Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bronwyn Tyr

okay so there are two dark witches, Taleen and myself, but we are both initiates ... don't we need someone with a higher rank to train us ? If so, then who ?!
Right now, we don't have anyone higher than Initiate in Nightsister.

There's a few ways we could tackle this. First, we do a thread in the past where you're both still part of your original lightside clans (darkside heavily growing of course) and you get trained by either Ti'Cira or myself.

Second, in light of the council of all clan mothers being formed, we make a story of you two running into one of us and working on a way for you to get training for us.

Third, and I just checked this and its allowed, I can NPC a Nightsister of higher ranking and get you guys training. Thinking this would be the most plausible option! :)

Onith Trill

NPCing does sound like the best option. That being said, I don't think it'll be much of an issue. If we continue to RP around and had a discussion with the mods on the situation and have a higher ranked witch vouch for us I'm sure they'll work with us.
Yes, plenty of roleplaying an NPC training is what will do the trick. And of course, when new Witches come about and the of you are ready, you'll be taking over their training :)

Elayne, you have a trainer, your lady, it's your mother :p
Everyone who's getting a thread for me will get one in the morning! @[member="Elayne Hawk"] @[member="Bronwyn"] Tyr I'm exhausted over so bare with me for the day!

@[member="Taleen"], you want one too while I'm at it?
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