Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Man, Myth, Legend
Name: Unusites
Designation: Sapient/Sentient
Homeworld: Unus
Language: Unusarian
Average Height of Adults: 2 1/2 Meters
Skin Color: Pale, Peach
Hair Color: Grey, White, Black
Breathes: Air (Oxygen)
Distinctions: Very tall, Overabundance of Facial Hair
Average Lifespan: 75-150 Standard Years
Estimated Population: 5.3 Billion
Diet: Carnivorous
Communication: Near-Galactic Standard Communication Capabilities

Technology: While not yet entirely integrated into galactic society, Unusites have the basic tools of the trade in this galaxy; Hyperdrives, Starships, Blasters, Laserswords, and other such things are readily available to them.

Behavior: Unusites are very aggressive and very protective of their humble little planet. They are intelligent, and easily provoked, but will always accept an apology and will often try to rationalize about what made them angry in the first place.

Males and females grow masses of facial hair, although since being introduced to the galactic community so recently, many have taken up the practice of shaving. Nobles, Aristocrats, Politicians and others in high-standing positions do not usually shave, maintaining a cultural identity when interacting with other races. The hair that grows on their faces actually plays very important roles in their society, different ranks, jobs and titles have different 'beardstyles'.
Xenophobia is a large problem among Unusites. They find interaction with shorter species distasteful. This is partially due to their natural environment, which is home to a variety of bacteria and symbiotic parasites which actually aid the bodies' of Unusites in things like digestion, organ functions, and nerve reception.
This means the immune systems of Unusites actually evolved to let things in, and keep them in, instead of avoiding and killing them.
The symbiotic ecosystem contained within the body of a Unusite is highly toxic to anyone who is not from their homeworld. (With the exception of Gungans and Sullustians, strangely enough.) but the toxins can only be potent enough to kill someone if they were to ingest Unusite tissue.
Unusites have always, since the beginning of their existence, practiced population control. Only one in twenty different families ever have children, and they only ever have one. This explains the small, isolated population.

While generally aggressive and sometimes brash, Unusites get along very well with their own kind. They haven't had a war in over two centuries. The last war they had was so minuscule, they don't even bother to record it. However, major political events take place within domestic Unus society daily. Constantly, different planetary districts are establishing new trade routes, expanding and retracting borders, and planning the further growth of this small, but prosperous Empire.

+ Function well on their homeworld
+ Natural predators, meaning natural fighters
+ Strong willed
+ Noble
+ Incredibly Strong

- Xenophobic
- Slow
- Heavy
- Poor Immune System. They require breathing masks to be able to function around other species without getting ill.
- Small Population

Intent: To create a background for Stephen Septim, because this will be his species.

Note: Apologies for last entry. Had a lapse in judgement... Hopefully this is much more acceptable.
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