Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What Star Wars Means to Me.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...... (Insert epic theme song music)

There was a lonely 14 years old boy who struggled with anxiety. And depression. And suicidal thoughts. One day, that boy was scrolling through channels on a tv, and noticed a movie was on called "Star Wars: A new Hope." The boy was interested, and he clicked. The amazing storyline, and devilish romance between Han and Leia, along with the deep storyline of Vader and Luke was enough to get him to google this thing. He watched all the movies, (Original series is best. Fight me) read the comics, but the greatest thing for him was the soundtrack. He would listen to it over and over, the cruel tyranny of the Imperial March, or the beautiful tempo of the force theme, and the amazing feeling you get with that song at the beggining. While it might seem weird, Star Wars kept that boy from commiting suicide. And as you probably guessed, that boy is me.

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