Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Osyron Ascendancy

A hegemony dedicated to bringing a balanced order and ultimate stability to the Galaxy, no matter the cost.

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Chaos had been reigning supreme in Wild Space.

In the wake of the Mandalorian Enclave pulling its forces back to safeguard its home on Kestri, instability once again took over the Galactic Frontier.

It was during this time that the governing body of Hefi decided to share its stability and prosperity with the rest of Wild Space. Leaving a sizeable force and stable governing Council to safeguard Hefi, the rest of the ruling body ventured into the void the Enclave left behind to bring prosperity to the now-chaotic and criminally overrun worlds in the Frontier.

There were more obstacles than initially anticipated. Noticing the strategic and economic importance of Christophsis, the ruling body and its military force turned to the planet to establish a stronger base to operate from. Here, they established a new government that answered to a Sovereign. Then the great work began to bring order to both the planet as well as surrounding systems.

It was on Christophsis that a religious group known as the Osyronites were discovered. Worshiping an embodiment of the Force known as Osyron, this group were allowed to continue their god's work of restoring a cycle of balance within the Galaxy and eradicate heresy. As their views of bringing balance to the Galaxy aligned with the newly established Parliament's of stabilisation, a partnership was formed.

From this partnership, a new power started rising from the Frontier to bring a balanced order to the Galaxy. This new partnership of order would henceforth be known as the Osyron Ascendancy - a hegemony who passionately shares its prosperity with the Galaxy while maintaining its superiority.

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