Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tykan Starchaser

"We couldn't get any of the useful Starchasers?"

Name: Tykan Starchaser

Age: Thirty

Rank: N/A

Faction: N/A

Species: Guess

Sex: Beard

Height: 6'0

Weight: 198 LBS

Skin: Fly white guy

Force Sensitive: Nope


Beastmaster: Technically speaking, Tyken qualifies. Wherever he goes, his Strill Riny goes, and Riny's no pushover.

Durable: A few years of cold showers, engine burns, and the healthy weekly beating have made Tyken a bit used to the pain. He won't be moving if someone lops his arm off, but a bit of blood isn't going to make him cry.

Tracker: You need something found, Tyken's your man. His usual work involves the hunting of great beasts -- occasionally people. Once in a blue moon, he'll go looking for lost items, if the pay is handsome enough.


Beast Reliant: Tyken relies on Riny in most combat situation, as she does him. If they are separated, he will rapidly lose whatever control he might have had over the situation.

Normie: Unlike the rest of his rather lucky family, Tyken is not force sensitive. Unfortunately he isn't force dead either. In a galaxy ruled by men who consider themselves gods, that tends to be an issue.

Pessimist/Mean Spirited: When it comes to matters outside family, everything that can go wrong will. Everyone is out to cause you problems. Your pal's probably charging your wife up the cargo ramp. You religious views are ridiculously stupid. Your political ideals make you arrogant, and will eventually fall to anarchy. Should I go on?


Tykan, like the majority of the Starchaser clan, was born and raised aboard the Dawn Treader. He was the second child to two former Jedi; subscribers to the Zeishon Sha point of view as well. Unfortunately for Tykan, he happened to be one of the only Starchaser children with no connection to the force, something his older brother [member="Marek Starchaser"] did not share.

To say he was treated differently would not be entirely true. His parents were loving as they could ever be, but the force was a bond between them and his sibling that he could never hope to share. He was given a rudimentary education, taking the time to learn more about the galaxy while Marek learned to shoot a rifle.

When it came time for Tykan to learn how to defend himself, he did not take well to it. The weapons all felt awkward; he could not focus the way the others could. After a quiet discussion, his parents opted to purchase a Strill pup, a Mandalorian hunting beast, to protect their younger son. Tykan was enthralled by the tiny creature. Sure, it smelled like a rancor's behind, and it never ceased to cry in the middle of the night, but it was something the others did not have.

He didn't need the force, he had little Riny. When Coren was off learning how to have some minor control of the force, Tyken was training the little beast. Within two years time Riny had grown into a formidable, highly intelligent animal, and Tyken's skill with a blaster had grown immensely. Strill were quite expensive on the market, and it would be of little surprise if someone tried to abduct Riny in the future. He needed to be able to keep her safe.

As Tykan reached his teens, he began to look up to his older brother. Every young man needs an follow after all. That is until his whole world was turned upside down when his parents went off on a supply run, never to return.

In a daze, Tyken stormed the bridge with Riny at his side, and demanded control at blaster point. His goal was to commit the Treader to searching his parents. When such was not given to him, Riny reached out and took a chunk out of the helmsman's arm. Tyken and Riny were then quickly sedated via stun blasts, and locked away.

During a three day period, Tyken was given psychiatric help. Rather than cooperate, Tyken lied to the man, trying to find the quickest route to freedom. Those remaining aboard the Treader were ready to let him return to daily life, under on condition. Riny was too dangerous, and needed to be spaced.

Instead, Tykan agreed to other terms. He and Riny would be dropped off on the nearest planet -- Chandrila. A day later, the fifteen year old and his Strill found themselves on a foreign planet. With only a few credits to his name, Tykan went off in search of work. It was not long until the recruiters found him. He signed on to the Chandrila defense force, went through the training, and served for a little more than a year searching for narcotics alongside Riny.

The pay was alright, but the job was far too demanding. He wanted to focus on his studies; police work had little appeal to him. Gathering up what few credits he'd saved up, Tykan purchased an old patchwork freighter, and took to the stars. To this day the Chandrilan government still has him listed under missing persons.

Traveling the stars, Tykan and Riny put one of the skills they'd gained from the defense force to good work. Riny had a nose for things, and Tykan knew how to understand her ques. They travelled from world to world, at first looking for Tykan's brother. Eventually, the boy gave up, and took to finding misplaced objects for people across the outer rim.

Somehow that evolved into bounty hunting. He took contracts for the Bounty Hunter's guild on fringe worlds, always going after small time criminals. A few years passed, and his aim improved. A friend urged him to go for the big credits, and he did. The first man was a big name in the spice game, and the first man Tykan ever killed. The credits started flowing, and so did Tykan's bloodlust.

The credits stopped satisfying him after a time. He wanted the challenge, and Riny was never happier than she was on a hunt. He sold his apartment, what few belongings he'd come to own, and moved on to Kashyyyk. For three years they hunted beasts in the Shadowlands for the local tribes. When the head of the biggest Katarn Tykan had ever seen was mounted on his room's wall, he knew it was time to go.

From there, Tykan and Riny hunted on worlds such as Felucia, Korriban, and other before finally deciding there were more pressing matters. Marek had made a name for himself some time ago; Tykan had chosen to ignore it. His cousins were making waves in this new Galactic Alliance. It seemed no matter how far he went from the center of the galaxy, his family would never give him peace.

The only option he had was to reconnect. Without any particular objective, Tykan packed up his things, and headed out to the southern part of the galaxy; determined to carve out his place in the annals of history.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] I am not responsible for Riny's behavior.

[member="Audrey Starchaser"] Mayhaps sometime. Mayhaps.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"] I am all of these things and more. I may also be your father. Lots of intrigue, yosh.

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