Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To find a Holocron.

Juthan breathed in and opened his eyes, he found himself standing in the always dark world of Dromund Kaas. He stepped forward and started through the jungle, his robes drenched by the cold, heavy, rainfall of the planet. His eyes shot from tree to tree, watching for anything or anyone that planned to obstruct his way. His mission was a simple one, and the creatures of the planet would be the only danger for now. That Mission was after all the simple retrieval of a holocron for his master and that is something that he could do with his eyes closed, hands tied behind him, and ears plugged.
The exterior of the Temple seemed... Stagnant. There was nothing stirring, nothing to worry about, it seemed as if it would be a simple matter of going in, claiming it and leaving once again. But looks were deceiving. As confident as he may seem now things were about to turn on their head inside the Temple, which rose high, wrapped with ivy and other vines, an imposing sight which rose from the swamp-land. In the distance a feline yelped, growling low in the darkness which was swiftly descending upon the planet.

[Try to make something a bit more substantive for your posts - or I'm going to severely struggle to write a response for you, since I'm basically just the environment. @[member="Juthan'Athar"] ]
Looked over the stagnant looking temple as he thought over the layout of what the temple might be. He let his senses reach out and search for any signs of hostility or danger in the immediate area, hearing the feline yelp as it grew darker. He started forward towards the tomb's entrance and went into its depths with his hands on his sabers. The damp air of the tomb filled his senses while the echo of his footsteps filled that damp air, his mind still reaching out to look for both sources of dark energy, the holocron itself or the dark beasts that are likely to fill the tomb and the shadows. His motions grew progressively more cautious the further he went into the tomb, his hand closing on the saber, his steps growing lighter and his breath getting slower.

@[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]

When he began to enter there was a chance he'd realise that it was a lot larger a structure than first anticipated. Inside the same stone which made up the exterior likewise flooded the interior, cracked and broken, raining down thick plumes of dust whenever the storm cracked outside, which was frequent given the volatile nature of Kaas' skies. The Holocron was nowhere in sight, nor would he be able to sense it through the Force yet, it was too far from him, deeply buried within the vast chambers housed within the Temple. Yet there were other things lurking within.

Here and there Alchemical creatures skurried, snapping at one another while finding some source of food. Upon picking up on the scent of another, however, their ears pricked up and pierced through the darkness. Many were blind, relying on their other senses to guide them, but others could see well and they had spotted Juthan. With a growl they began to close in on him, hides thick and tough. He had to make a decision; risk fighting them and being overwhelmed, or find a way to avoid them and pass on without incident.

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