canyons in his skin spread and close. "A god walking." "Use our...
  7. Xyoz Maji

    Private  You Sucked Out All That There Blood

    Home. Man, he hadn't been home in a long, long ass time. All he remembered was waking up in a tomb, sated after feasting on the blood of the Jedi that had the unfortunateness of unearthing him. Then leaving into the galaxy. He thought his world dead. The last he knew, he killed it. Ate all the...
  8. Alina Tremiru

    Approved NPC  Kraujas (Blood)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: It's a dragon. It's a Vampire. It's cool ig. Image Credit: Darktone408 Role: The body serves as a vessel for a Blood Demon, who in turn acts as Alina's hands when it comes to Sith Sorcery and the such. Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or...
  9. Gorba the Hutt

    Junction  The Blood Arena (HSC | Elysium Empire - Rorak 4 | Anvil)

    LEEEEEEEEET’S GET READY TOOO RRRRRRRRRUUUUUMBBBLLLEEEEEE Damascus Station teems with an influx of people from across the galaxy, come to witness what is promised as the biggest and most bloody spectacle of arena combat in recent history. Part of the station has been rented out by the Bareesh...
  10. D

    Private  It's in your blood [Alina Tremiru]

    Between the Sith Order, the remnants of the Sith Empire and the Kainate, Valen held numerous connections that spanned various circles of Dark Side practitioners. Having been introduced to the way of the Sith by his Mentor Zeptepi Zambrano, Valen had taken it upon himself to reach out to other...
  11. K

    LFG  First Blood

    So, I am wanting to get more threads going with my lovely man Kathal here, and want to explore some more combat related things. Curious to see if any Jedi or light siders in general might be interested in coming after my little Dark Side cultist here. Open to pretty much any type of thread...
  12. bossaka orvaski

    Character  blood slayer

    name: blood slayer FACTION: no faction but he want to make his own RANK: the fathers most letal warrior praised by the fathers and by his village SPECIES: human AGE: 46 SEX: male HEIGHT: 2.18 meter WEIGHT: 110 kg EYES: red HAIR: black SKIN: white FORCE SENSITIVE:no STRENGTHS AND...
  13. K

    Private  Blood Stained Discovery [DoS]

    Nar Shaddaa. A world of criminals, outlaws and other more nefarious types. At least, the galaxy saw them as nefarious. Compared to the darkness Kathal himself experimented with every day, the denizens of the ecumenopolis were saints. When he had arrived on the world, cloaked in a dark green and...
  14. Darth Petrichor

    Private  New Blood

    Location: The Fulcrum Tags: Konsentrates Mnium The usual sounds of busy students and masters could be heard with the halls of the Fulcrum as Petrichor made his way to the landing bay. He had been spending more time at the academy as of late, having taken a bit of a step back from the galactic...
  15. Darth Moskvin

    Private  Two Vamps...One Cup of Blood

    Call M3 Lttle Sun5h1ne -by Ghost- Location: Objective: Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt Familiar: Archimedes Tags: Alina Tremiru The setting sun was in motion to prepare to hand over the sky to his nemesis, the blood red moon of...
  16. Aelin Erevos

    Private  Wolf Blood

    T R A I N I N G Appearance | Theme | Drage Manor | Gerwald Lechner, FYI Børre Drage The morning had started out as every other day since she'd been here. Honing her senses as a wolf in the early mornings with Børre, followed by rigorous academic lessons with Bjørn-if their time was not eaten...
  17. Orn'om

    Campaign  Blood in the Storm [GHW Side-story - DM First Please]

    fa-play fa-pause Pamarthe Winter- The Weeping Winter was a harsh season on Pamarthe. Cold fronts, heavy rain, and even snow or hail in some regions made sailing dangerous. But every 5 years or so came the Weeping and with it storms like none other. From the southern isles to the Salt...
  18. D

    Faction  The Blood of Emrick

    The first of the rebels died in silence. The man's face was bruised and bloodied, and his left eye was swollen shut, but he stared up defiant even as the Emrick Sith beheaded him. The crimson blade came down in single, smooth arc, sending the head toppling down the stage set up on the landing...
  19. Rowan Hathbi

    Private  Blood of Stoneshade

    LOCATION: Islimore EQUIPMENT: Layered Clothing, Face wrap, Walking staff TAGS: Freya Drage Åsmund Ótta The researchers went about their business. The monoliths leftover from a bygone age a popular choice for those in the scientific pursuit to explain the formations as one watched the dune...
  20. Ivory Stroud

    Faction  The Blood Price (Exploration of Ol' Sadow - The Family)

    fa-play fa-pause The metallic flesh of the old beast - this ancient Sith Battleship - was scarred from centuries of weathered storms. Its immense form sat like a forgotten monument to Ancient Evils; Tales of fortunes won & lost, lives taken, secret paths tread where no mortal or sane...
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