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Approved Tech Tsunami Explosive System

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Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way

Image Source: Deus Ex Human Revolution

Intent: An innovative addition to the Crescentia product line up. Meant for sale in military contracts and properly licensed PCs.

Development Thread: None, unless required

Manufacturer: Crescentia Industries manufacturing plant

Model: TSU-01

Affiliation: Crescentia Industries

Modularity: No

Production: Limited. Obtained through Crescentia Industries only. PCs need to make a request post in my Marketplace thread for both PC and NPC recipients.

Material: Durasteel and Baradium (ammo)

Classification: Mini-Launcher

Size: Fit on your arm. See picture is spoiler.

Length: N/A

Weight: N/A

Ammunition Type: Miniature Baradium Explosives

Ammunition Capacity: 18 (3 per socket)

Effective Range: 8 meters

Rate of Fire: Single relesase

Special Features: Discreet and Defensive

Description: Installed into the surface of cybernetic arms, the Tsunami Explosive System is the ideal way of getting out of a bad spot. It allows you to launch timed mini-explosives in a 360 degree arc at a range of 8 meters . It's perfect for when you're surrounded by grunts at short range. The explosives detonate in a ring around your character.

At engaged range, you risk a mini-explosive or two hitting your close enemy and damaging the both of you. There is a tell-tale shockwave of release before the explosions happen, so there's a chance to escape death/injury/damage. The act of reloading the Tsunami ammo takes a while and requires much attention to not drop the mini-explosives while loading. So, in a combat zone, you can only use it once per encounter. Better make it count until you find the time and safety to reload.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Bhaltair Dhimani said:
Manufacturer: Crescentia Industries manufacturing plant
please link the manufacturing company found here

Bhaltair Dhimani said:
Production: Limited. Obtained through Crescentia Industries only.
You would need to list how this is limited. You could limit it to select customers needed a purchase thread. Or limit it to a faction or two or specific groups of people OF you can change it to Minor for it to be open for anyone to buy it without a thread.

Bhaltair Dhimani said:
Installed into the surface of cybernetic arms

Bhaltair Dhimani said:
It allows you to launch mini-explosives in a 360 degree arc at a range of 8 meters.
If this is firing from your arm then you are in this 360 degree arc and would be hit by the weapons discharge. You would need to to change this to an aimed fire arc away from your body or arm it is affixed to. Or this could be built into some belt type unit that could ideal fire in all directions.

Bhaltair Dhimani said:
The blast is powerful enough to instantly kill exposed to lightly armored enemies, cause severe to fatal injuries on medium armored and damage/knock heavily armored enemies on their backsides.
this has to be removed as it auto hits by description taking your opponents ability to call their hits away.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way


The idea, as shown in the video, is that the mini-explosives are launched out of the sockets in both arms. They then explode after a small set time. The arms are postured in a way that shoots the explosives away from center mass and the range (8 meters) is how far they go. The widespread toss of multiple explosives will result in multiple detonations that go off simultaneously in a 8 meter ring around you. That's what I mean by 360 degrees.



ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] OK since it's feasible Its good. I just imagined how if your outstretched arm went off like that how your body would be in the arc of fire But I can see how with training it can be used in such a way.
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