Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You always come home

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Dantowine. After the Primeval had destroyed the planet Akio had been devastated. Here was his home-world. Here he was raised, even if it was a terrible life. He had been raised as an assassin by the assassins of his tribe. He had been taught to worship death and killing. From a young age he had spilt his first blood. He had been taught to feel no remorse and to bow without question.

But all that was over now. He walked across the battered mountainside where he had trained and learned to fight. Here he had been made and molded, for better or worse. And here those who trained him, even be it so brutally had died, without a chance to fight. And with them went the children they had been training, and the women with them, all snuffed out without a chance. The irony was not lost on him that those who had lived by the blade had died by the turbolaser.

What was once a cobble stone path led him to the crushed remains of the temple built into the mountain. Akio did not want to enter, but he felt himself drawn in. All that would wait within would be death, he knew, glassed bodies and charred bones. But he had to.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss' glowing red eyes adjusted to the darkness, taking in the remains. Stands that had carried spears were now melted into a heap. Armor that had stood for ages was now slag. Elegant pillars were reduced to rubble. A whole two thirds of the temple on either side had been caved in under the assault. Akio could make out a few fallen beings who had no doubt been fleeing for safety to their last moments. Their charred remains filled him with remorse. He wondered if he knew them--or if they were strangers.

"I knew you would return," said a familiar voice behind Akio.

The Chiss looked over his shoulder, the image of Kuroi Kumori appearing before him. The Chiss remembered their conflict on Haruun Kal, and how it had ended so badly. 'If you are here to kill me then go ahead and get it over with. There is no reason for me to resist.'

'That would not give me honor,' Kuroi said with a wave of his hand, 'You are weak. There is no point in it.'

'Then why are you here?' Akio asked softly.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
'I am here for the same reason you are,' Kuroi said, taking soft steps towards the Chiss. 'I heard the rumors, they were many and I had to see them for myself to believe them.'

Akio gave a quiet nod as he surveyed the dead and the damage, 'There is no need for this level of violence.'

'And that is why you are weak--there is need for more of this level of violence. Only through this war shall we emerge strong and powerful.'

'Power is fading and pointless. It is nothing without wisdom.'

'Wisdom is gaining as much power as you can keep and cutting those down who stand in your way,' Kuroi insisted, 'I remember a time when you saw things the same as I, what changed you?'

Akio lowered his head in thought. That was a good question, what had changed him? "I got tired of the killing, I suppose.'

Kuroi gave a mocking laugh, 'You expect me to believe that? You were the most vicious of our students. Willing to crush and kill anyone who stood in your way. Those are a fool's ideas.'

'Perhaps they are,' Akio admitted, 'but to crush only to crush again is worthless.'

"It is not, it means you live to crush another day!"

'Anyone can destroy, Kuroi. It is divine to create. You all had it wrong, you held that killing would lead to divinity,' he shook his head, 'but to kill is mortal. It only ends things. No, to create starts things, that is something that only a god can do. Its the path to divinity to create.'

Without another word the Chiss began walking further into the temple.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio ventured deeper into the mountain, he could hear Kuroi following behind him slightly too. He would not doubt it if the man was looking more for what he could gain than for what he could help. That was his way--cold and unloving towards all life. It was what made him a monster, not the god he wanted to be.

As Akio went deeper into the halls the blast marks became less destructive and less overwhelming. The bodies were more recognizable. Some apparently suffocated and were now covered in layers of ash. Others were scorched badly, killed from their wounds. The path led them to a small sanctum, this had once been their meditation chamber, a place reserved for only the greatest of their students before their initiation into clansmanship. The Chiss could feel memories wash over him. He had unknowingly tapped into the Force here, in what felt like a lifetime ago. And it had probably been. He gave a sad smile, it was only fitting that these times would never come again. And that no more monsters like Kuroi would be created in these halls.

"What is this?" the umbarian asked pointing into the shadows.

Akio came closer, he did not remember these stairs being here, and they were all but untouched, save the dead body that was sprawled on the first few steps. He glanced back to Kuroi who gave him a nod, this could only be something of severe importance. Akio could only wonder what it was; his mind raced through the possibilities; a secret chamber of weapons? Armor? Relics? Or something stranger? He began to tentatively walk down the stone stairs. They were cool on his bare feet. Kuroi was not far behind him as they ventured into the pitch black.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The steps went down for what felt like forever. These have to go into the very heart of the mountian, Akio realized. When they stopped, the Chiss was ready for anything, or so he thought.

It was very clear that this chamber had been a massive hangar of ancient construction. The ships it would have housed would have easily been 100 meters wide and at least double that in length. The scorch marks of several launches were on the walls, Akio guessed they were only a year old or so. Wide double doors leading to the outside world were gaping wide open. Kuroi wasted no time going to a nearby terminal. Akio was left dumbfounded with his thoughts. There were no signs that the bombardment had made its way in, this had happened after the assault.

'The launch happened two hours after the bombardment stopped,' Kuroi commented, 'they made it out, their destination was Kro Var.'

Akio gave him an inquiring look, 'You believe it was them?'

'Its rather shortly after for it to have been looters,' Kuroi countered, 'Yes, I think it was them.'

Akio crossed his arms and thought for a moment, 'Shall we follow them?'

"I am, the question is if you want to come with."

'How do I know you will not try to kill me?'

'If I wanted to kill you, Akio, I would have done so already, when we first met.'

'You tried.'

'No, I showed you who you are. That is different. Are you coming with me or not, Chiss?'

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The journey to Kro Var was quiet and uneventful. Akio stayed in his own quarter that were provided and Kuroi was generally busy practicing with his weapons, as they had been taught to do so. I still do the same, Akio thought between meditation sessions. Part of him wanted to believe that they were really not all that different, the other was not too foolish to actually believe that. They had both been victims of a broke caste that had in the end, lied to them and died. They had just reacted in very different ways. Akio had disowned the styles and lies, while Kuroi had refused to let go of them. The Chiss wondered if it was out of denial or just a need to hold onto something solid in this galaxy of change. Perhaps both. Or perhaps he really does believe what he claims to, which would be the worst of them all.

When they came out of hyperspace to the planet, Akio made his way to the command deck. His eyes roved across the surface. The planet was largely dead, with no real massive remaining settlements or homes to speak of. He looked at Kuroi bent over the console busy at work, "What are you doing?"

'Working, scanning for life,' Kuroi explained, 'a population of that size should not be too hard to find, all things considered. The planet is all but dead in the sense of populations, so we should have a hope of finding them on that alone.'

A few minute later the console gave a ping of results. The Umbarian scrolled through them with a distasteful look, 'Perhaps I was--'

"The mountain,' Akio cut in, 'On the equator, they will be there.'

"Are you sure? How do you know?"

'Its the most defendable location, there are planes around for miles and the high ground.. There is only one way in, and one way out, its natural state alone makes it the ideal choice.'

'I hope your right,' Kuroi muttered.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Kuroi's sleek vessel carved through the space in a wide arc towards the single mountain. Akio wondered what had set it apart, from all the others. He was sure there was a story behind it, one that should be told another time. All stories are worth telling and they are worth hearing and learning from. Kuroi gave a cold scowl and lowered the vessel at the base of the mountain. Akio gave him a questioning look.

"There is no space to land, we have to climb our way up," Kuroi grumbled.

Akio smiled, 'I am sure we will make it.'

'If it isn't rigged with traps and if its them.'

Akio didn't utter a word in reply. Instead he began leading up the way towards the mountain. The path was narrow, barely wide enough to be walked by one person. It wound up the mountain in a constricting zig-zag pattern. There was no other entrance, and it would be no problem for the inhabitants of the mountain to hurl projectiles down on their heads. There was no vegitation and no foot holds to climb and make the path easier or shorter. Yes, this could only be the Senshi, it had their style of trap bearing written upon it. And they were, after all, some of the best.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio began down the sloping path, his body hugging the edge of the mountain to keep from falling to his untimely death. Kuroi was not far behind. They passed through the several levels with no worries yet. As they got higher the wind began to blow around them, carrying with it a subtle chill.

"There is just one thing I am trying to figure out, Akio," Kuroi commented when they were quite far along the path.


"Why are you doing this after completely denying your an assassin."

"I am looking for answers."


"My memory, it was damaged," the Chiss explained, "I do not remember much of who I am. I need answers. The more the better."

'So, what validation?'

'Something like that. More like finding out who I really am.'


'So why are you doing this?'

Kuroi gave a slight chuckle, 'I have something to gain from reuniting with the Clan. I thought that was why you were here.'

'Something to gain?'

'The clan is full of faults, Akio, riddled with deception and subterfuge, but I assure you, that we look after our own.'

'I meant what do you hope to gain?'

Kuroi tapped his nose, 'I told you, filled with subterfuge and deception.'

'I am not your enemy.'


'If I wanted to kill you, Kuroi this would be an idea place.'

'No, what you would want isn't to kill me, its more than that. Move along now.'

Akio shook his head and turned his attention fully back to climbing. The wind was whipping along them, thrashing the pair brutally. The Chiss pulled on the Force to keep himself secure.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
After hours of the exhausting climb, Akio could finally see the end in sight. And thank the gods too, the sun was beginning to set. The Chiss worked the knots out of his shoulder muscles and pulled on the Force once more to keep on going. He made the turn and thankfully, the pass was wide enough for him to go through with his shoulders square, instead of edging along the mountain side. Standing at the top was a man clad from head to foot in a black body suit. His face was covered by the same material, and Akio could feel himself groan inside. The last thing he wanted, especially after that climb was a fight. The man drew a katana from the sheath on his back and extended his other palm. "State your name and why you are here."

"My name is Akio Diachi," Akio answered, "I was a member of the Senshi tribe, I am looking for the remnant who left Dantoowine. And I am sorely exhausted, may we please not fight?"

"That is your plan?" Kuroi chided from behind him. "Why don't we just slit our wrists now?"

The figure cocked his head to one side, "Akio? The Blue Outsider?"

Akio smiled with a slight pain recalling the not-so-kind nickname, 'Yes, that was what they called me.'

The man sheathed his weapon and bowed, 'Its Lou Din. I was one of your few allies in the academy. Do you remember me?'

Akio's smile broadened, 'Oh, of course I do, you were always good to me.'

'This has been heartwarming, but can we please move on? These ledges are killing me and the wind will pull us three off onto the rocks if we don't get off them,' Kuroi butt in.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
'Come with me,' Lou Din motioned with his hand and he lead them up the next two layers to the city itself. Lining the cliff that made up the outskirts of the settlement was a red wall of massive proportions, 15 feet tall plus the battlements. Akio noticed small spikes lining the surface, to stop potential climbers no doubt. Inside there was a great opening that was lined with an elegant but productive food garden. Houses stood in neat rows going far back towards the face of the guarding and powerful mountain. Beyond that, Akio could see a a basic temple in the work already partially built into the mountain, and further parts being added.

"My you have been a busy people,' Akio murmured.

'Of course, you know that no idle hands make for the safety of our people, or what is left of us anyway,' Lou Din said as he removed his face covering. 'Many of our people died during the attack, the Dragon wishes to ensure this never happens again.'

'The Dragon, he survived?' Kuroi asked surprised.

'Of course,' Lou Din answered with a slightly sour look on his face, 'The Dragon was our number one priority. In fact, he would most likely be interested to hear you have returned, Akio, everyone is abuzz with you.'

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
"With me?" Akio asked surprised, 'Why me?'

Lou Din gave him an credulous look, 'Surely you cannot be serious?'

'I am, I have no idea what you are talking about,' Akio confessed. 'Why me?'

'I will inform the Dragon you are here, please stay here,' Lou Din sidestepped the question, and he hurried away.

'Curiouser an Curiouser,' Kuroi murmured.

'Do you know what he is talking about?' Akio asked, his eyebrow furrowing in puzzlement.

Kuroi shrugged, 'Beats me if I know. I always counted you as a good for nothing waste of time.'

'Well its nice to know what you think of me,' Akio said blinking in shock.

'I am surprised you chose to associate with me even now, Akio, I have never been one to hide my opinion of you,' Kuroi confessed, 'I called you a runt, and so much worse. I made your life hard. I did everything I could to try and make you fail. In return you only ever became better,' he gave a half shrug, 'maybe even better than me in a way. It was a shame. All this talent to be wasted on a Chiss. But you bear it well, regardless.'

'Race does not matter, we are all just creative arts of the Force,' Akio answered solemnly.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Dragon, of course, was not a real dragon. It was a title, a symbolic herald of leadership within the tribe that denoted not only power, but skill and honor. Among the Senshi it did not matter who you were from--at least in name. Yes, Akio, the only Chiss in the group, was largely scoffed and excluded for his race as a child, but generally it did not matter. Gender did not matter either, women and men were both equally able in combat. Even though there was equality, there was a hierarchy.

Acolytes were youth, generally quite young, ranging from 5 to 12. Their role in life was to learn the forms, the basic moves of combat for hours on end every day. They would sleep in the same lodging house, eating in the same halls, and practicing in the same courtyard. From sun up to sun down they practiced their forms to perfection in mass groups. Only when they were ready would the acolyte advance to Initiate--by spilling their first blood. Initiates would learn deeper, more intimate means of killing. Their strength focused on not memorizing motions but by the mastery of knowledge. The learning moved from the body to the head. Initiates learned strategic skills, stealth, subterfuge, and the art of war. Their ages ranged from 12-18, though a few late bloomers would stay over even longer if needed.

Then came the initiation into clansmanship. The passage into clansman could only be earned by a successful, flawless mission. Assassination, sabotage, theft, or spy work were the jobs of choice on the outside world. Only when the initiate conducted the mission with success would they become a Clansman. Of course, women were clansmen too, or Clanswomen if they preferred. The title was one of respect, one of an adult. One that commanded power behind it.

A select few would earn the right to the title of Shifu. Those were masters of skill, body, and wisdom. Their wise natures made them able to teach if they wished or lead as they saw fit. The enormous respect they garnered could not be understated, Akio knew. And from them the Grand Shifus would rise, even fewer in number. Their skill and wisdom were seen on a level unparalleled. Their words carried great weight, and their blades were ever true. Only a fool would fight a Grand Shifu.

From among them would be selected the Dragon, the leader in action. Their role model, the most skilled, powerful, and honorable being in the clan. Their deeds were worthy of song. Only death could remove the Dragon from his title, and like the dragon, there could only be one.

"Gentlemen," Lou Din interjected, breaking Akio's ruminating, "This way, the Dragon wishes to see you."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss followed Lou Din past the rows of houses. He couldn't help but note how new the homes were. Though well constructed it was clear to see that they had been made from whatever material had been available; wood, stone, and roofs made from the hull of one of the ships they must have used to get to Kro Var. Akio could only wonder where the other two were then. They passed them into a wide court yard where an old sight greeted Akio's eyes. Rows and rows of youth dressed in the white Gi of the Acolyte were neatly formed on the courtyard. Each row was divided first by age, then by gender. The children, numbering in the upper two hundreds were practicing in perfect synchronization their forms of the day. Akio remembered those days, the endless training, the hard work, and the agony. It built physical skill but more than that, it built discipline, endurance, and mental abilities that would be far superior to other assassins.

With Kuroi hot on his heel, Akio followed Lou up the temple's 24 steps into its yawning mouth. The great durasteel doors were open for now, letting the daylight in. Inside there were several lighting crystals placed along the walls, illuminating the room. Judging by the walls, Akio guessed this had once been a natural cavern that they were working on re-furbishing. Students lined the floor in neat rows sitting in the lotus position. Meditating most likely. The hall led them deeper in, to a junction of halls. Several rooms stemmed off to the left and the right. Akio could hear the sound of sparing withing. Each room was a dojo, he thought, Initiates broke into groups of 30 to a Clansman or Shifu, then trained.

"It didn't take them long to set up shop," Kuroi grumbled.

"On the contrary," Lou objected, 'We have just finally begun our work once more. This way, the Dragon is expecting you."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The pair followed Lou up several steps that were carved into the cave. Akio could feel his weary muscles beginning to whimper in protest after the climb up the mountain and all the walking. He hadn't had a real moment's rest since the morning. At last, when he thought he could go no further, the stairs ended in a door guarded by two of the grand Shifus. Their deadly Katanas dangled ready at their sides as the men stood motionless and stoic. Both of their faces were covered, the traditional Senshi way when on duty. It promoted many things; equality, unity, solidarity, autonomy, power.

The door swung open and the three Shenshi Clansmen stepped inside. The lighting was dim, more Grand Shifus lined the walls, ready to spring into action if they needed to. Against the back wall, amid the shadows Akio could distinguish the form of the Dragon. The Chiss refrained form looking at the old man, it would have been a disgrace to do so without his permission. The three men bowed in reverence. Legend held this Dragon was over three hundred years old, the oldest to live yet. Whether that was true or not, it was known that he was a man of unparalleled wisdom and foresight. Akio hoped only that one day he would become even half as wise as the Dragon was.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
"Young Child," the Dragon intoned, his voice melodic but creaking like a great oak, "I have been awaiting your return for some time."

"Thank you, Dragon," Akio replied with his ever gracious voice, "I regret that I do not understand the nature of your request for my presence."

"Of course, I was not specific in my desire to see you," the Dragon replied, "I have a request to make of you."

Akio swallowed, feeling slightly confused. He had just arrived and already the Dragon was asking him favors. This was not how he had planned for this conversation to go. He gave a tentative nod, "Of course, Dragon."

"Heon Ruu, a valued Clanswoman has fallen ill," the Dragon began, "The Crimson Fever has befallen her. Regretfully most of our healers perished in the destruction of Dantoowine. I must inquire of you to procure the healing herbs needed to save her life. For this purpose you have come."

'I must confess, I came for other reasons,' Akio replied, 'I have questions, many of them. Questions that need answering.'

'Ah, questions of who you are.'

'Your perceptiveness, Dragon is only second to your Wisdom,' Akio bowed slightly. 'I hope my questions are not of a controversial nature.'

'Of course not, Child, and I shall gladly answer them,' the Dragon answered, 'However, Heon's state is of greatest urgency.' Akio's body gave a groan of protest at the thought of more climbing.

'Therefore, you have need to rest,' Dragon continued, 'So that at the crack of dawn you may retrieve these herbs. Then I shall answer your questions.'

'May I go with Akio?' Lou asked.

'Of course, my Young Child. I understand this is of extreme importance to you. For now, go. Rest. And prepare for the morning.'

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The trio left the Dragon's chamber and Lou led Akio back down to one of the homes. It was a join home, shared by 15 other clansmen and clanswomen. The need to quickly construct as many homes as quickly as possible with as little material as possible had rendered the ideas of common privacy void. Now everyone shared housing. Lou served the two men a meal before they got their rest. The next morning even before drawn Akio was awake, preparing for his venture. He donned his armor, before gathering and storing his Katana, Wazikashi, throwing quills, monk's spade, and amulet. Not long after, Akio and Lou came the exit of their tribe's land. Lou tossed down a pair of ropes that extended to the very bottom of the mountain.

"Its a lot faster to rappel down the side, than to climb," Lou said with a slight smile, "If you are alright with that."

"You could have told me that before I climbed up,' the Chiss jibbed before slipping into a harness.

The pair began their decent down, pushing off the side of the mountain. The narrow ledges that had been used to make getting up the mountain difficult served to make the repelling act by far easier. The duo sprang off the ledges like rabbits, quickly making their way lower, and lower. When the sun had risen, they were already at the bottom and un-buckling themselves from the lines to get up.

"Where shall we go now?" Lou asked.

"I thought you had a place in mind," Akio objected.

'You were asked because you have that whole 'know where I am going' thing going on,' Lou chuckled, 'So, by all means, lead the way.'

Akio chuckled and felt the air for half a second, he listened carefully, trying discern the leading of the Force, 'This way.'

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