Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Watching From The Shadows. (Ask)

Space, Sith Territory.


Alone. Elroth sat in the pilot's chair of his shuttle in silence with hands crossed in front of his face. His gaze cast out to the stars beyond. This was a moment of contemplation for what he was doing with his life at this point, why he was pursuing such a vengeful lifestyle with little care for everything else. He could never once blame himself, though. It was far too easy to just say that losing his position among Imperial Intelligence was his fault and move along. He needed answers, closure.

The darkness of space and the silence around him left him nothing but violent thoughts. Images of a burning Empire brought a delightful twinkle to his eyes. They had brought so many to their knees in submission and out of loyalty, but would he be another to simply look upon those who spew mindless threats and ego on a knee? Elroth doubted it. The Imperial unifrom meant nothing to him now, and it would never bear the same proud weight on his heart ever again.

The blackened distance from which his shuttle was suspended in was metaphorical for how he would watch for now. To be involved with the Sith in such a time of escalation was foolish. He would wait for his time to strike out and show his true colors; an act of terrorism.

In the grand scheme of his plan, small steps were necessary. For now he would become like that of a parasite, leeching and sucking small portions of the new Empire's lifeblood until he could open his maw and bite for the throat. The joy he would be granted to have them writhe within his grasp.

But for now... the shadows was his home and place of safety. Like a predator in the wilds watching its prey with a piercing stare of determination. These Sith were far too proud and pompous, and it was about time they had learned weakness.

The Force meant nothing to Elroth, those with it die just the same. Their flesh singes just as easily.

Among the vastness of the galaxy, the former Imperial realized that being aligned with absolutely no one but himself was his best course of action. He cared not for political reign or for who was going to be crowned as a leader for whatever faction that triumphed, only his motives were key. He was a loner, in short.

His idea of damaging the Empire would be a long, hardship filled labor. But there was no room for trial and error, he either pulls of his plan or dies trying. The latter might be a bit more realistic when put in comparison to what he has and what numerous militarized groups possess.

But the most he could do now is endure.

His name would not be forgotten.

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