Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vyperion MRK III


NAME: The Unnamed One
FACTION: It's factional status faded 2 years ago. Currently allied with The Republic due to pretty much living on Korriban.
RANK: It's rank faded 2 years ago
SPECIES: Vyperion Assassin Droid MRK III
AGE: 109
GENDER: Male personality
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 500 lbs
EYES: White (It's former blue faded)
HAIR: Silver (Was black once)
SKIN: Royal (Gold Songsteel and Red Desh painted by random passers by looking to intimidate others.)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths - Programmed to be like a human in terms of will (Can kill, cook, fly a ship etc.), can use a variety of weapons (like most droids should), cannot die unless his 'brain' is destroyed (Can be transported from droid body to droid body), he can withstand lightsabers to a degree
Weaknesses - Has some form of emotion unlike most droids, known to malfunction and short out when submerged in anything except oil, the metal he was made from is rare (In other words, he feels emotions, dies when submerged, and is hard to rebuild using the same metal)


Vyperion Mark 3 was created 2 years ago when the Vyperion Mark 2 droid exploded, and way after the Vyperion Mark 1 droid was submerged in lava somewhere on Mustafar by 3 people who fought it. Strangely enough, though the Vyperion droids have had a bad history with humans, people still keep making and improving on them. Though Vyperion Mark 3 hasn't killed anyone yet, he wishes to kill the three 'idiots' that threw him into the lava his Mark 1 version was submerged into, or at least be in a position to have the three hunted down. Vyperion Mark 3 has been in stasis in Korriban for long enough for it's rank and factional status to fade with inactivity thanks to [member="Velok"] and remarked to by his makers as "The Prototype Assassin" and "The Unnamed One".

None... yet.

None... yet.


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[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

This is actually Songsteel and Desh, not fully Ultrachrome. But yeah, I had the sub approved since I first used this character, but I keep forgetting to update it with every character, so it's getting a tad confusing anyway.

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