Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Legs to teach Four

The Primeval. The home of those who believed in the Host Lord and his eventual coming. Those who were granted the power of the Force were often known as Seekers of the Rift, using their powers to instill the will of the Primeval itself. And despite her knowing all this Tura had no true idea of what it actually meant.

How could she? She'd only joined the Primeval a few days ago, and that was because a member of their ranks saved her and offered her freedom in their home. How could she not have accepted anyways? The chance for freedom from slavers, and the chance to fully use her powers to their potential was a benefit of it's own worth. Tura, however, didn't know if that was the true reason why she said yes, or because she was afraid to say no.

The shy Chironian was never a social type. At least among her people she'd felt more comfortable. But here, on an alien planet surrounded by many species she'd never seen or met before, it was all a bit overwhelming. Still as part of this Primeval sect now she was obligated to the and the resources they offered. As such one of the greater aspects was magics and combat. The Chironian's had those who could wield the force, but never had there been accounts of those who could bend the will of magic to them. This was new territory for Tura that she hoped and prayed would pay off in the end.

She awaited in one of the training gardens of the Primeval's home base. While she was to wait for her instructor she instead was drawn to admiring the flowers and the overall beauty of the garden. It was almost an unnatural yet deep beauty. Dark and yet divine, it calmed her a little more as she waited for the one called [member="Enoch Zambrano"] to arrive. She stood near one of the flower beds with a small waterfall nearby, her hooves teasing at the edge.
Teaching. Ah, what a divine pleasure. Well, maybe for some. For Enoch, it was a pain, and something he had no interest in doing. But, he was a Riftseeker, and he didn't want to loose the title. The young man had quickly discovered that the religion the Primeval offered was power that he desperately wanted. Enoch didn't give a kark about the gods, Sargon and the lot of them, he used them to tame the masses. The Spice of the masses. Wonder why no ones thought of that before? He just shrugged to his thoughts as he walked through the Primeval base on Bastion. In his hands he carried a large bundle of cloth, wrapped inside were various types of lightsabers. He didn't really know where to begin, so he figured he should bring everything. Any sort of magics or control of the Force she wanted to learn would come soon after.

"Ah, yes, they said you'd be distinguishable." Enoch spoke as he walked into the garden. With a loud clang, he dropped the weapons on the grass, and moved over to where she was standing. He walked over to the flowers, and crouched down. A quick series of sparks jump off of his hand as he gently moved it around one of the flowers. The smell of sulfur ans smoke emanated through the air as the small flower caught fire.

"You want to learn? This is the power I offer you. The Force, Sargon's Blessing, whatever you wish to call it, the power of an army lies at your fingertips waiting to be unleashed." Enoch had began walking around the girl, if one could call her that, as he spoke. After making a full circle back to the flowers, he looked down at them. Now a small fire had started up. As Enoch looked down at the fire, flames flickered in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the burnt flowers were flattened, and the fire put out by a large gust of wind.

When [member="Enoch Zambrano"] approached and spoke from behind he startled Tura. She turned, her hooves clopping against the ground before trying to settle. As he spoke, already with a very dark and devious tone, her bags legs were constantly moving. Sometimes from side-to-side and other times one would be held in the air while the other waited before going up itself. This was a bigger sign of how nervous she was. The Chironians could never hide their emotions when it came to their horse-halves. If that wasn't clear enough then the entire time he spoke she held one of her arms with the other while trying not to keep fully eye-contact for long. Half the time she was looking down, waiting until he was behind her before looking up again.

When he set fire to the flower she watched with a slight twinge of fear in her mind. She worried he might do the same to her if she did not comply, making her quickly say "Yes. I want to know that power." when he asked. She continued to watch until he blew it out with a gust of wind, something else she assumed he would teach her. Once it was out she looked away from the smoldering remains, keeping her eyes down again.
"What...what are you doing? Where's the passion? The ranks of the Primeval have no need for weaklings. None." Enoch looked up at her oddly as he spoke, his brow furrowed. In a swift movement, he moved over to the bundle of weapons, grabbing a lightpike and tossing it to the creature in a swift motion. If she activated it, she'd see a short red blade sticking out of its end. And if she cut with it, she would see it was no training blade. This was the real deal. Enoch's own saber slipped into his hand, and he activated the crimson blade with the usual snap-hiss that followed. He quickly flourished the blade, facing the girl. With a stern look on his face, he shook his head.

"Go on. Show me that spark that any good Sith has. Even if you're another one of these witches, you will need your emotions. Go on, let them flow through you. Show me, are you weak, or are you strong." One last flick of his blade, and Enoch was jumping in for the attack, his blade gracefully dancing around to find her weak spots. He wasn't holding back. She would live, and gain knowledge, or she would fail, and die.

When called a weakling Tura didn't make any sort of objection. Even she had doubted herself. She was no fighter. She wasn't even strong enough with her powers in the force or magics to be considered skilled at all. She was just a girl who felt too deep at this point. Before she knew it a pike-like weapon was tossed to her. Tura caught it and realized it was a variation of the lightsabers used by the Jedi. This weapon, as she examined it, made sense for someone like her to use. Any ordinary weapon wouldn't provide much reach to someone like her; which was why she and most other Chinorians fought with arrows or spears. This sort of weapon, however, provided strength where her faults were.

Not that she had much time to think on it as [member="Enoch Zambrano"] jumped in for an attack. She gasped and reared on her hind legs, blocking his first strike out of luck. From there she brought her legs up and kicked them towards the knight, more out of instinct than anything else. After that, when she came back down and was on all fours, she trotted back for distance. The look in her eyes showed how afraid she was, even after managing to survive such a strike.
Enoch rolled back as one of the hoofs clipped him. This one was a fighter after all, weather she knew it or not. In that moment, Enoch became determined to show her what she was capable of. Enoch stopped his roll, stopping at a crouch. He looked up at her, and then swiftly stood. A twisted smile sat upon his lips.

"Good, good! There is a warrior inside you, Tura, you just have to know how to access it. Let that same primal fear you used against me run your body. It will know what to do." Enoch pointed his saber up as he spoke, holding the tip pointed at her. Then, in another swift attack, he moved forward. This time, he knew to watch out for those legs, and twirled to the side, slashing at her side in a downward strike with both of his hands. Then, he jumped back, before quickly moving to reverse his momentum. The young man would try and roll underneath her, between her legs. Hopefully he might be able to distract her, but she might just trample him.

His statement took Tura off guard. He called her a warrior yet insisted her fear was the driving force. From what she knew the warriors of her people were fearless, as she assumed others to be. Unless there was something else to his words. In the past it was apparent that darkside users relied on negative emotions in order to become stronger. Perhaps that was what he had in mind for her. Not that she had time to think as he attacked again. And again she ducked or dodged or wound up being lucky as she blocked one of his strikes. When he rolled under her, however, she gasped as if being violated. It as not often known that doing such a thing to a Chironian was considered a "personal invasion". When he finished she gave him a more angered look at wound up striking out against him.

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
"Good!" Enoch's blade swiftly came up to parry her attacks. Rolling under her had been just what he wanted. She would feed off of that anger, and become a monster who's very presence sent men running. Monsters came in different forms, and Enoch was familiar with them. His own father was one of the most feared men in the galaxy, and every move Enoch made was with the goal in mind of outdoing his father. Everyone had to die, and Kaine would be Enoch's bounty.

Her attacks were good, well sought out, but Enoch had little trouble dancing around them. As their blades met, Enoch spun his body while keeping the blades locked, and used his momentum to crouch down, and slash out at her legs. Maybe she'd be quick enough to block down, or even try and kill Enoch. But he was hoping to get her to jump, pump more fear into her blood.


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