Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tyra Ashen

Tyra Ashen

NAME: Tyra Ashen

FACTION: Silver Jedi

RANK: Blacksmith

SPECIES: Valkyri

AGE: 20

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 6'5"

WEIGHT: Average

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Raven

SKIN: Fair





+ Iron Will: Life has thrown much at Tyra while she grew up. No matter how much the fates tried to break her will. Tyra always stood to face her problems, no matter how badly they could hurt her.

+ Battle Born: Tyra can't remember the first time she picked up a practice blade, or a day when she never practiced with one. For hours a day, everyday, Tyra would train till her entire body hurt.

- Stubborn: Once a goal is set, Tyra won't back down till she has achieved it. Sometimes risking personal injury in the process.

- Technology impaired: Growing up on Midvinter left Tyra less exposed to more advanced technologies. This leaves Tyra struggling with what most.of the galaxy would call basic tech.

Tyra has a strong athletic build from a lifetime of training and hard living. She keeps her messy raven colored hair tied back in a ponytail. Her attire is normally suited for the colder weather of Midvinter. Mainly consisting of dark brown boots and cargo pants. A brown tunic with a black undershirt.

Tyra, or Tyra the Ashen, was born on Midvinter in a small village to a family she can't remember. Everything before the age of eight is nothing more than a blurry mess that she can't piece together. Her earliest memory is the day she awoke under a pile of rubble from a partially collapsed home. With some effort, she managed to free herself and escape the ruined home. What awaited her outside was far worse.

The young girl found herself standing in the remains of a village. Everything around her was scorched almost entirely to the ground in every direction she looked. Small fires burned here and there, while the smell of smoke and burnt flesh hung heavily in the air. All around her was silence, silence and ash that fell as thick as snow.

The confused girl didn't know who she was or where she was. She wondered aimlessly for hours looking for someone to help her. As the sun began to set, help finally arrived in the form of Arvid the bear and a group of warriors. Arvid found Tyra wondering the streets alone and took pity on her. Finding she had no home and no family, Arvid took her in as his own child, naming her Tyra the Ashen.

Tyra soon learned that village was besieged by pirates believing they had found an easy mark. A belief that died quickly, along with most of the crew. In an act of revenge, they struck the village late one night with an orbital strike. Caught unawares, the village was decimated while leaving Tyra as the only survivor.

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