Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Want To Know How I Got These Burns...No? Well Lets Talk (open)

Razz Michaels

Location: A Spaceport
Reason: Resting

"Time to take a break Raul" Razz said while walking off his ship.

"Ok boss, how bout we go sit down for a while." Raul said while walking next to him. Sitting down at a seat he looked at Razz

"How have you been boss?" Raul said.

"Ive been good Raul." Razz said shortly while staring back at him.

"You never told me boss, how did you get those burns of yours?" Raul asked.

"You want to know how I got these burns? I got these burns from being foolish, for letting my sister and father die." He said softly. "They died in a crash." Razz said.

"But you were spared-" Raul cut off

"Sure if you call being spared locked in bandages for the rest of your life, having to change the bandages everyday, feeling the burns like it happens again." Razz said while raising his voice.

"Well im sorry sir." Raul said.

"It's ok, can you contact some people, I want to see if some need a job, hopefully a mass killing hehe if enough people go down we could be famous Raul." Razz said

"Ok boss" Raul said while walking away.

(This is a thread for IC planning, im thinking of buying, selling, or taking slaves these will be NPC's or anyone I guess of course. Remember this thread is for IC planning, anyone can join :) )

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