Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Forsake the Past

Denon was second only to Courscant for the sheer number of inhabitants, and the scale of the planet-wide city structure. It was nestled between the Silver Jedi and the Confederacy of Independent Systems; allies that seemed to have established a demilitarized zone or neutral space between their territories. Perhaps a way to demonstrate neither had the intention of betraying the other. Or they simply had no interest in these planets, which even Raven had to question. Denon in particular was rich with material, albeit not the most mineral rich planet given its reliance on imports to sate its needs.

Despite its shortcomings as a source for raw material, however, it served well as a place to pursue contents or knowledge. These days knowledge was something Raven needed in spades. Darth Animus made much available, and she did not believe to be holding back more than was reasonable given her experience. All the same, maybe it was time for the Pantoran woman to pay closer attention to galactic affairs. Who were the Silver Jedi, really? What did the Confederacy truly believe? How dangerous was the Sith Empire? She needed answers, not speculation; and it seemed unreasonable to ask Animus to use his intelligence network to fill in Raven's own shortcoming of knowledge. She could handle this herself.

After two hours of prowling the surface of the planet, Raven had finally obtained word of an reliable information broker. While being Sith might be new to her, finding sources of information was not. Perhaps someday this information would also be given to her freely; as Darth Animus said, the galaxy would come to fear them. Admittedly, that sounded terrible at face value, but Raven had long since dismissed that moral quandary. In fact it had been the Force monster that lurked within or in the Pantoran's shadow that helped rationalize it away. Raven was acclimating to the whole concept of the Sith rather easily with its silent guidance.

Another hour passed with Raven inside gathering whatever she could about the other galactic factions. Sadly some secrets came at too high a price for her to obtain this visit. Later then. Although if it came to that, Animus' network would be more apropos. Business concluded, the blue figure slipped back out onto the street. She extended one hand to receive her blaster back, which slid into the holster at her side. Until next time then.

Raven glanced off to one side curious if she was being watched. Unfortunately the Force didn't spoon feed her that information as more experienced Force Users seemed to enjoy. No one here likely knew of her connections to Darth Animus, however. Though Raven hadn't really considered other information brokers might have obtained and sold such information already; it was easy to forget she was now more than a nameless sentient wandering the streets.
Kelsie didn't always know what it was. Sometimes it was the way they walked, or perhaps the slight sway and gait a person of interest held, whether it was a warrior, a Force user, or a spy. This one could be any one of them, really.

The young woman had been investigating the information broker for a little while now. Missy was great, but an information network would be invaluable. Finding the best way to infiltrate, manipulate, and gain control of a group of informants was delicate work, but quite necessary if she wanted to be effective in her assignments. If she was being honest with herself it'd take her AI about ten minutes to figure out and begin enacting a full plan of action to own and control Denon's information network, but Kelsie was always in it for the thrill -- and even the infallible Missy could miss things such as the Pantoran slipping onto the street after meeting with her information broker. That was something.

"Did you catch what they said?"

<<Not quite. Apologies, Ms Sylvan.>>

"Don't sweat it." She slipped out of her hiding spot, her silent footsteps allowing her to disappear once more into the comfort of being another nameless sentient wandering the streets. There wasn't anything in particular that caused her to begin to tail the Pantoran -- perhaps it was a tug in the Force, but Kelsie wasn't able to tell. There was something she needed from this woman, but what it was she had yet to find out.

[member="Raven Ashe"]
Did you get everything you wanted?


Did you enjoy it as much as I did?


Do you want me to tell you what they could not?


Because you already know, and don't wish to hear it?

Consumed by her own thoughts, the presence of another escaped her. Denon, like any planet-sized city, had people down on their luck and hopeful that maybe those better off might be able to help. Why they were destitute, what they wanted, and how they were going to use it all varied. Credits, obviously, was the best currency -- so easily plied in every way needed or imaginable. Perhaps that had been what the man was asking for, but the Pantoran woman heard not a word. All she knew was something that moved slightly ahead yet impeded her path was near.

And like a mosquito, a sharp whip of her right hand abruptly lifted them and struck them against a nearby wall. Not hard enough to kill, but far more than had been necessary.

Feel better?

The muscles along her jaw flexed with the effort of clenching her teeth together. She wouldn't feel better until someone answered for attempting to destroy her planet. The Empire had assaulted Pantora and as a result--

You were given the opportunity to use the Force. Did you even know those people? Did you care? Let it burn. The voice drew closer, softer, And consume the rest. Especially the one following you.

She turned her head just a hair to the side at the observation her tormentor whispered in her ear. How long...? Didn't matter. Seemed people had given her a little space for some reason -- likely from someone being flung from her presence by an invisible hand. That wouldn't help lose a tail. Should have noticed them sooner. Aware of her situation, Raven turned and began to ascend stairs that led to an elevated walkway; her pace remained the same as she evaluated options in how to deal with the trailing party.

Perhaps someone did know her, or more importantly who she served.

Tag: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]​
Now that was a bit excessive. Kelsie generally avoided the planets where angry Force users might lurk -- the Confederacy had a relative lack of them in comparison to many other places. She'd been partly expecting a less violent woman to be looking for information from a broker. Definitely surprised how random her outburst was. The other hawkers all backed away, so one problem was solved. Still, Kelsie took a moment to check on the poor man. The scanners in her glasses told her he'd received a concussion. "Missy, get an ambulance for this guy," she said, propping him up against the wall in a comfortable position before going back to tailing the scary lady...

<<"She's noticed you. Momentary uptick in her breathing and heart rate.">>

Kelsie sighed. Part of her had expected this, it wasn't like she was wearing any kind of stealth armor, and she hadn't been practicing her tailing skills as of late considering her hiatus from her work at the Ministry. There wasn't much she could do now. Ditching was always good. Then again, this might be a good time test Missy and get her to learn a little. Working with the artificial intelligence had a bit of an adjustment period. Kelsie was still learning too. "Alright, Missy. What do you think is the best course of action?"

<<"You should talk to her. Good relationships are formed through communication.">>

The young woman chuckled. "Alright, then. Missy, until further notice, your 'Inform' and 'Action' protocols take priority. I'm not going to be giving you orders, so all of the decisions you make are fully your own. Do what needs to be done."

<<"Very well Miss Sylvan.">>

Kelsie kept her eyes on the woman, and once the Pantoran was half way up the stairs Kelsie focused. Every ounce of training ingrained in her body settled. With catlike grace and speed the young woman slipped beside the elevated walkway, aiming her first step against a thick pipe that was bolted against the wall of the building running beside the walkway. She bounced from wall to wall, finishing in an easy roll over the walkway's railing. She'd never admit it, but it was harder than she'd thought -- still, she leaned easily against the railing as the blue-skinned woman walked into the view at the top of the stairs.

"Hey hon. Don't shoot, just wanted to talk," she said, flashing a disarming smile.

[member="Raven Ashe"]
Raven stopped just on the threshold between the stairs and the walkway. At the corner where Kelsie stood in wait. The Pantoran's eyes fell on the woman for a moment before they shifted enough to take in the surrounding area for signs others would join them. With the lack of any obvious indication of an ambush, and the failure of the presence to follow up the stairs, Raven assumed this was the one the creature spoke of. A woman that had managed to ascend by alternative means fast enough to beat her quarry to the top. No common person then.

I'll drain the life from her and we can move on.

She balled her right hand into a fist for a moment as Raven focused on informing the Dark Entity what she thought of its plan.

"Talk. But know I learned the extent of damage to my home," the Pantoran replied firmly. The City of Fire. Yes, the devastation of an Empire left to do whatever it wanted using whatever means humored it. Attempt to annihilate a planet because they could -- or because of a handful of thieves happened to be there. While it had freed the Living Darkness now within -- or allowed it to awaken by breaking a network of Force Bonds -- resulting in Raven's awakening to her own power, the very act of an assault on what had once been her home left the blue woman in a sour mood. But then Kelsie was already well aware of Raven's mood.

Tag: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]​
Tough cookie here, huh. Kelsie knew exactly what Raven was feeling, in more ways than one -- for a moment she could feel the Force telling her about the blue-skinned woman's pain, but in a flash that connection was once more lost to the wind. Reminded her of how much she missed the rather orderly days of the Empire, or even the more disorderly days of the rise of the New Republic. Her disarming smile didn't waver for a moment, though, and she shrugged off the comment about the destruction of her home and whatnot. Probably something about the recent attack on Pantora. Not that the Sith had been entirely successful about it. Missy quietly gave her a quick bit of information on the matter before Kelsie spoke again.

"Yeah. Tough, I get it. No sweat there, girl. I understand the whole deal. Is that why you were talking to the broker?" Honestly she was rather confused about that. Any good amount of Holonet research would bring up way too many articles about the attack. It suddenly occurred to Kelsie that she might be talking to a fish out of water such as herself, which made this conversation a fair bit more personal.

[member="Raven Ashe"]
"We spoke of personal matters. Family." Raven's eyes narrowed a hair. "I doubt it would be of interest to learn whether they lived or died. Nameless, faceless people of no real importance. The families had an obligation to one another. One now fulfilled in me being the only survivor." A smile spread across the Pantoran's lips that did not touch her eyes. "What interests you most about my visit?"

Tough. Tough, the woman said. Raven could show her how tough it was by letting the monster devour her from the inside out. She didn't know. No one knew. Not even her Master. Perhaps especially her Master. She believed he found it "interesting." He'd absolve her of it some day, perhaps. That was what he said. Did she believe him? Could she believe anyone? It spoke to her constantly. Whispered. Yelled. Roared. Kill. Kill. Kill. Some nights she lay awake wondering how it was she did not go mad. Or, perhaps, she already was.

What did this woman really want, though? Why was she interested in Raven's visit to the broker?

Tag: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]​
Well, now it was rather personal for another reason -- family. Kelsie hadn't known her birth parents, and then she'd lost the family she'd found all those years ago. Odd that this pseudo-interrogation made Kelsie empathize so much with the Pantoran. Her resolve wavered, and if she hadn't been wearing sunglasses the other woman might notice Kelsie's gaze soften, if only for a moment. Her voice betrayed nothing, though. "I can't say it's you I'm interested in. Was just wondering how much you got from the broker. Prices, whatnot."

She was actually a little proud of what she might be able to catch today -- a broker with the information on a family of nameless, faceless people? That would be invaluable. It also meant that this broker and his network would be well protected and well organized. She'd need to tread carefully to keep the operation working while quietly taking it over. But for now... focus on the conversation.

[member="Raven Ashe"]
Raven was silent for several seconds. Her golden gaze regarded the young-looking woman that had pursued the Pantoran all this way just to chat about the local information network. So that's how it was. She drew in a slow, deep breath as the darkness crept about the platform they stood upon. An urge to latch on to the inquisitive woman swelled up from some dark corner of her being. Damnable haunt.

"I don't make it my business to understand how a broker works, or if I'm even speaking to the actual broker. What I am certain of, however, is this game," Raven's chin fell slightly, "can get dangerous. I've seen people get caught between two rivals before. Most don't survive. So, we straight with me -- what's in this for me?" Was Kelsie a rival broker? A spook? Did it matter? Someone sticking their nose into an information broker's network had some very lofty agenda, which meant things could get heated fast. Not to mention Raven found this broker's network to be quite useful. If the intention was to dismantle it, the Pantoran had very little motivation to spoon feed the other woman information that would help.

Tag: [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]​

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