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Approved Starship Wasp-B Heavy Cruiser

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The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Intent: A capture-oriented variant of the original Wasp-class Heavy Cruiser
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes, heavily modified by Iron Crown Productions
Model: Wasp-class Heavy Cruiser Variant Besh
Affiliation: Lords of the Fringe, various
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel hull, standard component composition
As with the original Wasp-class, the vessel is fast, powerful and fragile, with decent shields and almost no small craft capacity. The sensor jammers have been removed in favor of greater tractor beam capacity, and the turbolaser batteries have been entirely removed and replaced with ion cannons. The original heavy ion cannon mounts have been traded for coma gas boarding harpoons, and the starfighter squadron has been swapped for half a squadron of ion-equipped bombers and half a squadron of resupply/maintenance vessels capable of delicate salvage/piracy operations. The turbolaser cannons have been replaced by mag-pulse missile launchers. By dropping a number of heavy weapons and consumables stores, cargo space has been increased to a halfway respectable number, though the slim ship maintains relatively little room for loot.

The resulting ship has very little combat utility, except in narrowly defined circumstances.

Role: Capture
Height: 100 meters
Width: 120 meters
Length: 800 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Antimatter fuel generator
Hyperdrive Rating: 1
Minimum Crew: 3,000
Optimal Crew: 8,000

  • 20x Ion Cannon Batteries
  • 20x Mag-Pulse Missile Launchers (broadside-mounted, 10 warheads each)
  • 20x Laser Cannon Turrets
  • 10x Point-defense Laser Cannons
  • 15x Tractor Beams
  • 10x Coma Gas Boarding Harpoons

  • 6x Centaurus-class Resupply Ship
  • 6x Aeron-class Medium Bomber

Non-Combative Attachments:
  • 20x Force Cylinder
  • 10x Adaptive Airlock
Passenger Capacity: 200 boarding troops or boarding droids
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 6
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