Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Ventooine] A stall that sells... Candy?

As you gallivant around the wonderful sights of the planet Ventooine, you would across an odd little stall in an area that wouldn't have stalls! Yes, that's right, a stall standing on its own and as you approach you notice that it's unmanned and with this your curiousity strikes you hard. With some more steps towards it you notice spherical shaped items on tinfoil covered plates with a piece of paper at the front labeling them as; "Candy Balls".

​As you squint at it, you decide to grab at one but as you do your hand is immediately whacked with a cane and as you look up, you notice a strange looking man... No, woman... Person standing on the other side of the stall. They would be at least six foot, that much was certain, though they would immediately adjust their coat and begin to speak.

"Ah ha! Hello there, I am Cadewyn Caile and this is my Candy stall, I see that you were eating my candy with your eyes and were intending to grab it with your hands, though I warn you. Once you taste this, you will crave it like... Well, like a bird craves its mothers regurgitated food... But, more... More delicious and less visually displeasing. ANYWAY! You may have your first one for, free."

Junkie John

The Greatest Junkie of them all
Reginald Enters from the back room his back straighter then a pole chin up to the sky his steps clap on the floor. He carries a cloth on his shoulder and puts his hands together rubbing his white gloves together. He licks his lips, With his dry snobby voice "Did you need anything young master Cadewyn?" he looks over the room and straightens his bow tie.

[member="Cadewyn Caile"]
Spontaneity was a trait that landed the girl into many different kinds of situations; not all great, but they made quite the story when she told them. What she was doing on Ventooine was unknown to her, though she did enjoy planet hopping. She went where the wind took her, that was the kind of person she was. Her day had recently been uneventful. All she needed was a ride out of this planet and maybe she'd go site seeing somewhere else.

Tara was clothed like anybody else. Besides being another pretty girl on the street, she didn't really dress to stick out as much. Hell, you wouldn't even see the lightsaber strapped onto her belt if you weren't looking for it. She wasn't bothering anyone either, surprisingly. She wasn't here to cause trouble; something that people didn't expect her to do.

A small stall caught her eye and Tara walked over to it. It was colorful stall and she gazed at the colorful spheres that read "Candy Balls". She wasn't the kind of girl with a sweet tooth, but hell, she'd do anything to kill time. She looked up and a towering androgynous person would greet her. She assumed this was the owner of the stall.

"Heh. I've had my fair share of spice before." She said doubtfully. If she wasn't addicted to spice, then how could she get addicted to candy?

Before she grabbed one, another man entered the location. He was an old person who Sitara assumed was to be this person's—Cadewyn—hired help. She took a piece of candy, a free sample, and plopped it into her mouth. A burst of flavor filled her senses.

"Mmm! These are pretty good!"

|[member="Cadewyn Caile"]|[member="Ser Reginald Poppington"]|
A wide smile, from ear to ear, appears on Cadewyn at [member="Sitara Qin"]'s response to the candy. Immediately he would turn and slap his hand against [member="Ser Reginald Poppington"]'s open palm, with an excited 'Whoo'. Though, after such an act he twirls to face the woman once more, straightening the jacket.

"Well you see my young and beautiful one."

Though mid-sentence Cadewyn twirls to face Reginald.

"Reggy! A glass of our finest drinking liquid, immediately!"

Twirling back to the woman, continuing as if nothing happened.

"The candy tastes and even LOOKS! Different to everyone, it's a trick of the senses but unlike a trick, you don't have to clean up eggshells from your brand new coat..."

Cadewyn mimes picking eggshells from their coat with a disgusted look, then returns with a soft smile.

"Simply magnificent, aren't they. I intend to sell this galaxy wide!"
The androgynous person was a very flamboyant character and Tara was a little startled from his excitement. She took a step backward as he twirled to face her. He was fairly graceful and it seemed as though every action he made reflected on his personality. He moved with a snap, and Sitara was impressed. Maybe this was a direct result of eating too much candy. He went from talking to the butler to talking to her as though it was all fairly normal.

She raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh." She said, skeptical about the candy. She admitted that they tasted great, but to look and taste different to everyone? There had to be major hacks going along somewhere. Of course, this debated many scenarios in her head. Technically so many things can look and taste different to everyone; perception wasn't something that was well studied yet.


"But how do you know they're different to everyone?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the assortment of candy.

"And well, they're pretty good on their own. Nicest candy I've ever had anyways."

|[member="Cadewyn Caile"]|[member="Ser Reginald Poppington"]|
The smile upon Cadewyn couldn't get wider but somehow it seemed to, without much of a bother either. With an elegant movement, and a swift pluck, there was a candy ball within the tall one's fingers and looks into it, though speaks to [member="Sitara Qin"].

"I know because I know because I know, because I created them to be just that. MARVELOUS little things aren't they? Though, not to be eaten while-"

Again, it was swift, Cadewyn twirls but this time in a one hundred and eighty spin, returning to face the woman once more.

"Suffering from the disease of pregnancy."
He spun around and plucked another piece of candy. She kept her composure although there wasn't really much one could do about people who were crazy. Cadewyn, she branded, was fairly eccentric and was potentially a genius. It didn't make him any less crazy than he was at that moment. Her usual frigid disposition was momentarily replaced with that of curiousity and fascination. Perhaps she was just really that bored if candy could spike her interest so much. But then again, it may just be the shopkeeper himself.

"Are you implying that I'm pregnant?" She crossed her hands over her chest. Of course she was the slightest bit promiscuous; it didn't mean she'd actually be foolish enough to have a living creature inside of her.

"In all seriousness however, and just because I'm curious; what happens if you consume them when you're pregnant?"

|[member="Cadewyn Caile"]|[member="Ser Reginald Poppington"]|
Cadewyn would grip onto a cane that was resting behind the counter, one of simple make with a lovely silver ball at it's tip and as quickly as it was grabbed, would the other end be poking at [member="Sitara Qin"]'s stomach, leaning over the tall one would seem to put his ear in the vicinity of the woman's stomach with a hand cupping the ear closest.

"No, you do not sound pregnant, nor did I hear the scream of a being."

Placing the cane back, popping the candy ball back onto the plate, Cadewyn would let out an awkward laugh.

"You really want to know? Oh you really really want to know? Oh, I'll tell you. I will TELL you alright!"

Suddenly Caile was on the stall, though being ever careful not to stand near the candy and the strange tall one would bend over and lean closer to the woman, and with a smile say.

"Well you see, a lady ate one once and was pregnant, she BIRTHED one healthy baby boy with the candy ball up his right-"

Cadewyn would then poke the woman's right nostril, with another awkward laugh.

...Just what exactly did she get herself into? He went from warning her about eating his candy while pregnant to poking her in the stomach with his cane, which somehow she just noticed just now. She took another step back. Sitara knew from experience that you do not mess with crazy people. Especially if they're on drugs.

There were definitely spice involved in the process of making this candy, she concluded. That had to be the only way. [member="Cadewyn Caile"] himself was probably also on drugs. She had every right to assume that. If she had any more of that candy she'd probably become delirious too.

Listening to his tale didn't make his situation any better. It was out of this world to even think what he was saying was even plausible.

"So, let me get this straight." Sitara was obviously skeptical. "You want me to believe that her kid had a piece of candy stuck up his right nostril?"

"What, don't these things dissolve?"
Cadewyn ends up plopping a seat upon the stall, picking up the same candy picked up prior and begins to toy with it in hand.

"Depends on what you taste, dear. Taste meat, you'll be able to swallow it easily and it was unfortunate that the woman tasted, nose stuffs and it went where all nose stuffs goes!"

All the while, legs kicking like that of a child as the explanation is told to [member="Sitara Qin"].

"You have the same eyes that my mother had, not the colour but the intent. Oh yes, thinking me insane and not right in the head. I am the most truthful one you will ever meet in this galaxy, that's a fact. Well, other than Reggy, though he tends to sleep as he stands."

And with that, he would poke towards the towering butler, [member="Ser Reginald Poppington"], sound asleep though standing perfectly straight and at attention.
"But why would meat even be an option? That doesn't sound very...delicious?" Now Sitara was wondering what would happen to her with the candy she just swallowed. "Mine was pretty sweet. Anything gonna happen to me? " She asked [member="Cadewyn Caile"], rubbing her not-pregnant stomach.

"Well, no offence, but anybody would be skeptical." She told him as he prodded the sleeping gentleman. Having crazy employers was possibly the most tiring part of his job.

"Anyways, how much would a bag of this stuff cost me?" She wondered if she had enough credits on her to take some candy home.
Cadewyn would raise an eyebrow, giving a look as if asked an obvious question or one that was answered tenfold.

"What part of, it tastes different to everyone, did you not understand!? If it tasted sweet, then you'll be fine!"

Though the being would seem to take a kick out of [member="Sitara Qin"] prodding his butler.

"Reggy does enjoy his naps... Oh price, a bag of ten will cost you- You- You- Twenty, yes twenty."

Then with a wide smile, despite not defining ten what, Cadewyn would lean backwards.
"Right, because candy doesn't taste sweet to everyone." There had to be some absurd flavors floating around the galaxy. People had strange tastes and whoever thought that meat flavored candy was a good idea was a little bit sick; that or they were just part sand dragon.

His shop assistant was still asleep. He must've been very lucky to have an employer who was okay with him taking naps. Maybe [member="Cadewyn Caile"], for all of his eccentricity, wasn't so bad of a person after all. Sitara herself was a sith apprentice, and unprovoked she considered herself to be a nice person. If it wasn't for her resting queen face, sarcastic sense of humor, and the fact that she didn't really get along with people, she'd probably have more friends.

"Twenty credits? That seems fair. I'd like a bag."

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