Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Vagrant Fleet

A ragtag collection of civilian starships, the Vagrant Fleet bands together for mutual protection as they journey across the galaxy.

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an-ar-chy: noun
the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government

The VAGRANT FLEET is a loose coalition of independent starship captains collaborating for mutual protection. Adrift in a war-torn galaxy where stability is fleeting and nowhere is beyond the reach of dark powers, the Fleet seeks safety through mobility, staying on the move to escape the grasping hands of tyrannical and destructive governments. With no formal government or military, the Fleet functions as a free association for mutual aid.

ground-ed: adjective
sensible, realistic, and unpretentious

In a universe full of gods and monsters, heroes and emperors, sorcerers and elite soldiers, stand out by being ordinary. The Vagrant Fleet is a faction centered on non-Force User (NFU) characters and the gritty side of Star Wars. Our stories aren't about sweeping galactic conquest or ancient mystical secrets - they're about scoundrels and civilians struggling to survive while titanic regimes clash across known space. They must work together, or die alone.

va-grant: noun
a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place

Power the Vagrant Fleet's journey across the galaxy by posting. Complete writing challenges to develop your character, engage in worldbuilding, and fuel up the fleet for its next jump. The Fleet will chart its journey across the stars on its own travel map, with each new hex it reaches directly reflecting the effort that faction members have put into its story. Participate in our own version of the map game - one that is fully collaborative, without invasion drama.

out-law: noun
a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive

Most factions represent governments or mystical orders, organizations with strict laws or codes of conduct. The Vagrant Fleet welcomes those who break the rules. When it comes to staying alive on the fringe, anything goes. Thieves and smugglers, pirates and crime bosses, the Fleet will do business with anyone who can keep them flying. The tension of desperate people being forced to turn to illegal means of survival will help fuel a deep, gritty story.

free-dom: noun
absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government

As known space fills up with empires and the desperate struggle to hold ground against them, reject the whole karking mess. Get away from the wars and politics and live unfettered on the fringe. Tell stories with other free spirits, and don't ever let the bureaucrats tame you. Leave saving the galaxy (or ruling it) to some other chump and focus on saving your own hide - and maybe helping out the other lost souls who are along for this wild ride with you.

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