Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where's the Assassin!?

[member="Silara Vantai"]

Ice looked at the message on his datapad. "So Zorlog wants to meet on Nar Shadaa eh? No big surprise there." His eyes narrowed as he read the message. Something seemed off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. After a few moments contemplating, he turned toward his ships pilot. "Helmsmen! Bring us about. Navigation! Plot a course for Nar Shadaa!"

"Aye captain!" Came the quick responses from his crew. "Let's go drop off some cargo." He mumbled to himself as he left the bridge.

-Time passes, and he is now is Nar Shadaa space-

"Helmsmen. Set us down in this sector of the city." He said point to a spot on his screen. "Zorlog's warehouse. We'll be unloading our cargo there."

"Aye Captain." Said the Helmsmen once more as he did what he was ordered.

Having finally arrived. Ice disembarked and made his way into the large warehouse. There weren't many people around. But at that moment a small droid floated to him.

"Ice." Came it's mechanical voice. "Zorlog will see you soon. He is currently occupied. He will summon you soon. Please wait in this room here." Ice was then led into a comfortable room deeper into the warehouse with chairs, and even a few refreshments. Ice wouldn't partake though. You celebrate once the job is finished. Not before, he'd always say.

For those coming after him, the same droid would greet them on arrival, and usher them to the same room.
Silara had been on Nar Shadda for some time, having come for two primary reasons, and was lingering around in a warehouse to track down a certain Zorlog. She had arrived a few days prior on the Hazard Beauty for a mission of sorts, two really, one was to find mercenary help for the Shadow Empire, and the other was to assassinate Zorlog to aid in her previous mission by fracturing his group. Reaching out with the force, feeling around the surrounding area, Silara made use of the force sense technique to ensure she wouldn't be caught - although she had forgottten about security cameras. It did not not take long for her to reach further in, overhearing a mechanical voice speaking to someone named "Ice", when she found herself surrounded by droids. "Halt. You're coming with us to see Zorlog, trespasser." It was not known within the Shadow Empire that she was a Sith and she planned to keep it that way, and for the sake of reaching Zorlog at an expedited rate she gave herself up. "Ugh. Whatever, let's get this over with." The Vahla teen replied, putting her hands above her head as she was led away.

An eyebrow rose has he saw another person enter. His eyes darted around trying to pick up every clue. A beautiful woman to say the least. But what was with the hands in the air? Wasn't she here on business too? If not, why was she being placed in the same room as him?

His earlier uneasiness reached a new level, and his hand instinctively fell to his pistol at his side. Ice was suddenly wishing he had brought his grenades with him. At least he had his rifle and pistol. Ice thought to himself.

The droid soon left leaving the two of them alone. Ice gave a guarded smile and commented. "I think you can put your hands down. I have a feeling our host is a bit more generous than to keep business associates waiting like prisoners." He finished gesturing toward the food and drink sitting on the table.

"So. What brings you here if you don't mind my asking?" He leaned up against the wall to relax. But his hand never left his pistol. Merely sat there in a relaxed manner.

[member="Silara Vantai"]
Stardust had a feeling something was going down or something interesting,so she followed [member="Ice"] and waited till he went in soon followed by [member="Silara Vantai"]
Star soon walked up and said she wanted to see zorlog
!your wanting to see zorlog... What for
-oh hmmm stuff"she smiled
!follow me"the man led her to where ice and silara was at "well I see I ain't the only one" she said with a smile
Silara glanced over to the man, whom seemed to be filled with nervous apprehension. Her sensing through the force told her of his fear, and she would have relished it if not for the fact that she was not the cause of his anxiety. Awaiting the crime lord to show himself, Silara lowered her hands at the suggestion of the male, and was significantly less vulnerable than what she had led the security team to believe. With a sigh, she moved over to a wall and leaned up against it, looking back over to [member="Ice"] again as he spoke his question. She was about to speak when [member="stardust"] walked into the room, led by presumably another agent of the crime lord, and she sighed. "I'm here to deal with a certain Crime Lord and recruit a few of his men, perhaps others, for the Shadow Empire." She replied, skipping over the Twi'lek for the moment as the answer to her question was extremely obvious.
And a 3rd person to join the room. "Well this was just turning into quite the party wasn't it?" He thought amusingly to himself as his eyes looked over the two females. Judging their possible threat levels. "At least the scenery was nice. Still, why is that dang Hutt herding us all into a room. Especially since I have a rather sensitive type of cargo...? You don't invite guests to these types of discussions and transactions." The idea was only bringing on more concerned thoughts. "Indeed." He commented to the twilek. "I'm half expecting a cake to come in next."

An eyebrow raised as he listened to the woman's response. Well she was a brazen one wasn't she? Just comes right out and says she was basically here to assassinate the Hutt and recruit his men? Was she for real? Not one to get involved in someone else's business. He nevertheless couldn't help but comment. "You mind if I see Zorlog first, darlin'? Once my business is done, he's all yours." He said half jokingly to the woman cooly resting against the wall, still trying to gauge whether she was being serious or not.

"Also, what's this Shadow Empire thing you mentioned? Sorry, normally I wouldn't pry, but I'm curious." His hand moved away from his pistol as he began to calm a bit. But this whole situation still had him nervous. At least if he was going to have his time wasted, he might be able to glean some information. You never know when it might come in handy.

[member="Silara Vantai"]
Stardust stood and looked about the room, she wasn't really nervous as much as dome would but she needed a quick story to tell zorlog if she ever saw him. Listening in she heard [member="Silara Vantai"] mention the shadow empire and perked up looking over at her she spoke"well two in the kettle huh"she said crossing her arms with a grin as she referred to them both being in the shadow empire indirectly "
His gaze shifted toward the last person to arrive. "Hmm? Oh, I'm not part of the Shadow Empire. I'm just a freelance ship captain. I was just askin' the lady here what the Shadow Empire even was. I hadn't heard of them before. Which is strange for me considering how much I travel and hear things."

Ice was turning his head to look back at the first woman when the door flung open yet again. In walked a rather annoyed looking Quarren.
"This is outrageous." The newcomer complained to the droid ushering him in. "I demand to see Zorlog this instant!" The Quarren paused as he noticed he was in the company of others he did not know.

Grumbling to himself now, he simply moved over to a corner and sat in a chair. Clearly unhappy, but now silent.

[member="Silara Vantai"]

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