Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Haven't Met, But Phrik It!

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
The transport ship was racing off to the planet of Alderaan. Already it had penetrated the atmosphere of the planet, and raced down to the still green world below it. It was heading specifically in the direction of the Alderaanian mines. There, Haytham, and his newfound partner would procure Phrik for himself and a potential suit of armour that he imagined in his head. No longer would he strode around naked compared to those who he fought against.

Brushing a scar over his cheek, he grunted as he remained seated in the main area of the ship. Towards the back and in the cargohold were the mining droids and lasers. With them were a half dozen or so humanoid miners and technicians to make sure the gear ran smoothly, and well... With Haytham's eyes closed and the Force drawn into him, he wasn't particularly certain where [member="Saki lin"] was, but he supposed she hadn't ejected herself from the ship yet.

After all, they were going to be landing within a few moments.

Not that he could see it, but he could hear the technicians getting ready, and he could hear the ship as well. The repulsors were quieting, the ship's engines was slowing down as well. And as soon as the thought came to mind, he felt as it touched down. Slowly opening those grey eyes of his, he wouldn't be surprised if those around him thought he was meditating, but he wasn't the sort of that. He was more of the 'swing my lightsabre, I act make my own destiny' sort of theorist.

"I suppose we better move out."

Whether anyone heard him or not would remain a mystery. No one showed that they acknowledged him and so he shrugged, placing his hands on his waist as he strode down the ramp to spot the mine they would be entering for this karking phrik.
Saki was running around the ship helping if she could however she had finally just went to the quarters and sighed as she decided to meditate

She had been doing this for quite awhile...she wanted to feel this force she had..and every time she did itbwas like a river that pulled her along as she sat

All those thoughts vanished as she felt the ship land and stood heading out to the cargo hold to meet [member="Haytham Kaze"] as she bowed"I'm ready when you are"she said and rose up waiting

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Haytham didn't reply right away when Saki said something to him. Instead, he'd watch the others moving the equipment and the droids heading down into the mine before he finally turned his head around to look at her. He blinked, as if surprised to see a togruta there. He looked at her as if it was his first time actually seeing her there right beside him.

He hums softly to himself as he seems to think of what to say.

"I don't believe I asked what your name was." After giving her enough time to answer him, Haytham headed down the ramp and breathed in the fresh air of the planet. He shook his head, letting his black mane to shake out as well, and when he was done he turned to look at the mine and the disappearing mining droids, lasers, and personnel. He wasn't entirely certain why he had personally come, he didn't know the exact details of this type of operation...

Suppose it's good to learn about.

[member="Saki lin"]
She looked up at him as he seemed to look at her in he hadn't seen a torguta he didn't expect to see her standing right by him ....odd...however she wasn't one to judge a ally at all

I am Saki Lin"she said as she watched him walk forward and follows as the planet air hit her as she inhaled "ahhhh and your name is?" She said as she watched robots and miners go in and out carrying varying equipment and such..she knew enough about mining yet very little of what to do with ore

But brings lessons
[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Haytham hums softly to himself as it was just him and [member="Saki lin"] standing outside of the cave. Exhaling, Haytham steps inside, surely expecting the Togruta female to follow close behind. Thankfully, the path inside was lit, but there were multiple tunnels and for a moment the young Sith took pause as he tried to figure out which one was theirs to take.

"Over here, My Lord!"

Haytham's head swung around to where the voice came from and he headed towards it. They were heading down he realized after a few moments of walking. He had realized almost instantly. You had to take note of things like that, it also didn't help that it felt like he was overextending his body.

"We have to go much deeper than we had previously thought, My lord, this mine has been used extensively, but there is plenty left."

"I'm not too particular about the details. Just get it done," he says as he rolls his shoulders back, and follows after who he assumed to be the chief technician. The air felt as if it got damper whenever the more they went downwards. "Oh... Saki Lin," he pauses for a moment as he realizes.

"You can refer to me as Haytham," he'd say. "I presume you're from Shili?"

He heard something deeper down their path, but the miner didn't seem to be taken aback, and so neither did Haytham.
She looked inside the cave that had a lot path and watching him go in as she followed indeed close...this person probably knew more powers then her all she could do was shoot and poke...for he moment

She turned to the sound and followed [member="Haytham Kaze"] down as she was used to the movement of uo and down rising and falling

She kept silent as she was along for the ride and to help where need be...that included if thing sattacked or something broke down


She said as he said her name and looked to him before getting a light smile"as you wish haytham almsot sounds like Mayhem "she said and chuckled" no actually nar shadda

She heard something and perked up but ignored

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
When she made the joke about his name almost sounding like mayhem, he truly wondered how fast he could skewer her with his lightsabre. But instead, he just presented her with a smile. He should've just given her the name Orcus was intent on calling him these days. "Let's stay away from making the jokes about names."

Vanitas sounds like a holofilm name... Yeah...

He comes out of his daydreaming to realize that the sound was becoming much louder. He glances over his shoulder to her, "Were you a slave or something?" He was curious, why wouldn't a Togruta grow up on their own homeworld? He blinks, he had immediately thought that she had been enslaved, but that was only because she was an alien and was evidently a member of the One Sith. Being force sensitive and subjugated to the duties of a slave, the Dark Side would've certainly been something that was calling and was waiting to be answered in an environment like that.

Rolling his shoulders, he inadvertently flexed his muscles, but they were hidden anyway by the exaggerated amount of black he wore.

"It's the sound of the droids," the chief technician would've explained once it got to an almost defeaning sound. Entering a bigger cave after a few moments of crossing across the cavern, there was a box filled with helmets. Haytham expected they would be able to mute the sound while also featuring a commlink system as well. So he reached down and put a helmet on. Of course, there were also other variants of external sound muting technology, but the Kaasian native didn't particularly need to worry about that.

[member="Saki lin"]
She bowed her head as he said to stay away from making jokes before she raised her head"I meant no offence if I did so "she said as she continued to follow

She could hear the sounds getting louder and louder but perked up when he spoke to her" no actually left my parents to be a pirate ended up becoming one then all that failed"she said and kept walking as she went over the memory's

She looked down and grabbed a helmet as she looked around at all the droids looking

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
The droids were most definitely at work Haytham realized as the fairly loud hum of their lasers penetrating the rock that surrounded the phrik ore did it's job.

She left home to be a pirate? Well, I guess I should've guessed that.

The thought went across his mind blandly. He didn't particularly mind being wrong when it came to this female, he figured they'd encounter each other again after this, though it wasn't like he particularly cared. Haytham could count on one hand that amount of people he wanted to see more than once. They were less than a few.

"Why?" He said as he looks up, only to see what he assumed to be a chunk of phrik crashing to the floor.

[member="Saki lin"]
She watched the droids with their lasers at work on the rocks moving along taking rocks away cominb back and repeating

She continued looking around at the place quite interested in the entire operation he as she turned to him hearing his question

You know...I ask myself that same question the same question.... Often I come up with different reasons...but I think the popular one is I love being in space

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Haytham nods his head as he presses his back upon a container, only to step off of it when he heard a crashing sound behind him. He didn't have to turn his head to see how close he had been to getting crushed by a pile of phrik ore, and so he made sure to stay away from it as he watches the Togruta.

"Space? Space is boring. It's what happens in Space is what's interesting," he says with a firm nod of his head. "The battles, the people you meet, everything. Without it, Space would be boring." He shrugs his shoulders, "Though I guess wanting to explore the unknown is enticing enough."

Not to me. Keep me on the ground.

Or at least not in an escape pod.

"Are you any good with your lightsabre?" He blinks at her again, "Do you have one?" He didn't remember spotting one on the journey there, but then again Haytham hadn't spent much time thinking about the Togruta while they were there.

[member="Saki lin"]

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