Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where Angles Fear to Tread


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
Havoc’s deactivated body dangled from the ceiling, suspended by countless wires and restraints. A medical droid was performing some kind of operation on the assassin’s insides. After a few hours, the red lights which made up Havoc’s eyes began to flicker on. He let out a low groan as he struggled against his restraints, trying to get a hold of his surroundings. “Where am I?” He asked, his voice sounding somewhat weak. “Ah, master, you are awake. I was worried that my repairs were insufficient and that we would have to scrap you.” Havoc shook his head and repeated his question, this time sounding slightly more agitated; “I said, where am I?!” As the medical droid circled Havoc, it took notes, taking it’s time before offering an answer. “You are home, master.” Once again, Havoc looked around the room. It was small, obviously some kind of droid repair room or something similar. “No no no. This is not right. My mission. I must complete my mission. The order will not tolerate failure.”

“Well this is unfortunate. It appears that the memory wipe was unsuccessful. I must admit that I am unfamiliar with these CT units. You are quite rare master. One of only three functional CT units in the whole galaxy.” Havoc let out what amounted to a snarl. He loathed being reminded that he was a droid. He spent so much time trying to perfect himself while also remaining unique in his own way. Being reduced to a designation was an insult to everything he strove to achieve. “I am not a ‘unit’. I am a highly sophisticated being, capable of raining destruction and death upon my targets with unparalleled efficiency. I am the epitome of havoc and thus I choose that as my name. If you do not release me at once, I will be forced to give you a first hand demonstration of just how cruel I can be.” There was a brief moment of silence, undoubtedly as the medical droid weighed his options. Eventually he moved over to a control panel and pressed a few keys. The restraints made a hissing sound as they released. Havoc’s body dropped to the floor with a thud, though he landed in a crouching position. He brushed the dust off his arms as he rose. The joints in his body made metallic clicking sounds as he stood and looked his body over. “I feel...different. What did you do to me?”

“They made me give you some upgrades master. You are are now a much more lethal...being.” Havoc balled and relaxed his fist, looking over his arms. A clink sound was made as his arm split down the middle, morphing into a second arm. His right one did the same thing. “Oh that’s very interesting,” he said as he examined his two new appendages. “You still have yet to tell me who you are and where exactly I am. I grow tired of your stalling and I really doubt I need you alive to help me get out of here.” The the droid nodded hesitantly then gazed up to make eye contact with Havoc. “I am EV-A4-E, droid repair unit. We are in a secret CIS stronghold located on the planet Vassek.”

“Why am I here? Am I a prisoner? The First Order is surely looking for me.”

“Master, the First Order has been drastically reduced in the time you were out of commission. It is very unlikely that they are looking for a mere assassin droid. The confederacy is offering you the chance to expand your permaiters. I am not authorized to tell you this but; I overheard top brass talking and they want to make you a military leader.”

These words intrigued Havoc. One one hand, he wanted to know more about the downfall of the First Order, but on the other hand, if what EV said was true, the First Order was immaterial. Being a military leader would be a much better use of both his intellectual skill and his skills as a trained killer. Slowly, Havoc made his way over to the door which slid open slowly. It was clear this stronghold was quite old and hadn’t been used in many years. He walked the halls, looking around. The overall place was dark with minimal lighting throughout the place. At this point the two extra arms had retracted back to their single form. As they walked along, Havoc peered into some of the side rooms. In theme were statues of a menacing looking warrior. In one of the rooms, there was a table lined with severed braids, another table lined with lightsabers. “Lightsabers? Was this a jedi stronghold….no. It can’t be. These are trophies, not actual weapons. And those braids… from slaughtered apprentices. My archives on the Jedi are incomplete as a result of your haphazard memory wipe.”

“I was just trying to follow orders master.” Havoc walked over to a box with a folded piece of paper on it. He picked up the paper and unfolded it. On the inside, it read;

General, While I am most pleased with the trophies you have collected, perhaps it is time for a more fitting weapon. I had these specially made for you.

Havoc put down the note and opened the rectangular box to find four elegantly displayed lightsabers. The hilts were a beautiful stainless steel with black and gold highlights.


Havoc picked one of the blades up and ignited it. The sound of the ignition shattered the silence in the room, culminating with a low hum as Havoc examined the crimson red blade. “It’s beautiful. The ultimate weapon. You say this place is my if that’s the case, do the items within belong to me as well?”

“Yes master. Including yours truly. I serve the confederacy but I will be your personal repair droid and housekeeper. However, I may suggest being careful when exploring the rest of the compound. There are some things here… that do not wish to be found.”

Just then, a rather large rodent scurried out from under one of the tables in the room. As it tried to scurry past Havoc on all fours, it quickly realized that it was not fast enough to accomplish such a goal. Instead, Havoc trapped the creature beneath his metal foot. It let out a series of squeals as it tried to squirm free. The mechanisms in Havoc’s face coiled the give the illusion of a smile. “I don’t believe it’ll be much trouble.” With that, Havoc pressed his foot down harder, causing the rodent’s spine to crack as it was crushed.

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