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Uul Dyi

Uul Dyi
(Pronounced: Oo-Ul Dye-Ee)
NAME: Uul Dyi
FACTION: Sith Assassins
RANK: Sniper Specialist. Demolition Specialists.
SPECIES: Epicanthix.
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 2.15m
EYES: Black.
HAIR: Dark Brown.
SKIN: Tanned.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A crescent shaped scar on her face that goes over the right side of her face, crossing over her right eye.


[SIZE=10pt]SEXUALITY:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Homosexual.

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Students:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Teachers/Leaders:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Loved Ones: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Enemies:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]N/A[/SIZE]


+Keen Eyes.
In an attempt to make herself as good as she can be, Uul has trained herself to be able to Ghost Shoot. This has leant itself to her eyesight improving to extraordinary lengths. She can spot barely visible and high speed targets with ease. Her eyesight is better than the Kratos Serum made them.​
Living on the streets of the Lower Levels of Coruscant, Uul had to learn quickly how to survive amongst the numerous gangs. One of the was that she did this was to learn to never be predictable. This has carried over to everything she does from actions to weapons.​
Living on the streets of the Lower Levels of Coruscant, Uul had to learn quickly how to survive amongst the numerous gangs. One of the was that she did this was to learn how to be unseen. Since then she has trained to apply that to her work.​
+Weak Points
Trained as a sniper and demolitions expert, Uul has memorised the antimony of numerous species, both sentries and non. She has also studied architecture so as to know where the weak points of a building would be.​

-Enjoys Work Too Much
Uul enjoys her work with demolitions a bit too much as well as killing with her rifle. This means that, despite her squad's focus is stealth, her mind first turns to killing and exploding her problems.​
-Technologically Inept
Growing up poor, Uul rarely had any interaction with technology and, even though she has left that life, anything technological that is beyond standard confuses her.​
-No Relaxing
Even though she does not follow the rules and regulations to a letter, Uul never takes any Down Time. If she is not on a mission she is either training, studying, sleeping or eating. No exceptions.​
-Heightened Senses
After taking the Kratos Serum, her senses increased to an extraordinary degree. However, these senses can be exploited.​

Uul is a Epicanthix that is above the average height for her species. Reaching 2.15m tall, she towers over most other beings. Her body is covered by compact, lithe muscles that are the kind that can only be earned by hard work and time. Her hair is cut short and is tied back by a leather band. When she lets it hang loose, it only reaches her shoulders. On her face, crossing over her right eye, she has a crescent scar.

Born to two Epicanthix while they were travelling from their homeworld to Coruscant, Uul lived in poor conditions most of her life. Growing up in one of the underlevels of Coruscant, she lead a poor life and quickly learnt how to take care of herself when surrounded by what most considered the scum of the world. Even more so due to the fact that she was soon without a home after her parents were killed in a gang war. Getting into fights every day, she soon learnt how to fight with her body and a variety of makeshift weapons and took her first life at the age of 12.

As soon as she turned 16 she applied to the Sith Military, seeking to leave behind her life of poverty and constant struggle to survive. Surrounded by the strict atmosphere of the military, Uul soon felt her personality stabilize into a fierce, unconventional, foul mouthed soldier and began to flourish. However, others did not appreciate this and began to make it clear. A group of bigoted, Human males bigoted against her species and gender and jealous about how much better she was that them began to try and make her life.

Despite the trouble, Uul continue to thrive, especially in fire-arms, demolition, physical work and blade work, however her skills in hand to hand combat was poor as she was never able to shake the brawling style that she had taught herself. She also scored under the average in tactics and in combat simulations let other create them.

Graduating in the top percentile of her class, Uul had a brilliant career before her, despite the prejudice against her. However that was all brought to a stop shortly after her promotion from Private (E1) to Lance-Corporal (E2), when she was 21, the trouble makers, who had followed her into the Army, attempted to kill her. She turned the attack around, killing one of the six attackers and badly injuring four, enough that three of them were forced to quit. The final attacker ran and reported the incident, twisting it to make Uul the aggressor.

After being before a court, Uul was about to be executed, as the men she had killed was the child of a Sith Lord, before Darth Ferus stepped in and rescued her, transferring her to a group of soldiers that he had formed, once trained to be ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers), along with introducing her into the Kratos Super Soldier Program and giving her access to the Kratos Serum. Five years later, soon after she turned 26, her and her squad completed their training.
-Sniper Rifles (Blasters): Advanced
-Sniper Rifles (Slugthrowers): Advanced
-Pistols (Blasters): Highly Skilled
-Pistols (Slugthrowers): Skilled
-Assault Rifles (Blasters): Average
-Assault Rifles (Slugthrowers): Poor

Bladed Weapons
-Dagger: Highly Skilled
-Sword (Short): Highly Skilled
-Sword (Long): Skilled
-Lighsaber (Single Blade): Poor
-Lightsaber (Double Blade): Poor
-Lightsaber (Shoto): Average


-Low Yield: Advanced
-High Yield: Advanced
-Demolition: Advanced
-Entry: Advanced

-Seduction: Skilled
-Tactics: Poor
-Stealth: Highly Skilled
-Unconventional Weapons: Advanced
-Speaking (Manipulation, Convincing): Skilled
-Hand-To-Hand: Average
-Technology: Poor
-Tracking: Highly Skilled

-Old Correllian
BTI-LRBR "The Reclaimer"
BTI-WWSR "The Harpy"
BTI-WB "The Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol

BTI HEX Fragmentation Grenades
D-1 Detonation Cord

Standard Vibrosword

Infantry Armour Mark II

Common Outfit:
Underneath the whole outfit, Uul wears a full, mesh bodysuit. Over the top of her torso, Uul wears a leather crop top with sleeves that has a high collar. She wears a pair of baggy cargo trousers on her legs. On her feet she wears a set of high boots. Around her waist there is a black belt with a metal buckle. On her hands she wears a set of armoured gloves that are also a pair of armoured vambraces. Over the top of certain areas of her outfit she wears armour. On her shoes the armour covers the top of her feet before reaching up to cover her ankles and lower leg. There is a short gap between the armour on her feet and armour that is strapped just bellow her knees. Over the top of her crop top she wears armour that covers her chest and back, it is held up by straps that go over her shoulders and around her side. On her back she wears a sheath for a sword that she always carries and a holster for her rifle.

Uncommon Clothing:
-Formal Wear:
For formal occasion when Dress Uniform is not allowed, Uul wears a full length, pale grey/blue dress that has two straps to hold it. The cleavage part of the dress is of a lace design. The back of the dress is plunging, stopping above her butt, exposing almost the entirety of her back. Around the knees, the dress has a patter sown on and the direction of the thread changes to vertical.
Casual Wear (No Armouring):
For full on casual wear, no armour to be found anywhere on her outfit, Uul wears a light blue, skin tight crop top with a dark navy jacket over the top. The jacket is left unfastened bellow her breasts. On her legs she wears dark jeans with a grey belt. On her feet she wears a simple pair of shoes.

-A Silver Locket Necklace containing pictures of her Parents








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