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Ulthane - The Pilgrims

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Name: Ulthane, Pilgrims, The Pilgrims
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Mustafar
Language: Galactic Standard, Bocce, Binary
Average height of adults: 2.2606 Meters
Skin color: Gray, Black, Silver, Blue
Hair color: No Hair
Breathes: Type 1 Atmosphere

With their height and bulk comes their strength, supported by all of the combined transparent wires to make their chrome, mirror-like muscles, allowing them to lift two hundred all the way up to four hundred pounds.
When their wet and almost chrome skin is damaged, it will suddenly form into a series of blisters that will only register pressure instead of pain.
Ulthane can sense most movement through glands in their hands and feet, which sends signals to their brains to turn in the general direction of whatever is moving.
The Pilgrims also have some common knowledge about the technology of the main galaxy and have proficiency in trying to construct faster as they act on perfection without any bio breaks, the need to eat, or any sense of sleep. The only thing Ulthane need to consume is water.

As tough as Ulthane can be, they're not all that fast when they run. If a human were to sprint, an Ulthane would be a few seconds behind.
Ulthane have a strong difficulty in seeing who is a friend and who is a foe. For most strangers, they respect them and already have a million questions to answer, but given with what little skills they have in facial recognition, they could feel threatened and act out in sudden aggression. They generally have to be told how people feel and struggle with sarcasm.
Ulthane generally need some sort of light to keep sane and healthy. Without any light, they'll become severely depressed with feelings of being alone, and if they don't commit suicide, they'll fall onto the floor, mutter in what sense they have left, and die after two weeks have passed without any light.
As willing as they'll try to be in order to fight, most Ulthane are scavengers, merchants, or priests. They lack combat training, and the standard Ulthane 'citizen' will be easy to kill if somebody has a weapon and can move.

Distinctions: Ulthane are incredibly large and have mostly wide features. Due to a lack of a stomach, their abdominal region is very thin and filled with holes, leaving only muscle tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.
Ulthane lack any hair and instead use how reflective their skin and bones can be as a fashion sense instead.
Ulthane have no faces and instead just a reflective round head.
Their bodies are filled with holes. Some Ulthane soldiers have taken notice about the fear of dying and managed to put holes in their heads to make a skull's face without doing too much damage.
Ulthane have a short shine that traverses their bodies and gives allusion to the rays of sunlight in water striking a surface.
Average Lifespan: Ulthane, without the benefit of their technology, will live up to three hundred and sixty years. With the benefit of their hibernation technology, they can live as long as the hibernation pod is kept active.
Races: The Ulthane had a racial conflict between The Corrective, a religious eco terrorist culture that wanted to remove all sentient life from mainly forested worlds, and The Protective, the modern Ulthane that have traveled to the main galaxy that try take information from other cultures, gain other technology, study and mimic combat training from other cultures, trade valuable metals and animals, and attempt to restore the numbers of their race.
Estimated Population: There are only two billion of them in a galaxy that would likely support trillions of individuals. For every city, only a few hundred Ulthane could be located.
Diet: Ulthane require a gallon of water to be consumed every three days and need to be in constant sunlight. Water is consumed by pouring it into the space between the 'chin' and the chest, where constantly black moving liquid will grab it and turn like a wheel to push the water into the abdominal region. Ulthane can't physically eat anything and don't need to.
Communication: Ulthane speak telepathically with most forms of life as their voices are incapable of matching most others. They attempt to speak with droids through hand movements or mimicking their beeps and whirls. Most noises they make are similar to horns being blown.
Ulthane have no names for themselves until somebody gives them one. Individuality is strange to them and they attempt to adept to it. Ulthane absolutely hate racism and sexism and will commonly act out against it if no person of authority is around. Most Ulthane respect wisdom, acceptance, and strength. Every Ulthane has an attraction to both light and water and will commonly visit worlds that have these two things. Ulthane lack any true government where only certain people rule. With the want to be culturally acceptable in most places, they find this difficult and question patriotism. Instead, Ulthane have the system of The Kathadium, where avatars of certain attributes are placed and people of certain commonly given emotions, philosophies, and history serve under these avatars. There are first The Avatars of Wisdom, or Ashkari. These avatars and their party will teach newly learned lessons of thoughts, math, science, and sudden ideas to the young and ancient of the Ulthane. Some believe themselves to be poisoned when lessons come to things such as a respect for nature, natural selection, and survival. All Ulthane have a dislike of all three and generally work to bring an age where everything can eat cloned food, use cloned medicine, and use recycled equipment. For those not working to these ideologies, they may turn to The Avatars of War, or Uthjad, where they teach those looking to protect their race, faction, or company, and make a tally of the head and spinal cords of their enemies. Each combatant is fitted with black armor made of clusters of hexagonal spires that fulfill a very abstract look. It is tradition for these warriors to take the head and spinal cords of their enemies due to the fact that Ulthane's brains are not completely inside of their head and stretch along the upper half of their spinal cord. The greatest heroes who show control of their rage and have at least twenty spinal cords of sworn enemies will be given a short bright gray cloak covered in patterns of a glowing constellation pattern as a sign that they've joined a secretive warrior force named The Abyssal, or Olymm. Lastly comes to the engineers and merchants, who work under The Avatars of Expansion, the Avakad. They know technology, both their own and the Galaxy Standard, biology, and physics, which are then taught to the Ulthane who are within their middle ages, generally between seven years of age all the way to two hundred.
Technology level: Galactic Standard.
Their technology has a very abstract look and always conspires of hexagonal pieces. However, it appears alive and has a tendency to move near light or water, just like the Uthjad. It lacks no intelligence and is closer to a plant in its working than an animal, but is capable of reproducing itself asexually over a week.
General behavior: Ulthane are incredibly curious, but not entirely playful about it. Much of their time is spent crafting theories as they 'dream' when looking at a direct source of light. They are easily agitated and quick to act on violence when it comes to anything sexist, racist, or hostile because of one's background concerning their religion or faction. Most Ulthane that are seen are Uthjad, The Avatars of War, as they act as the protectors to see where they can trade resources and gain their own. If an Uthjad hasn't stated that they're in an area just to claim territory, then they are in an area of their personal concerns and desires most of the time. Most Ulthane find the need to eat offensive, but understand the need most life has in order to survive. Ulthane are very big on promises and duties and will always try to fulfill them. Most will get the feeling that Ulthane are incredibly uncomfortable, even scared, when away from other Ulthane. If not scared, then distant.
History: Originally from the Risha Maze, Ulthane have always been inside their colossal and complex ships, storing massive portions of their race. Originally, there was only The Corrective, a force that saw its three leaders as gods. These leaders, The Wanting, dictated their race to go to other worlds and remove any sentient life in order to keep nature safe. This was a process repeated for only decades until a new group, The Protective, formed. They waged a civil war within their own ships and quickly lost numbers and technological advancements over little than a decade as their race was already in short supply.
The Wanting were killed in just months, but The Corrective remained for some time and won more battles over The Protective. They went to such extremes of sending only a few million individuals and warriors onto a volcanic and almost inhabitable world in another galaxy away from the Risha Maze. All that were left behind were subject to the bombing of their own ships, which crashed on various worlds and withered away like their passengers. All of The Corrective and those of The Protective who stayed away from the runaway ships died.
For the few million who were left, they expected a long trip to an unknown galaxy and made habitation pods. Each pod was a long row of attachments that held twenty Ulthane. They were filled with a teal liquid that made all of the Ulthane stay in a certain stasis mode as they were constantly shown light, brushed with water, and stuck in a sense of dreaming. They entered the main galaxy 902 ABY and have only sent out a few Uthjad over the decades to establish areas, mainly within Republic and Techno Union territory, where they can trade and learn information. It is only recently in 932 ABY that the vast majority of them have reproduced and expanded out into the world.
Notable Player-Characters: None yet. If this gets approved, I'll be making an Uthjad immediately. Maybe even an Olymm, but that seems a bit far fetched.
Intent: I wanted to give the server something that was playful in a very serious manner and give players a test of if they can agree and co-exist with something that hates all of the terrible things that life does in order for a species of practically anything to survive. I've been writing a book that involves an alien species of pilgrims. Pilgrims isn't exactly the right word I would use, but they ventured to the main galaxy for cultural reasons, as one would venture to a place for religious reasons.
Also, this forum needs MOAR HEXAGONS.
[member="Jyr 3-13"]
Thanks for choosing the Codex, my name is Cecily and I'll be taking care of you today! Before we can move on to the approval phase, there are some initial concerns below that I'll need you to address:

To begin, I'm going to request that you clean up the formatting of this species just a little bit for the sake of clarity. Right now this submission is a little hard to follow for me, so I'm sure it will be for others.
  • Could you please list the strengths and weaknesses in bullet points or list form?
  • Could you also please space out each of the longer areas? (aka. a space between general behavior and culture, etc)
  • Could you also please organize your information into paragraph form?
If you aren't sure what I mean, HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of a submission that has been formatted very well and is very easy to read.
[member="Jyr 3-13"]
This submission has been flagged for the archive.

You may have it brought out of the Archive by contacting an RPJ or Administrator.

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