Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Intent: To create a common metal for the planet Selvetarm, and for use in Xela’Dorn creations
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Selvetarm
Model: Vinrillium metal
Affiliation: Selvetarm, Xela’Dorn
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Vinrillium is a naturally occurring metal on the planet Selvetarm

Description: Vinrillium is a naturally occurring metal on the planet Selvetarm similar to Xillion, but different in many ways. For instance unlike Xillion, Vinrillium could be found in the Subterranean levels of Selvetarm. There are no specific mines for the ore to be mined as it is spread all throughout the lower levels. Higher concentrations of it can be found near Xeonian crystals. It is also a very brittle metal before being melted meaning one must be careful when mining. The unique molecular structure of the material makes it more energy resistant than most metals but nowhere near the point of some of the more well known metals in the galaxy like cortosis, or phrik. With its fibrous nature it is often woven into thin lightweight body armor. Vinrillium can be used in the creation of weapons as well, though usually only as a coating for blades. It isn’t rare for Vinrillium to be used to coat the hulls of ships as well in a way to slightly strengthen them. Mining this metal can be dangerous as any simple misstep in the mining procedure can cause the brittle ore to fall apart or be destroyed.

Primary Source: N/A

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