Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To Continue to sub Natalia and Slevin's Children
  • ​Image Credit: [member="Netherworld"], Veronika Kozlova
  • Role: Daughter, Accountant, Coratanni Lieutenant
  • Links: SIN
  • Age: 19
  • Force Sensitivity: No
  • Species: Yaka
  • Appearance:
Verin is a young woman who knows what she likes, something that reflects in her appearance. From a young age she decided that the 'typical' standards of beauty were not for her, and ever indulgent of her children, Natalia stoked this opinion.

Over the years Verin has collected a host of Tattoo's, Piercings, and other small modifications to her body that changes her appearance. Among these is an odd sort of augment that changes the color of her hair depending on her mood, shifting it through a broad array of colors in a blink. Her eyes have also been altered, surgically changed to become a translucent violet color.

Despite this augmentation however Verin still holds an odd sort of allure, exuding self-confidence almost naturally.

  • Name: Verin Thawne
  • Loyalties: SIN, Coratanni Cartel, Natalia & Slevin Thawne
  • Wealth:
Verin holds no personal wealth, though she quite literally holds the balance sheets of SIN within her mind and thus has access to every penny the Coratanni Cartel holds.
  • Notable Possessions:
-Small Pendant
-Lots of body jewelry
-Poison Capsule Tooth
-VT-DB Datapad
  • Skills:
Simply put, out of all of Natalia and Slevin's children Verin is the most intelligent.

Originally born of a species that holds intelligence above all else, Verin is a perfect reflection of what her kin have always strive to be. She is incredibly smart, capable of taking in a large amount of information, processing it, and then moving forward with what she's learned. The young woman is intensely analytical, observing anything and everything around her. She sees the world as a large mathematical problem, something that can be fixed and solved.

It's easy to call Verin a genius, and many of her siblings do. She alone is capable of tracking and holding together the entirety of Coratanni's illegal operations. Verin is aware of every single credit spent, earned, and put away. She is an incredibly gifted accountant, and although Coratanni has many, Verin could easily do it all on her own.
  • Personality:
Verin is a very stern and stoic young woman. Unlike her siblings she does not have much of a sense of humor, nor does she really 'get' most jokes directed at her. She is a girl that seems to be trapped within her own mind, constantly racing and leaping to the next step in whatever calculation she is currently undergoing in her own head. Verin likes to stay in her own little world, often unconsciously ignoring outside distractions in favor of her own thoughts. Even her parents sometimes need two or three tries before grabbing her attention.

Among her siblings she is probably the one that fits in the least, yet oddly enough is protected the most by the others.

It is clear that she cares for her family, but above everything else she has a powerful sense of duty to her family and the Coratanni Cartel. She holds her parents in high esteem and is extremely loyal. This trait runs so powerfully through her that one of her teeth has been replaced with a poison capsule, a plan in place if she were ever to be captured by a rival syndicate or government agency.

  • Weapon of Choice: Intelligence
  • Combat Function:
Verin really isn't suited for fighting. She is thin as a wisp and quiet as a mouse, not suited for combat and not trained to do so in the least. In most fights her function is simply to run away, knowing that in both ranged and melee combat she is entirely vulnerable. Most thugs would easily be able to take her on in any sort of combat.

The only thing she excels at in a fight is tactics, something that she would have to shout out to those around her. Due to this reason Verin most often stays out of combat entirely, either running away or hiding behind her personal shield until the fighting is done.

Though most of the children are aware of their siblings origin's, Verin is one of the few who cannot be accounted for.

She is one of the first of the kids taken by Natalia and Slevin, though just how and when they actually managed to 'grab' the girl is somewhat of a mystery. The Yaka have always been an insular species, and their young are not often flaunted off their homeworlds. Despite this however, Verin came into the Thawne family only shortly after her older brother Jerick. The two formed a connection due to this, though Verin was hardly ever capable of showing it.

From a young age it was evident that Verin far outstripped her siblings in intelligence.

Whereas some struggled to learn multiple languages or pick up on the more complex aspects of the Cartel, Verin thrived in them.

She absorbed the knowledge her parents fed to her at an unprecedented rate, learning language, mathematics, and even various scientific fields. She excelled in academia, taking on more and more as she grew older. Encouraged by both Natalia and Slevin, Verin very quickly dove into the rather expansive nets of the Coratanni Cartel. The young woman took notes, formulated ideas, and guided her parents into making small decisions that would end in great benefit.

Almost as though she were a computer, Verin absorbed information and calculated things that most thought impossible for the human mind.

As she grew further the young woman found her work more and more enjoyable, eventually driven to a point where she asked her parents for a greater hand within the Cartel itself. Within just a few months she found herself within an odd sort of position of power. She knew and realized she alone held the key to the Cartel. While her parents both knew part of all operations and could piece things together, Verin herself knew it all.

Oddly enough this caused a great sort of fear within Verin, a terror that was enough to drive her to one of Jerick's clubs. It was here that she asked him to kill her, telling him that she simply knew too much to remain alive.

Jerick, being the good sibling that he was, decided to instead call their parents. It was at Natalia and Slevin's word that the young woman returned, falling into their arms and telling them of their woes. The trio then came up with a resolution, giving the girl an out that she would gladly take if the time ever came.

Thus was the extent of Verin's loyalty.
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