Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To be as swift as a coursing river...

"Alright, master. I believe I can do this form easily, but..." Jarven looked down nervously and then looked back up. "I may get into it TOO much. I mean, I might go into berserker mode. Gank tempers can be notorious, even though I've been trained to rein it in."

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Zavzen sighed slightly as he thought through what his student had just told him. "I can not think of anything advice I could offer you to help with that beyond for you to keep continuing to work on that. Hmm." He trailed of as he drew his longer sword, Saviour, and began to spin it around in his hand. He winced slightly when the blade caught on a scar on the palm of his hand before getting an idea from the scar, or rather its location. "Do you have a medallion on you? A necklace or something similar?"
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Zavzen nodded at that. "Well, I won't ask that from you." He said before walking over to the side where he had left his cloak. Reaching into one of it's many inside pockets he withdrew a simple medallion. As he walked back over to Jarven he reached down to his sword and shallowly cut his palm, letting the blood flow over the medallion. When it was coated in his blood the Zabrak began to chant while channelling his will and the Force into his blood. "Dotacij sis medalis su tave midwan iv thriba. Dotacij sis medalis tave midwan prie tave Amygdala ir thzhol thmidwan. Dotacij tave siblokdi iv pyktis. Nu xuontai sis pro tave aukotis iv kraujas. Galez midwan kelias pro tave medalis, galez kraujas kelias pro tave medalis. Nu mazo xuontai."

When he was done the blood seemed to sink into the medallion. Panting, Zavzen reached out to hand the medallion to Jarven. "Anger is a product of electrical impulses in the Amygdala. This will limit the amout of electricity that can enter that area of the brain, as such, while you will still get angry, you won't loose control."
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Jarven stared dumfoundedly at the medallion as he took it. The Force can do this crap?...What the frell. Oh, well. If it doesn't work, it's his funeral. "Thank you, master." He took a couple paces back, turned, and held his sword at the ready. He then rushed forward and started slicing at the man. He attacked every inch of the man's body, occasionally spinning to hit him from the same direction twice. He kept up this onslaught for what seemed to be a long time. Surprisingly, Jarven didn't lose control once. It was because of this that he eventually came to a simple stop, being aware that his performance would only continue to decline and become increasingly ineffective.
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

As Jarven launched his flurry of attacks, Zavzen began to flow in between them, every now and then blocking or redirecting a strike. This continued until Jarven began to slow at which point Zavzen focussed on blocking only, coming to a stop at the same time as his student. The Zabrak could still feel a small amount of shock radiate from Jarven at the medallion and decided to explain. "Sith Sorcery, while it has its negative points, can be used for good and can, if done right, twist reality itself. A powerful skill, I'm sure you understand. It can even affect the mind and body, which is what I've done here. Also, you don't need to worry about negative consequences, I've already paid the price needed." He held up his now blood stained hand.

"Now, do you wish to continue your training with me teaching you the foundation of a more defensive style, or do you wish to end it here?"
"Very well then. Now from what you told me before I think a defensive style that would suit you would be Makashi, based on your endurance." Zavzen started to pace in front of [member="Jarven Zexxel"], as he tried to convert his knowledge into words. "Makashi focuses on foot work to outmanoeuvre an opponent, bare in mind that this style is suited to one on one combat mainly. The style also focuses on small, neat blade work to converse strength, only applying the minimum amount of force to redirect an attack, these movements are often described as smooth, flowing chaos.

"First, footwork. In Makashi footwork is important in both offence and defence, bringing you in close to attack, dodging attacks and retreating from or leading your opponent. The footwork is mainly focused in a line with you moving backwards and forwards, of course, you should not take this literally or it will leave you open to attack. Many practitioners of the form have often been described as dancing when fighting while a common tactic is to attack them retreat.

"Second, bladework. In Makashi the aim is to draw out the duel, wearing the opponent down with minimalistic blocks, causing them to lose energy and endurance as you preserve your own. To do this well you must train yourself to be able to anticipate where an attack will come from. Now, that is all defensive, there is a slight offensive side to Makashi. Precision and efficiency is encouraged in this style over power, as such most attacks are jabs and light cuts, to slowly wear down the opponent, instead of slashes and chops.

"However, this style, like every other one, has its weaknesses. The first I have already mentioned, it is most effective against single, not multiple, opponents. There is also the facts that: it's offensive side does not lead to victory unless the opponent has already been weakened and worn down and that this form focuses on blade combat, as such it's not much use against blasters unless you train extensively to over come that weakness. But its glaring weakness is that its unable to generate kinetic energy, this means that its unable to generate more power than your muscles can provide. As such forms such as Juyo, which, as I'e explained, focus on building kinetic energy could break through these defences if you try and block. The only way to stop this is to build your own strength or to simply not be there."

The Zabrak stopped his pacing and turned to face his student. "Any questions?"
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Zavzen chuckled at what Jarven said and bowed his head slightly. "Thank you for the complement. As for my knowledge, I have dedicated time to studying the lightsaber forms in detail so as to have knowledge on swordcombat outside of a berserker style I once used." Zavzen clapped his hands before smiling in a very feral manner. "Now, how do you want to train in the style I just described. Do you want to go away and train in your own time." Here is smile widened and became darker, his scars twisting, "Or do you want me to attack you in a constant and unrelenting storm of blades now?"

(OOC: The reason I have that knowledge from an OOC standpoint is that I'm fascinated by the Lightsaber Forms and have studied them intensively. I also had a refresher read through wookiepedia before I wrote the post.)

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