Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Under the Waterfall...

The library at Ossus was emptier than what he was use to. Uri stayed however flipping aimlessly through the history of a Bothan jedi who could manipulate fire. Uri rarely visited the library so early in the day. He didn't get up any earlier than usually, but the reason for his trip was the fact he hadn't visited it in a while. A knowledge of history was something his master stressed he should obtain, and he at least attempted to obtain that. When he visited later in the afternoon, it was mostly full, and well he usually found younglings to study and play with. He didn't like reading as much as he liked meditating or almost anything else for that matter. It was the one place Uri might be considered a slacker. He focused hard on training and meditation, but when it came to reading, his mind refused to focus on the words he found himself skimming and not retaining the information.

Like in this moment, he was sure that this Bothan lived an interesting life. He could read about it after all, but he couldn't get himself to commit to reading it. His hand went over his eyes rubbing them with his thumb and for finger. Maybe now wasn't the best time for reading. He moved his hand and opened his eye. As they readjusted, they focused on a figure a piece away in front of him. One with white hair and an almost regal posture. His stomach fluttered. Not a good feeling like he should have felt from seeing his friend [member="Elizie Adasca"] again, but the pain of a memory trying to resurface. He wondered if she got the same feeling when she looked at him. Uri wondered if Elizie was reminded of the deeds she committed like he was when he saw her.

Maybe that is why they haven't spoke since New Holstice? Surely they didn't purposely avoid each other. No, they were just doing different things. Barely ran into each other for longer than a passing glance. Now seemed different however. He smiled lightly then reached out though the force giving her signature a light nudge. He didn't want her to know that she brought that day on Alderaan back to him so he smiled a little wider and waved when she made eye contact with him.
[SIZE=9pt]The last mission left the girl with a nasty scar on her right cheek – hopefully only temporary. The bruise on her otherwise perfect skin remained hidden under a bacta patch, its white form almost blending in with Elizie’s cascade of white hair that flowed like a silky waterfall. Living as a Jedi Shadow was far from easy, it required sacrifices, yet the mission’s been successful and someone like her could hardly ask for more. The burn itself hardly prevented Elizie from taking more missions, it was more of a matter of being tossed around, hit by Force lightning, straining her muscles when carrying a Sith at brisk pace, fighting against Force knows how many soldiers and a Sith. All in all, her body required to rest for a bit to fully recover and be the tool her work required it to be. A bit of relaxation would do her good, a walk through the Academy and its surroundings seemed like a perfect idea. The aimless wandering around and exchanging stories with other Padawans eventually brought the Arkanian into the library. There was no lust for reading in her today, but that did not stop the noble Jedi from walking around, her typical confident strides carrying her between the shelves, white eyes going over the titles to see if anything in particular caught her attention. Many titles were immediately recognized and she found herself lost in thought, remembering the context of each familiar book. After mentally going over four or so books, her head instinctively turned in another direction, focusing on faces instead as if searching for someone. Even among so many other signatures, she recognized him. Pushing away the smile that appeared on her face for no apparent reason, Elizie’s path changed its destination, its course adjusted to make its way by the golden-skinned Padawan. No longer a kid, but a man. Noticing her as well, or perhaps having seen her way before she even spotted him, [member="Uri Aureleos"] waved at her to positively get her attention. It’s been quite long since they have seen each other, unfortunately. With the war going on, there was little time for these little moments of friendship. Unwilling to give up on this chance, the Arkanian made her way past a few Jedi, walking straight between the shelves until she emerged in a larger area with tables and many readers sitting around. None of them interested her enough to pay much attention to them though; her gaze remained fixed at Uri. The only time her sight left his form was when she glanced at what he’s been reading before promptly returning to the Padawan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Padawan Aureleos.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]After bowing, Elizie seated herself opposite of him. Her face continued to hold an almost bored, indifferent expression that revealed nothing. In truth, she found herself with no words, therefore she said nothing else despite all the things she could have stated aside from the greeting. She fully realized it was somewhat awkward, yet no more words left her lips, letting Uri start the conversation. [/SIZE]
He wasn't able to hold the smile on his face for long as she made her way over to him. Her demeanor worried him. She carried herself the same as she always did, but she looked more worn and tired to him. He wondered if he appeared the same. Probably not. She saw and went through much more than he did. To some, he was still considered a child. He didn't go on missions like she did. Not say he didn't want to that was just how it happened to play out. At least it could be safely assumed now that they really weren't avoiding each other. Maybe this moment could be good for the both of them. A nice break to reconnect in.

"Padawan Adasca," the knot in his throat made his voice deeper than it usually was. He lowered his head as she sat down. Since when were friends suppose to be so formal? He glanced back up at her and her blank expression. He contemplated asking her how she was. Elizie deserved much more than a pleasantry. His eyes finally caught the bacta patch. Her hair did a great job of hiding it from his vision but the edge of the white patch on her tan skin gave it away for him. He tried not to stare at it and make her uneasy. Uri hoped that she wasn't self-conscious about the sore that could be under the patch but he remembered her as being a prideful creature. It might just worry her about her appearance.

"You look like a jedi," Sadly, this was the best he could come up with to tell her. He smiled slightly. Uri was starting to see himself as a jedi now as well but it was a wavering feeling. Some days he felt more like one than others. She, on the other hand, looked just as much like a jedi as the masters did. "I bet I still look like that little youngling who could barely lift the cushions with TK." He grinned now immersing himself in that memory. It was better than thinking about the recent events and the war that dwarfed the two of them. It was a time before either of them had seen what it was to really be a jedi in action rather than just training.

[member="Elizie Adasca"]
Elizie’s mouth did not mirror Uri’s smile, preferring to remain calm with her expression showing nothing but serenity that followed the young noble through her time as a Jedi. The apparent lack of emotions was far easier for her to hold onto than some might think and this unexpected meeting promised to be no different, another conversation with a fellow Jedi as she had not planned for it anyway, having not much to talk about as a result. Nothing more, nothing less, even if she considered the golden Padawan to be her friend, one of the few friends she had within the Jedi Order in fact. The cold mask she wore on her face, the mask which was her face, has always kept others away, sending a clear message to anyone who wished to pry it open and see the person hidden inside. The Arkanian’s cold eyes followed her fellow Padawan’s gaze, catching it as it clearly noticed the patch on her cheek. Elizie resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably, almost feeling as if the pain returned despite it being gone for a long time. Probably just unpleasant memories talking; to almost lose to a Sith, literally feel her opponent’s superheated blade of plasma touching her face… she did not want to return into the situation through her memories. The white haired Padawan shrugged it off and continued to observe the more easy-going Padawan. It was weird to see someone raised as a monk to be able loosen up much better than her, a noble, but then again, being a Jedi Shadow demanded her to behave in a certain way expected of her. With this dangerous line of work she’s been walking, it was better for everyone to stay away from her.

For some reason, the Arkanian glanced down over her clothes after Uri’s statement that she looked like a Jedi. She personally didn’t really think the apparel made her look particularly Jedi-ish; if not for the lightsaber, she would have looked like just about anybody in the galaxy, a completely average person in terms of clothing. Looking back up, her eyebrows questioningly furrowed until she realized the Padawan must have meant something different. Her posture, the way she held her head high, the way she walked. That certainly suggested a few things, but a Jedi… she did not know about that. Her white hair, tan skin, clawed fingers and blind-like eyes made her stand out, yet none of those suggested pointed fingers at her as a member of the Jedi Order. Or maybe it was a joke she did not get? She never was one for humour, the serious attitude of hers never letting her enjoy those jokes.

“No,” she stated as a matter of fact, “You do not look the same, Padawan Aureleos. Everyone can see you are not a youngling anymore.”

The expression on her face remained the same, making one question if she replied in the same joking manner or not.

“It is not that important what I look like, it is important how I act. Appearance does not make a Jedi. Our actions and beliefs do. That is not to say our apparel plays no role; we represent the Jedi Order by our looks as well. Jedi who do not care about their appearance tend to make a rather poor first impression. Padawan Aureleos, would you trust an unwashed, ragged, filthy stranger with your life were you a non-Force user and they claimed to be a Jedi? If I represent someone, be it a person or organisation, I want to present them in the best of light, and appearance definitely plays its role. It actually surprises me many Jedi tend to wear fairly inappropriate clothing.”

Shaking her head, the Arkanian dismissed it, also making it easier to see the bacta patch when her head turned.

"How is your training going?"

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri didn't expect her to have such a strong opinion on what he considered to be just a complement. He wished he had just stuck to the pleasantries when she first started to speak. He sunk a little in his chair even grimacing at how opposing she seemed. Still he listened intently to her debate on the matter and how clothes didn't make the jedi but they helped at least. He could hear the passion in her voice and see it on her face even though she didn't change her expression. He admired that about her. Uri barely had a passionate voice himself. He was calm and didn't speak out in such a way except for rarely. He watched her with a light smile to his face now. His eyes went back to the patch on her face when she shook her head. He had to pull his eyes away from it again as she asked her next question.

Uri looked at her as the question caught him off guard then sat himself back up straight. It wasn't the first time recently he got that question. The last person to ask him, Uri didn't consider him close enough to call a friend. Uri simple told him that training was only training. Nothing special. Uri wasn't one to talk about himself. Even if it wasn't technically bragging if asked, he still didn't see the need to talk so freely about what he knew. Most didn't even know that the monks who raised him also taught him self-defense.

"Training..." Uri paused contemplating giving her the same answer he gave everyone else. She was his friend or at least that what he hoped they were. He didn't see the harm in actually telling Elizie, "I've learned a bit more since... we last talked." He paused again taking a second to flush the memory of Alderaan from his mind. He shook his head as it that would help it. He exhaled about to ask if they would ever be ok but the he removed that thought from his mind as well. Of course they would be. No one said it would be easy however. "Sorry. Uh... I learned Force Barrier from Master Truden. I also had a bit of training in Jar'kai."

His hand tapped the desk, the expression on his face showing excitement at his sudden realization, "Do you have anything to do today? There's this waterfall near the temple. The fall isn't too rough seems like a good place to practice barriers, meditate, or even just relax and dip your feet in the water. Could be good?" He shrugged then gave her a sheepish grin. It wasn't one he used often but he hope she would agree. He had been meaning to head back to the waterfall anyway.

[member="Elizie Adasca"]
[SIZE=9pt]A small frown played with her brows as Elizie’s eyes continued to study the golden Padawan and his surprising reaction to the question. Uri appeared to be almost too careful with his answer, words leaving too slowly for Elizie not to notice, as if he’s been hiding a terrible secret. Was he also a Jedi Shadow? Not believing so, even though she logically wouldn’t have known it even if he were, the tan skinned Padawan remained silent and allowed the fellow Jedi to finish, though a few unspoken questions remained sealed behind the young woman’s lips. Despite the somewhat strange hesitation, Uri offered answer. The revelation of studying Force barrier from Master Truden finally sent Elizie over the edge, forcing a short-lived smile to appear due to a memory of training the same power under Master, by the time a Knight, Truden. The Order’s most accomplished user of the mysterious shielding technique, apparently. Or possibly the only one willing to teach the power. Either way, Padawan Aureleos must have been busy she imagined. The expression on his face that seemed almost embarrassed suddenly changed as if someone flicked a switch, replacing the unsure look with excitement and eagerness, followed by a grin after the suggestion’s been laid on the table. Again, Elizie did not respond with a smile, her stone-cold expression giving away no indication of what her answer would be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“No,” replied the Arkanian, “I do not have any appointments for today. We could go see this waterfall.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She was the first to stand up, but the one who followed her fellow Padawan through the structure of the Jedi Temple until they emerged outside, immediately warmed by the shining sun that signed this to be a beautiful day, not a single cloud ruining the blue canvas of the sky. Many Jedi relaxed along the paths, lying in the lush green sea of grass, often reading a book or just conversing with each other, sometimes sparring. Going after Uri, the Arkanian walked among her fellow Jedi, offering some a bow or greeting where appropriate, only to immediately walk after the golden-skinned man again. Their way through the planet’s nature successfully reached its destination when the duo came across a small waterfall. Calling it like that was an exaggeration, but it still provided a visually pleasant scene for their eyes to feast upon; clean water raining down, but not stopping, immediately moving forward in the stream that gently tore through the ground. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“This is a nice place,” stated the Arkanian, turning her head in different directions to allow for her sight to fall upon everything, noting the few trees provided them with a shadow if they wished to hide from the sun. Sitting under one such tree in a cross-legged position, the Padawan opened herself to the Light Side of the Force, drawing it in and relaxing, but not before blessing Uri with a flashy smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Thank you for showing me this place, Padawan Aureleos.”[/SIZE]

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri lowered his head as she said no only to perk up again as she agreed to go with him. He wondered if maybe she didn't that on purpose to get a ruse from him. Maybe not. He stood up after her and then led her to the waterfall glancing back at her to make sure he wasn't getting to far ahead. To him it seemed odd how she greeted almost everyone on the way there. He wasn't as social however so that might be why. Two younger female padawans were the only ones to greet him. As he waved, they giggled and hurried off leaving Uri with his confused expression. He didn't understand their reaction. This was one of the reasons he wasn't very social. He found it hard to comprehend all of the different reactions people had and how over half of them didn't make sense to him.

As they reached the falls, he stared in awe and wonder. His memories of the waterfall's serenity didn't do it justice. His head turned however to watch Elizie's reaction to it smiling slightly as she glanced around and took in all of the surrounding. It was a nice place. He was glad that Master... the pink Twi'lek - he made a mental note to relearn her name yet again - invited him to learn jar'kai here.

Uri then follow Elizie over to the spot under the trees sitting down just as she smiled and thanked him. He paused staring at her with a crooked smile on his face, "Yeah, it's great here. Anytime you want to come back or just need someone to train with or something. I'm not that hard to find."

He gave her his own toothy grin then shifted how he was sitting to full lotus as he began to meditate and draw on the force. He closed his eyes. The peaceful sounds of the falls and nature allowed him to find a deep trance as he relaxed in meditation. He had already meditated earlier when he first woke up so he didn't meditate for more than a few minutes. He was more excited to practice force barriers rather than spend most of the day meditating. He watched her for a little bit. Not moving just yet so that he didn't interrupt her meditation. His curiosity got the best of him however as his eyes focused on the bacta patch yet again. He moved his hand up letting a single finger brush her hair slightly off her cheek and the patch. He jerked his hand away however as he assumed he interrupted her meditation.

"Sorry... Can I see it?" He curled his lips into his mouth. Part of him still worried if it effected her self-esteem. He didn't want her to feel self-conscious just because he was asking. He imagined that even if she did, he assumed she would never purposely let him notice any embarrassment or discomfort.

"I won't think any differently of you," he gave her a light smile opening himself up in the force so that she could see that he was telling her the truth and that she had nothing to worry about from him.

[member="Elizie Adasca"]

[SIZE=9pt]The question made no sense in the moment it’s been raised, it lacked context and the unseen link just didn’t click within the Padawan’s mind, no, it felt so out of place in this emerald sanctuary of peace and the Light Side that the Arkanian did not even consider the option of the question concerning the nasty burn on her cheek. In fact, for a short while, all memory of it disappeared, leaving no trace of it within her mind, not so much the crispy reminder on her skin, concealed under a bactapatch. Eyebrows raised in a way that only added another question mark after the question, Elizie turned her gaze towards Uri, white orbs almost appearing to be blind given the lack of pupils, although that was just an optical illusion. Their gazes locked for a moment before the enlightenment came in form of Uri’s eyes darting towards her cheek. It was then when Elizie realized the meaning of his question, the look in her eyes growing distant for a second as she glanced towards the waterfall and listened to the sound of rushing water. At the same time, her hand reached up, picking a stray lock of white hair and moving it towards her cheek to hide the injury under it while she lightly shook her head, whether as a response to Uri’s question or to express her disagreement with something else – the golden-skinned Padawan had to decide, though her next words quickly shed more clarity on the answer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“No,” the Arkanian said patiently, almost as a mother talking to her overly concerned child, “It is alright. Let it heal. There is no need to be worried about it. It’s just a small burn, nothing more.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Allowing herself to relax again, Elizie closed her eyes and let the Light Side in, pushing away the sounds of nature. Just like when she first dabbled with Force barrier, the Arkanian suddenly appeared back home, the frozen plains of Arkania, the capital of the planet. Her home, her family’s mansion, her room. Everything spelled safety and comfort, yet she was not there as a noble, but as a Jedi. This place within her mind always gave her strength, combining the relaxing stream of the Light Side with memories of home. And then she was suddenly back, sitting on hundreds of thin blades of grass that tickled her through the white pants.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Padawan Aureleos, it is impolite to stare or to drool.” The Arkanian Padawan informed her fellow Jedi, mercilessly crushing the smile that threatened to play with her lips.[/SIZE]

[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Uri resisted the urge to just take his hand and pull the patch off without her permission. She would be so crossed with him if he did. In his mind, she already seemed distant. To him, it seemed that the closer he tried to get the farther she managed to push away from him. His goal was to simply have her be his friend. Nothing in the teaching said that they couldn't have friends. They just had to be mindful of attachments. He knew the duty he had to preform as a jedi however, and he was sure she knew hers. Hopeful she would consider him her friend as well. He wasn't sure however. Anytime he thought he was making any process she would tuck herself away again.

He turned away from her and pulled his knees to his chest as she scolded him about staring and... drooling. His hand went to his mouth to check. He wasn't drooling. Why would she say that? This was one of the reasons he spent so much time by himself. He didn't understand others like he probably should. Her words and reaction just left him confused and conflicted.

"Why would I drool?" It never occurred to him how mean that sentence could sound. He exhaled lightly as he tried to figure it out on his own. Instead his hand went to rub his long blonde curls. He didn't understand. Like those two padawans who giggled and everyone else, Elizie confused him. He didn't understand how she could constantly keep herself away from others. It felt like a struggle to him.

He stood taking a few steps forward clasping his hands behind his back as he stared at the waterfall. He just wanted things to be easy today. So far he only managed to get a headache from everything he's done.

[member="Elizie Adasca"]

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