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Approved Tech Varrick Steel

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  • Intent: Create a metal to be used for the Je'daii Order, as well as those who know how to fabricate the metal.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source:
    Madog Steel - Canon
  • Madog Steel - Chaos

  • Name: Varrik Steel
  • Manufacturer: Je'daii Metallurgists & Blacksmiths
  • Homeworld (optional): Aurum

  • Production: Minor
  • Affiliation: Je'daii Order, and affiliates.
  • Modularity: Limited
  • Material:
    ​Aurum Iron
  • Titanium

  • Classification: Alloy/Metal
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances
    Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Average

  • Kinetic: High

  • Lightsabers: Low

  • Kinetic Piercing: High

Color: Metallic Silvers and Greys, Can be changed color through heat transfer, or Heat bluing.

  • High Kinetic resistances
  • Strength of Iron: Created in the same mindset of Madog steel, This steel is highly resistant to various kinetic damages. High Tensile, and shearing strengths, as well as impact, and constant pressures. Varrik steel is built to take the physical damage.
  • Conduit: As a metal, as well as using local Aurum Iron deposits, the metal is very useful in conducting electricity. While this is good for some cases, when used in weapons, or other hardware, it can cause electrical systems to take more damage, or the wielder of weapons and armor that is created from this metal. The metal is a Ferrous metal. Meaning that it also can be attached to with Magnets, or electromagentic technologies.
  • Hours at the Forge: While the metal is very useful for various means, the metal is very difficult to forge and fabricate. Tools that cut into the metal will dull twice, or even three times faster, hammer blows on the metal will require much more force and time to create the desired shape. Even when using a powerhammer, it will take three times as longer to shape and mold this metal to the desired form than comparable to durasteel or even Iron.
  • Exclusive: Created by using Iron ore specifically from Aurum, the metal is very difficult for anyone who is not part of the Je'daii order, or those who can access mineral deposits from Aurum, to get their hands on.
Rumors of a steel that is nearly impossible to break have circulated among the Je'daii since time began. Mostly due to the creation of Madog steel. While it is clearly impossible to recreate the metal once more as the creator himself is long dead, and there are no known notes, or weapons to study the metal from, Ignis, and Thorve Emberfall have worked together to create a steel in the name of Madog.

Very resiliant to most kinds of Kinetic damage, and having the energy preservation to equal that of durasteel or titanium, what it fails to do is prevent electrical currents from running through it. As well, the difficulty in creating the metal limits the amount of items that can be created with this. Mostly done on a student by student basis, or in small amounts for the Je'daii Order as a whole.

While the Madog Steel that could be use is very useful for force imbuement, this metal is not. It was created with the idea of having very high resistances to kinetic damage
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