Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Izzed Gigrig

    Public  Looney Dunes: A Chaotic Tatooine Adventure!

    A Duros lays motionless, face down in the sand of Tatooine. He appears dead in the middle of the desert sands. The Two suns begin to rise on the horizon. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Izzed Gigrig, the Duros pushes himself up off the ground with a start and looks around. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"...
  2. Mugiwara no Luffy

    Join the crew and the adventure!

    Joined into an active and cool rp thread and we’re hoping to fill a couple more seats!
  3. Ijam'cahi

    LFG  Looking For Adventure!

    I've written all sorts of characters on Chaos. I've got Sith Vampires to Jedi who paint in the Force, to force dead super soldiers. Every one of them is some kind of special snow flake because that's the normal thing I write. So I wanna try something different. Come in, Ijam here. She's a pilot...
  4. Kade Seyta

    LFG  Explorer looking for adventure!

    Hey all, its been a minute since I've been on this forum and I've been wanting to get involved again recently since I have much more freetime over the summer than during the ac year. With that being said, I really want to restart by bringing back a character I never really got going and want to...
  5. Valery Noble

    LFG  Looking for "evil" scientist and Onderon adventure!

    It's me again! This time I'm looking for some folks interested in a slightly bigger story arc, with some simpler one-thread potential as well! The idea My character is a Jedi originally from the Old Republic era but she ended up in this time through a long stasis on Onderon. For this story...
  6. Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

    Cruising For Trouble

    Lori dropped her little training fighter The Grey Sparrow out of hyperspace and into the Amar system. She was on her way back to CSA space from Mandalore, but had needed to fuel up along the way. She was just in a little fighter afterall, and not some big corvette or Star Destroyer. So far...
  7. Sunny

    You Know What Grinds My Gears?

    Another dive somewhere. Cantina. Pub. Tavern. Whatever you wanted to call it. It wasn't classy but neither was it a total hole, they probably cleaned up after beings threw up on the floor. That was practically high-class as these things went. Not that it mattered to Sunny. This station, a...
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