Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Whado I gotta do, tuh getchu in this ship... tuday?!!

Be careful what you wish for.
(OOC: While anyone is welcome to join this in the aftermath, for example at a refueling station, this was really about the big guy getting his new ship organically. :) Happy reading)

One of the parts of this future that Caltin had never expected to see was a starship dealership. Yet here he was in the middle of one, it was a division, or maybe in a partnership with a company called “Lucerne Defense”, or something like that. The massive Jedi Master had heard good things about the company and how the SJC had a great relationship with them. That probably meant that this was the place to be, not necessarily for a discount or anything, he did not care about that, but Caltin wanted to support allies who supported him.

While Jedi was not about wealth, he had money, a lot of it. This was because the bank of Coruscant was still open and his old account that he shared with his sister was still in the records and collected 860 years' worth of interest. There was plenty for a vessel and maybe a pilot droid or two.

Now the question is, what to look for, of course, that meant he was approached by a droid.

“Greetings I am Communications and Administration droid ILSL2U, we have a wide array of vessels for sale. Do you know what you are looking for?”

~“I’ll sell to you?” Really?~

He did not hide his Jedi “robes”, they were not “robes” really but his own style to a tunic with no sleeves and the hood attached. As he saw a few, the big guy was not in the mood for anyone, let alone a droid bothering him right now. He knew what he wanted, he just did not see it yet.

Thank you, I’m just looking.

“I will be available if you have questions or concerns about the products that you see before you.”

Rolling his eyes inwardly, the massive Jedi Master secretly wished that he had gotten Jedi Knight Caden Evesa Caden Evesa to come with him. The young knight was an exceptional pilot and could probably help him with the choices. While he was looking for something similar and knew that there were restorations and replicas of older models like the LAAT-1 rebuild or the ETA-22, he chose to move on. The gunship was a favorite of his, but it did not have a hyperdrive, and as much as Caltin liked the look and feel of @Zak Dymo’s ETA-22, he would get stuck in the cockpit, this was from experience in multiple fighters.

The main look he wanted was a ship with the toughness and maneuverability of his old YT “Fugitive’s Redemption” and his last ship “Carcharadon.”

“This ship is exceptional, a fine vessel that you will enjoy, I see you in it and very successful. Error… Error… Missing information on customer profession.”

Oh boy…

This was the type of dynamic that dominated the next ninety minutes… for Caltin it seemed like another ninety years. The droid tried to sell him fighters, or transports, even a very used small capital ship, but Caltin continued to just look around. This was becoming a waste of time, then again it was not as the experience was telling him what he did and did not want in regards to vessels of this day and age.

Like I told you, for the ninth time, I am only looking and if I find something that I like, I will either ask about it or make an offer.

“I am available for any questions or concerns.”

The massive Jedi Master was just about to leave when he saw it. Caltin walked, almost in a trance over to a matte black Shyyyo-class Combat Transport. While the big guy was not keen on a “combat transport” this ship and her schematics just screamed to him. It was the vessel he was looking for and the price was not right but was one he could live with. The Jedi would not haggle, it bothered him to

I will take this one. I want it cleaned and ready within the hour.

“You have made an exceptional choice. We have fine financing options, one certainly that will meet your needs.”

I will be paying cash.

“Sir, I assure you that our fin*”

Cash and I will even buy a pilot droid from you.

“I will be happy to process your payment and prepare your vessel and droid. This will take approximately one standard hour to complete.”

I will come back.

Surprised that he had a chunk of change left over, the bug guy set out to get something to eat. There was a nerf-burger joint that looked like it was good and greasy. Heading that way Caltin realized that he would not be getting a burger when he saw something that bothered him terribly. He was watching an astromech droid being abused. Now some may look at this as “it’s just a droid”, but the big guy owed his life to one that he himself had rescued in a Sabbac game.

The Toydarian was hitting the droid with a long pipe, it had a damaged roller and could not move fast enough to avoid the attacks completely.

“You stupid droid! You are worthless!”

The bot was trying to apologize through its droid speak but the attacker did not seem to care.

“This is why no one wants you. You are useless!”

This was all Caltin could stand.

I want him.

“You?” The droid’s owner turned around startled. “What you want with this, eh? It’s worthless.”

He would not make the comment that he was thinking, Caltin would just make an offer. In fact, he made an offer that was more than the cost of three of the astromech’s type of brand new. The big guy also bought new parts. The Toydarian was dumbfounded at the amount of money that he just made. He did not want to part with the droid, deep down he needed it, but new that it had a personality and feared it would leave him That was the source of the “abuse”. He had to keep it around, one way or another. This offer though, from this boulder of a man was too great to pass up.

The big guy of course was talking to the droid, kneeling in front of the viewer and vocoder.

Hello little friend, if you want to get away from here, I would like to take you with me. If you do, I promise, you will never go through the hell you appear to have gone through here. Trying to be as comforting as he can to a droid, he wanted to convince it that the environment would be exponentially better. Droids were not pets, but Caltin treated his droids like them, even family.

Caltin made arrangements with the dealership to transport his new friend, “R0-1R” to his new ship, a ship he named Starlight Sentinel. Something about the name of that droid that just seems to fit the dynamic he wanted between them. The pilot droid “MU51-C” was already sitting in the co-pilot’s seat.

“Greetings Master Vanagor sir, would you like for me to take control of the vessel.”

Caltin smiled, excitedly.

Oh no. I am going to enjoy this.

Sitting down and taking the controls, he took a few moments to familiarize himself with the layout, but when he did…The ship lifted off and screamed into the atmosphere at almost attack speed, this might cause some suspicion, but the comms were almost blasting his exuberant “woohoohoohoo!”

The ship lifted off and screamed into the atmosphere at almost attack speed, this might cause some suspicion, but the comms were almost blasting his exuberant “woohoohoohoo!”
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