Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Twilight Sepulcher

Name: Twilight Sepulcher

Classification: Urban Center

Location: In the dense jungles of Catia a moon of Shri-tal under the canopy of the jungle. With large protruding Spires marking its location.

Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi

Population: 7,000

  • 88% Human
  • 2% Sephi
  • 3% Animal
  • 7% Other

Points of Interest:
The Wicked City: The city itself, carved deep into the earth with a lattice of trees and the canopy of the jungle above it. The residents who have been brought over from the Silver Jedi have created a city under the dense jungle witout largely displacing the environment or showing their presence. The black marble stones are covered in runes and writing that teaches Disciples how to enhance their vision for low light and spotting bent light. The stairs and walkways are not made for human's having a distinctly larger feel for a species that is no longer there.

Amberite Mine: Below the temple is an entrance to one of the larger crystal mines on the planet. Several research teams entered and found other entrances to the mines across the planet is it honeycombs a large section or the world.

Twilight Temple: A large temple that was adopted, the investigating of the Hammer sites led to its discovery and after carefully removing anything of danger it was deemed able to be used. The large architecture not the best with high vaulted ceilings that end in shadows and could have at one point hidden traps or weapons but no longer.

Evergleam Spires: Dedicated to four sects that have become present within the Silver Jedi and trained. Mirroring Coruscant's broken and destroyed temple in their placement around a central spire that protrudes from the heart of the Twilight temple. Each one serves a part of the Silver Jedi and different group whose members have found their way into helping the order.

Under the canopy of the jungles on Catia the city was made. Dug into the earth and holding up with supports of strong stone and durasteel a netting of trees with interlocking roots. an irrigation system to keep the trees healthy was made early on and with minimal engineering it remains working.

The temples and buildings itself are carved black stone holding the history of he Warriors of Shadow after they were exiled from Coruscant and instead of going with the others. The female sect of taung went into the unknown regions. Fighting kanzer and another cult for centuries until they all merged.

The breaking of the codex, to finding the gate and bringing enough slaves to have their kingdom on this new world. The writings and images done in a ruby reddish black that requires focus and training to see easier. Large spires that begin from deep in the earth protruding above the canopy roughly a hundred feet.

Making them look more like towers but there is more down below while the walls are lined with stairs and pathways going past rooms, homes and crevices where creatures can be hidden. The natural defenses of the city outweigh the outdated booby traps some that still work and are not all rotted wood or dusty poison.

History: Built by the Taungs when they came through the gates in the history of Shri-tal. After the incident that shattered the Codex and reinforced their need to not atone but to control and command over. The Seven generals formed the city around their leaders tomb. Building a city in the jungle that went deep into the earth tapping into the veins of the world. The Amberite crystals that could channel them and was used to craft their hammers.

With the Taung slowly dying and the people of Sri-tal being more dominant, they were able to seal away the knowledge and information about the city and who had been there. Leaving it a mystery in their history book and slowly as time went on and influences from Republic, Xim and other cultures ccame in they let the city fall to ruin. Later returning only to built spires within the jungle that just peaked over the canopy of the large trees.

The base of them being in the city further below then down into the earth where several could hide and avoid the stormtroopers. In the time of the galactic civil war the people of Shri-tal hid rebel spies and aided them offering the city as a location to use but not as a base. They were not able to bring in troops but a few of them could hide out from the Empire there until the time it fell and the city was forgotten about again falling into obscurity with the planet.

Then the silver jedi awakened the hammers, unleashing the eight taung spirits and investigating them and the area of space led them to the city through research and through notable members being possessed. Connor Harrison, Nico Ike, Shalla, Coci Sinopi stood as hosts to the spirits of the taung one being exorcised by Rave Merrill. The Remnants being forged by the Silver jedi and Sasori within the city itself to end the threat and save their people.

Now it serves as a base and research city, allowing several sects of force users to gather together and train or learn from each other. No hostility, no ego and no one knowing they are there while the towers and temple are slowly being refitted to new standards for use. Disciples have come from a small sect to live there following a member and more public sephi who observes the world for them.


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