Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weapon Confusion - Ydrin

Lalonde as very few right now know, is a very very easy to bend character. Controlled by her lust of both spices and alcohol, the young adult is always on the search for jobs, or opportunities to get free drinks. There simply was nothing more that she wanted in life, besides the occasional hit of forgiveness that beckoned her to grasp.​
While other people may have moved on, or may have left the scene to another area, Roxy stayed seated in one of the lesser bar stools around the bartender's body. She stared into her drink for a long moment, not yet drunk enough to forget why she came here. A wave of depression slowly wrapped over her like a blanket of cold hate, struggling to suffocate her with every moment of it's existence. Without a facial expression, or a verbal emitting of her feelings, she tipped the drink clean down her mouth, and down her throat with a small burning sensation. As always.​
She closed her eyes, spreading her lips to give a parted sigh. She didn't have many credits on her to order another drink, which she felt was just enough to put her in a good mood. With a glint of hate in her eyes, she slowly spun around in the stool, looking out at the several people that were in the bar.​
Ydrin sat almost completely still as he perched on top of a bar stool, the only movements he made was to life his glass to his lips and take a sip of the honey coloured liquid inside. However, someone trained like he in the are of reading body language would understand that he was not as still as first thought. Periodically his head would twitch as if to try and position his head better to take in the numerous conversation populating the cantina's heavy atmosphere. The skin under left eye would sometimes flicker in a tick as the unfamiliar loud noise was sometimes raised so high that it began to overwhelm the socially stunted male.

Out of the corner of his Nervus of Ota eye, he could make out the pink girl next to him struggle withhold a feeling of depression, and did quite well. But he, a former noble heir, had been trained from a young age to read a being's body language and the girl's skills did not quite outmatch his own.

Frowning, Ydrin cast his mind back to a book he had only recently read about social interaction. If he was remembering right, you where meant to ask if someone was okay if you noticed that something was wrong with them, emotionally and physically. Knocking back the last of his drink, he span to face the girl. Keeping silent for a few long moments he simply observed the female with his head tilted to the right.

Finally he spoke. "Acc-cording t-to s=social decoru-um, I am-m mean-nt t-to a-ask if-f y-you ar-re o-okay. Ar-re y-you o-okay? You-ou s-seemed-d upse-et."

[member="Roxy Lalonde"]
The glass was now empty. Great. She slowly pushed it to the side, feeling sick for letting herself come this far down the chain of people, though she didn't want to fight to get up either. There was a small mass of confusion running through her head as the next wave of intoxication swept through her mind like a tiny buzzing bee, steadily polluting pieces of her damaged flower in attempt to fix it for what it used to be. Someone was talking to her, and she didn't notice as first. With a tiny roll of her chair, her eyes finally fell upon [member="Ydrin"] , noticing that he had said something to her not to long ago.​
"Erm... No, not really... I'm just a bit disappointed at life right now. Don't mind. It's the same with a lot of people."
Letting out a brief hum at the reply of [member="Roxy Lalonde"], Ydrin shrugged and turned back to his empty glass, gesturing for the bar tender to place a new drink before him as he did so. A muted spark of confusion flared within his mind as he conscious. 'If asked about the emotional health of someone, they may: brush you off, shout at you or downplay what they're feeling.' He sighed and rubbed at his forehead as a new drink was slid down the bar. 'This is confusing.'

Thinking back to what he had read he turned back to face Roxy. "A-are y-you sur-re?" If he was remembering right this was what he was meant to ask next, although he was unsure about the reason behind it. After all, if they've already given an answer why would it change just by asking them again?
The tiny Roxy Lalonde slowly brushed a hand through her blonde hair, staring forward for a small moment. She adjusted her goggles lightly, as if they would make sure she was ready for what was coming. More emotional pain bubbling up past the liquor, forcing her mind out of the heck hole it was already in, forcing it to do what she dreaded.​

Words are hard to talk back to.​
"Yeaaaah. It's like... I could do so much more with my life and now I'm just... here."
She explained with a small raise of her glass.​
Ydrin blinked at the changed response. 'Note to self: a repeated asking of a question may reveal that the subject has chosen to share more. This requires more investigation before being deemed as true.' Blinking again, Ydrin refocused his attention on the girl next to him as he mulled over his next words.

"S-surely th-that I-ss not-t tr-rue. If-f y-you a-are d-doing someth-thing, y-you ar-re im-mprov-ving y-your li-ife, g-gaining e-exper-rience and knowl-ledge as y-you g=go, tha-at i-is no-ot 'noth-thing'. A-as I've s-said bef-fore t-to so-ome I-in a sim-milar state as-s you-ou: L-life is-s b-but a winding r-road filled-d with-th un-nknowns-s. Ju-ust b-by liv-ving we walk the-e path a-as a-all mu-ust a-and g-gain kn-nowledge a-as we-e go-o. N-no matter-er wha-at w-we do, we g-gain even-n if-f we see-ee ours-selves a-as doing-g n-othing. A-also, y-you are a-a member of-f th-the D-dragon's Th-thorn. Surely-y that-t's somth-thing."

[member="Roxy Lalonde"]
Roxy stared at her drink while the man talked. A bunch of gibberish to her, really, until it came to the Dragon's Thorn part. She perked up a little, then slowly shrugged her shoulders, staring into the liquids before tipping a little more into her mouth. With a small pause, she turned to the man with a quirk of her brow.​
"I guess it's something. I just haven't really done anything in it but join! I don't even have decent... words to say, or weapons to prove what a badass I can be! Like, what if.... what if just everything is a joke, to someone else? And we're all like... just little toys, but I'm just that little pawn that goes in the field of battle and gets shot down like pew. That's what I feel like is happening right now."
Humming in consideration over Roxy's words, removing the strip of clothe that hid the lower portion of his face view, and running a hand over his chin, scratching at the growing stubble he found there. "I-if it's-s weap-pons your-r w-worried-d a-about, I-I coul-ld help. I'm a-a black-cksmith, s-so could-d ma-ake you a weap-pon."

[member="Roxy Lalonde"]
She hesitated for a moment, thinking it over a little too quickly. Without much time to correct herself, she quickly leaned in closer to the blacksmith, nodding her head quickly.

"I want a rifle, so I have no excuse to go headfirst into battle. Is that... okay?"

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