Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Victor Armanius Blood "Imperial Inquisitor"

Victor Blood

The Galactic Empire will arise anew
'Victor in his StormTrooper Order 2 Phase 3 Armor'
"The Galactic Empire will arise once more from the ashes, with the utter Dominion of the Galaxy"
Full Name: Victor Armanius Blood​
Alias: Blood, Storm, Inquisitor​
Title(s): None as of yet​
HomeWorld: Naboo​
Faction(s): Imperial Remnant ((for Now))​
Rank: N/A​
Species: Human​
Age: 28​
Sex: Male​
Height: 6'1​
Weight: 230 LBS​
Eye Color: Arctic Blue​
Hair Color: Hickory Brown​
Skin Color: Fair Skinned​
Distinctive Features: Right knee down is Prosthetic, Scar runs along jawline down to right side of neck​
Body Type: Muscular and Lean Build​
Force Sensitive: No​
Voice Sample: Count Dooku-Christoper Lee​
Theme: Theme 1, Theme 2
Strengths & Weaknesses:
(+) Combat Skills​
(+) Athleticism​
(+) Political Intelligence​
(+) Historic Knowledge​
(+/-) Loyalist​
(-) Stubborn​
(-) HeadStrong​
(-) Handicapped​
Marital Status: None​
Residence: Dathomir​
Occupation: Soldier, Religious Inquisitor​
Languages: Galactic Standard Basic​
Appearance: Victor stands at a total of 6'1 weighing in at 230 Pounds. His eyes are that of a daunting Arctic Blue and his hair that of a sharp Hickory Brown. His skin color is that of fair skinned or a white color with a light brown also mixed in. His hair is spiked atop facing away from his face all in the same direction. Victor also has brown sideburns and that of a slight brown beard growing in around his mouth, nose and lower lip area. His right knee down is a nearly unnoticeable prosthetic leg and a strange scar runs along his jawline leading down to the right side of his neck.​
Biography: Victor grew up upon the Vibrant world of Naboo. He was born into the blood family lineage which during the old republic era, his family held a strong political position within the senate upon Courscant. As a child, Victor went to a private school and was deeply thrilled within religious artifacts and the long gone Galactic Empire. This would latter lead Victor to the pursuit of certain Religious artifacts to keep for his own personal gain and also to destroy certain ones such as a small Force Nexus. Victor would grow latter to join the Republic army. Within it's ranks Victor fought bravely for his homeland until he uncovered his family's connection the Galactic Empire. The Blood lineage was connected to many high ranking imperial officers and soldiers within the imperial navy and army corps along with the imperial senate. After finding this, Victor left the Republic military despite his becoming a Sergeant First Class. Victor then fled to the planet Dathomir to begin the work as to rebuild the long dead Galactic Empire and to redeem his family's glory of old.​
Ship: (WIP)​
Weapons: ​(WIP)​
Armor: ​(WIP)​
Companies: ​(WIP)​
Kills: None​
Bounties Collected: None​
Bounty: None​

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