Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whispers on the wind

(I do not own this image, nor did I create it. I am merely using it to represent this character visually.)

NAME: Vell
RANK: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Assassin.
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters (Approx. 6'0")
WEIGHT: 70.3 kilograms (Approx. 155 lbs.)
EYES: Bright Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Barely (Not enough to matter.)


Observant combatant(+): Vell has been trained to observe and exploit the weaknesses of his enemies.
Teras Kasi Journeyman(+): Vell is a skilled and professionally trained hand-to-hand combatant.
Quick(+): Speed and athleticism are Vell's watchwords.
Infiltrator(+/-): Vell is a skilled infiltrator and specializes in stealth. Preferring single combat to pitched battle, Vell avoids pitched combat wherever possible.
Detached(+/-): Like most Ubese, Vell's limited speech prohibits him from normal social interaction. As a combatant, he is cold and merciless.
Technophile(+/-):Vell is obsessed with all things technological, and has an almost unhealthy love for cutting edge weaponry.
Survivalist(+/-): Vell, like any true Ubese, was taught from a young age to survive in the harsh conditions of Uba IV, instilling in him a powerful will to live. As such, he will do whatever it takes to survive, and damn the consequences.
Physically weak(-): Though athletic, Vell is not brawny.
Respiratory Problems(-): Like all "true" Ubese, Vell has difficulty breathing in most atmospheric environments, for this reason he prefers to wear a helmet/breath-mask at all times.
Xenophobic(-): Vell share's his species' hatred for any and all other members of the galactic community, with few exceptions. Vell's lack of respect for galactic laws or etiquette regularly gets him in legal trouble.

Vell is cold, even by Ubese standards, and appears to posses no more than two emotions at the best of times: contempt and aggression. He cares little for politics, laws, and the grander picture, focusing only on the job at hand. That said, he obsesses over his work. He actively strives to plan for every possible outcome during his calculations. He hates sloppiness in himself, as well as others, and works to maintain a certain degree of efficiency in the field.

When dealing in interpersonal relationships, there are few who Vell deems worthy of commitment. He is an incredibly private person (as is typical of his species) and is almost never seen outside of his armor. His only true loves are technology and violence. When it comes to relationships there is no romance to the man, you are either useful, or you are expendable. As such, any relationships this man takes part in are brief and purely physical.


Physically, Vell is typical of his species, with fair skin, dark hair, bright eyes, and a slight (yet athletic) build. Almost never seen without his helmet or armor, Vell has a narrow face with high cheekbones. His eyes are large by human standards. Like all Ubese, his vocal chords are unable to produce speech above a rasping whisper.


Born on the "True Ubese" home world of Uba IV, the man who would be known as "Vell" was raised within the region known as the planet's southern wastes under the name of Savax. As a member of Clan Vorsazc, he was taught from a young age to be resentful of any and all aliens and outsiders, especially the "Yrak pootzck". This hatred fueled Savax's journey through adolescence to adulthood, from vengeful boy to young warrior.

Upon reaching adulthood, he enlisted with a Ubese mercenary company, the "Czarnyk Firmyck" (or "Black Company"), where he was trained in the arts of soldiering and Teras Kasi. His tenure with the company was marked with violence and success, where he quickly developed a reputation as "Zimnak Vell" - Cold Warrior, for his especially icy demeanor. The young warrior enjoyed this life of nomadic violence and sin for a few years, until the company's destruction at the hands of the Hutt Cartel and their allies.

Savax died that day, along with the rest of the Black Company. Instead the young warrior rose and swore (temporary) allegiance to an a mysterious ship captain with a mysterious cause.

To be continued...




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