Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To create a Monster Hunter-esque world filled with all types of fantasy-style creatures with the basis of civilization built off of hunting said creatures
  • Image Credit: [X]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Venandi-Novania
  • Demonym: Venandi
  • Region: Unknown
  • System Name: Venandi-Omegaus
  • System Features: [Here you may list suns, moons, other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system. You may also include moons, suns, orbital position, rotational period (length of day), and orbital period (days in a year) in this section.]
  • Coordinates: [The X,Y coordinates of the planet and its relative position in them according to the Galaxy Map]
  • Major Imports: N/A
  • Major Exports: N/A
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain:
    Forests & Plains - 25%
  • Deserts - 5%
  • Oceans - 40%
  • Islands - 20%
  • Marshlands & Bogs - 5%
  • Glacial Terrain - 4%
  • Volcanic Terrain - 1%

Major Locations: [What are the major locations on your world? At least one paragraph for each. If you wish to add a Force nexus (light or dark), you must justify it through your submission and history. Included for Force Nexus should be general size, intent, and information pertaining to it's creation. Below is the template for force nexus.]

  • Native Species:
  • Sentient Life
    Humans - Venandi

[*]Fauna (CE = Will have Codex Post)
  • Axtrin Wolf (Large Predator)
    Typically preys on Venda Sheep, is preyed on by Rendra Dragon's

[*]Gogalops (Four-armed Primates)
[*]Venda Sheep
[*][X]Rendra Dragon (Large & Flight-capable Predator) = CE
[*]Skunna Leeches (water-borne parasites)
[*]Skunna Matriarcha (water-borne, large predator)
[*]Veloks (land-based, scavengers)
[*]Vulys (land-based, small pack hunters)
[*][X]Moragura (Large & Flight-capable Predator) = CE
[*][X]Companions of Venandi (flight-capable, falcon-like)
[*][X]Zuendd (large predator) = CE
[*]Nocturna (nocturnal predator) = CE
[*]Nuuzu (large herbivore)
[*][X]Dominus-Orlag (massive, unknown if capable of flight, predator) = CE?

  • Gorja Berries (edible, colorful fruit)
  • Varan Nuts (inedible, poisonous nuts)
  • Sapuka Trees
    Kijuk Trees
  • Sappaku Trees
  • Pinuka Trees

[*]Blo'kur Trees (volcanic trees)
[*][X]Cary (carnivorous plant)
  • Immigrated Species:
    Occasional Travelers and Merchants

  • 850 Million - Moderately Populated

  • 100% Venandi

[*]Primary Languages:
  • Venandi - Primary (Spoken)
  • Venandi Runica - Primary (Written)

  • Culture: [General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion.]
  • Government:
    The civilizations of Venandi-Novania is divided up into families, similar to how Mandalorian society works. Inter-marrying of different tribes is permitted through the married couple must remain apart of one family and one only. That, or they can opt for independence...although it isn't an official option though the option does hand in the air, though often-times being overlooked as a sensible option at all. Clans or Families rule over large bodies of people. Most clans work together, though some are isolationist while others tend to try and cause political strife and physical conflict with other Clans...which leads nowhere in the end. As for the number of families, there are twelve only...the leaders of said Clans, or by their formal names 'Dominus,' named after the fabled and dangerous predator, meet twice a year to discuss domestic and international issues from new breeds of monsters emerging to revolts to a shortage of Nocturna hide for armor.

[*]Affiliation: Unaligned, Independent
[*]Wealth: Medium
[*]Stability: [Low, medium, high? Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travelers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any over-arching government or rulers/leaders in this city. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy?]
[*]Freedom & Oppression: [Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted?]


  • Military: [Describe the military capabilities of this planet. Is it completely demilitarized? A fortress world complete with heavy defenses? A space-faring world with a substantial navy? Is it a hive of scum and villainy with no discernible defense structure other than what it's inhabitants have to offer? Or maybe due to low tech the people here are still in the bronze age.]
  • Technology: [A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy.]

Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today?
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