Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Young Mando Girl Seeks Romance

Lily Kuhn said:
[member="Phislo Bress"]
Not too young, no, just too young for the up-front goal of wanting children and all the stuff that leads up to that. We have a strict Pg-13 rule, so while it's perfectly fine to, say, have you character have a boyfriend that's 17/18/19 etc, it'd be inappropriate to do .. fade-to-black kind of stuff with a 17 year old character (and against the rules).
" Want to eventually marry and have children but that can come much later if interested. Anybody interested?"

You probably already found your strapping young lad, but that's not why I'm here! Cause romance is awkward. Rather! I'd like to roleplay with your character as someone who takes an older brother role to her!

It's super weird, but I find your character intriguing and an ex-Sith turned weird gray Jedi who wants family when his father has abandoned him would totally be fun.


If you haven't found your Romeo, I am willing to consider it for your character if you are interested. If not, good old awkward evil older brother who wants family it is. Either way I have an interesting in joining Mando culture, cause badassery.

[member="Phislo Bress"]

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